takePicture 方法在颤振中不起作用

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

创建用于人脸检测的应用程序。使用相机插件来捕获图片。以下是单击按钮时捕获图像的代码。 我想捕获图像并将其转换为InputImage 格式。并进行导航。转换代码不起作用。

floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
        onPressed: () async {
          await controller!.takePicture().then((value) async {
            // Convert the image to a file
            final File _capimg = File(value.path);
            final bytes = await _capimg.readAsBytes();
            final directory = await getTemporaryDirectory();
            final path = '${directory.path}/${DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch}.jpg';
            final file = File(path);
            await file.writeAsBytes(bytes);

            print('The captured image path is: ${_capimg.path}');

            setState(() {
              _imageFile = _capimg;
              _imagePath = path;
            final File convimg = File('path/to/image.jpg');
            if (!convimg.existsSync()) {
            // Convert the file to InputImage
            final inputImage = InputImage.fromFilePath(_imagePath);
            print('The input image is: ${inputImage.metadata?.size}');

        tooltip: 'Capture',
        child: Icon(Icons.camera_alt),


Future<void> processCameraImage( InputImage inputImage) async {
    if (_isCameraReady && !_detectingFaces) {
      try {
        setState(() {
          _detectingFaces = true;
        final faces = await _faceDetector.processImage(_inputImage);
        if (faces.isNotEmpty) {
          setState(() {
            _faces = faces;
      } catch (e) {
      } finally {
        setState(() {
          _detectingFaces = false;


