execlp()在fork()之后无法正常工作>> [

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

#include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "cplist.h" #include <sys/time.h> #include <iostream> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <errno.h> struct timeval start, end; char *key; int launch_children(cplist *head){ pid_t cpid; double execution_times = 0; if(cpid = fork() < 0 ){ // Important to trap errors std::cerr << "ARGH I'm likely in trouble, get me out of here!" << std::endl; exit(1); // Important to exit on errors }else if (cpid == 0 ){ std::cout << "Child process "<< getpid() << ". Running grep on " << key << head->path << std::endl; execlp("prog2b", "prog2b", "grep", "-R", key, head->path, NULL); std::cerr << "Exec failed.. Why?" << std::endl; exit(1); // VERY IMPORTANT - DON'T LET CHILD KEEP RUNNING } else { // parent head->cpid = cpid; wait(NULL); std::cout << "Child "<< cpid << "has terminated in " << execution_times; } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ int i; int j = 0; cplist *head = (cplist*) malloc(sizeof(cplist)); head->path = NULL; head->next = NULL; if(strcmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0){ key = argv[2]; for(i = 3; i < argc; i++){ cpl_add(head, argv[i]); j++; } } else { key = argv[1]; for(i = 2; i < argc; i++){ cpl_add(head, argv[i]); j++; } } printf("key: %s\n", key); launch_children(head); return(0); }

我的程序应该从命令行中获取键和路径值,然后子进程应使用'grep''-r'执行execlp,并将值传递给我。我正在努力使exec正常工作正确地。我在手册页上花了很多时间,试图让高管们更好地了解他们并测试其他高管,但是我陷入了困境。 exec进程将无法运行。这是一个示例,说明它现在如何工作:

当我从命令行运行:./prog2b 5678 /hw1/02/时,我的输出是:

key: 5678 Child process 70788. Running grep on 5678 /hw1/02 Exec failed.. Why? key: 5678 Child process 70789. Running grep on 5678 /hw1/02 Exec failed.. Why?


key: 5678 Child process nnnnn. Running grep -R 5678 hw1/02 ../../hw1/02/nYyLimCI:5678 ../../hw1/02/ANFGmj97:5678 ../../hw1/02/oFrtX8Sy:5678 ../../hw1/02/UrYt9aBz:5678 