The Flutter DevTools debugger and profiler on RMX3231 is available at:
W/Camera  (25390): The selected imageFormatGroup is not supported by Android. Defaulting to yuv420
I/Camera  (25390): startPreview
D/IMGGralloc(25390): InsertBlankEntry: SPRD_DATA_SPACE ui64Stamp:2486938,eYUVColorSpace:2, yuv_info:2
D/IMGGralloc(25390): Gralloc Register  w:1280, h:720, f:0x22, usage:0x20000106, ui64Stamp:2486938, sSize:1384448, line = 2335
D/IMGGralloc(25390): InsertBlankEntry: SPRD_DATA_SPACE ui64Stamp:2486942,eYUVColorSpace:2, yuv_info:2
D/IMGGralloc(25390): Gralloc Register  w:1280, h:720, f:0x22, usage:0x20000106, ui64Stamp:2486942, sSize:1384448, line = 2335
D/IMGGralloc(25390): InsertBlankEntry: SPRD_DATA_SPACE ui64Stamp:2486947,eYUVColorSpace:2, yuv_info:2
D/IMGGralloc(25390): Gralloc Register  w:1280, h:720, f:0x22, usage:0x20000106, ui64Stamp:2486947, sSize:1384448, line = 2335
D/ProfileInstaller(25390): Installing profile for com.example.flutterapp.facerecognition
D/IMGGralloc(25390): InsertBlankEntry: SPRD_DATA_SPACE ui64Stamp:2486955,eYUVColorSpace:2, yuv_info:2
D/IMGGralloc(25390): Gralloc Register  w:1280, h:720, f:0x22, usage:0x20000106, ui64Stamp:2486955, sSize:1384448, line = 2335
D/IMGGralloc(25390): Gralloc Register  w:720, h:1512, f:0x1, usage:0xb00, ui64Stamp:2486959, sSize:4378624, line = 2335
D/IMGGralloc(25390): Gralloc Register  w:720, h:1512, f:0x1, usage:0xb00, ui64Stamp:2486963, sSize:4378624, line = 2335
I/Camera  (25390): runPrecaptureSequence
I/Camera  (25390): refreshPreviewCaptureSession
D/CameraCaptureCallback(25390): CameraCaptureCallback | state: STATE_WAITING_PRECAPTURE_START | afState: 2 | aeState: 2
D/CameraCaptureCallback(25390): CameraCaptureCallback | state: STATE_WAITING_PRECAPTURE_DONE | afState: 2 | aeState: 2
I/Camera  (25390): captureStillPicture                               
D/Camera  (25390): Updating builder with feature: ExposureLockFeature
D/Camera  (25390): Updating builder with feature: ExposurePointFeature
D/Camera  (25390): Updating builder with feature: ZoomLevelFeature     
D/Camera  (25390): Updating builder with feature: AutoFocusFeature     
D/Camera  (25390): Updating builder with feature: NoiseReductionFeature
I/Camera  (25390): updateNoiseReduction | currentSetting: fast         
D/Camera  (25390): Updating builder with feature: FocusPointFeature    
D/Camera  (25390): Updating builder with feature: ResolutionFeature    
D/Camera  (25390): Updating builder with feature: SensorOrientationFeature
D/Camera  (25390): Updating builder with feature: FlashFeature
D/Camera  (25390): Updating builder with feature: ExposureOffsetFeature
D/Camera  (25390): Updating builder with feature: FpsRangeFeature
I/Camera  (25390): sending capture request
D/CameraCaptureCallback(25390): CameraCaptureCallback | state: STATE_CAPTURING | afState: 2 | aeState: 2
D/IMGGralloc(25390): Gralloc Register  w:1596606, h:1, f:0x21, usage:0x6, ui64Stamp:2486996, sSize:1597440, line = 2335
D/CameraCaptureCallback(25390): CameraCaptureCallback | state: STATE_CAPTURING | afState: 2 | aeState: 2
D/CameraCaptureCallback(25390): CameraCaptureCallback | state: STATE_CAPTURING | afState: 2 | aeState: 2
I/Camera  (25390): onImageAvailable
I/Camera  (25390): unlockAutoFocus
I/Camera  (25390): refreshPreviewCaptureSession
I/flutter (25390): The captured image path is: /data/user/0/com.example.flutterapp.facerecognition/cache/CAP4679855200037562703.jpg
E/flutter (25390): [ERROR:flutter/runtime/dart_vm_initializer.cc(41)] Unhandled Exception: PathNotFoundException: Cannot create file, path = 'path/to/image.jpg' 
(OS Error: No such file or directory, errno = 2)
E/flutter (25390): #0      _File.throwIfError (dart:io/file_impl.dart:675:7)
E/flutter (25390): #1      _File.createSync (dart:io/file_impl.dart:306:5)
E/flutter (25390): #2      _MyHomePageState.build.<anonymous closure>.<anonymous closure> (package:facerecognition/main.dart:142:23)
E/flutter (25390): <asynchronous suspension>
E/flutter (25390): #3      _MyHomePageState.build.<anonymous closure> (package:facerecognition/main.dart:125:11)
E/flutter (25390): <asynchronous suspension>
E/flutter (25390):
I/facerecognitio(25390): Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 84019(2578KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 49% free, 3386KB/6773KB, paused 180us total 71
I/Camera  (25390): runPrecaptureSequence
I/Camera  (25390): refreshPreviewCaptureSession
D/CameraCaptureCallback(25390): CameraCaptureCallback | state: STATE_WAITING_PRECAPTURE_START | afState: 2 | aeState: 2
D/CameraCaptureCallback(25390): CameraCaptureCallback | state: STATE_WAITING_PRECAPTURE_DONE | afState: 2 | aeState: 2
I/Camera  (25390): captureStillPicture
D/Camera  (25390): Updating builder with feature: ExposureLockFeature
D/Camera  (25390): Updating builder with feature: ExposurePointFeature
D/Camera  (25390): Updating builder with feature: ZoomLevelFeature
D/Camera  (25390): Updating builder with feature: AutoFocusFeature
D/Camera  (25390): Updating builder with feature: NoiseReductionFeature
I/Camera  (25390): updateNoiseReduction | currentSetting: fast
D/Camera  (25390): Updating builder with feature: FocusPointFeature
D/Camera  (25390): Updating builder with feature: ResolutionFeature
D/Camera  (25390): Updating builder with feature: SensorOrientationFeature
D/Camera  (25390): Updating builder with feature: FlashFeature
D/Camera  (25390): Updating builder with feature: ExposureOffsetFeature
D/Camera  (25390): Updating builder with feature: FpsRangeFeature
I/Camera  (25390): sending capture request
D/CameraCaptureCallback(25390): CameraCaptureCallback | state: STATE_CAPTURING | afState: 2 | aeState: 2
D/CameraCaptureCallback(25390): CameraCaptureCallback | state: STATE_CAPTURING | afState: 2 | aeState: 2
D/CameraCaptureCallback(25390): CameraCaptureCallback | state: STATE_CAPTURING | afState: 2 | aeState: 2
D/CameraCaptureCallback(25390): CameraCaptureCallback | state: STATE_CAPTURING | afState: 2 | aeState: 2
I/Camera  (25390): onImageAvailable
I/Camera  (25390): unlockAutoFocus
I/Camera  (25390): refreshPreviewCaptureSession
I/flutter (25390): The captured image path is: /data/user/0/com.example.flutterapp.facerecognition/cache/CAP8634855078985179270.jpg
E/flutter (25390): [ERROR:flutter/runtime/dart_vm_initializer.cc(41)] Unhandled Exception: PathNotFoundException: Cannot create file, path = 'path/to/image.jpg' 
(OS Error: No such file or directory, errno = 2)
E/flutter (25390): #0      _File.throwIfError (dart:io/file_impl.dart:675:7)
E/flutter (25390): #1      _File.createSync (dart:io/file_impl.dart:306:5)
E/flutter (25390): #2      _MyHomePageState.build.<anonymous closure>.<anonymous closure> (package:facerecognition/main.dart:142:23)
E/flutter (25390): <asynchronous suspension>
E/flutter (25390): #3      _MyHomePageState.build.<anonymous closure> (package:facerecognition/main.dart:125:11)
E/flutter (25390): <asynchronous suspension>
E/flutter (25390):
flutter dart face-detection imagepicker flutter-image-picker

错误显示“无法创建文件,路径 = 'path/to/image.jpg'”


final File convimg = File('path/to/image.jpg');


final File convimg = File('${directory.path}/${DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch}-converted.jpg');
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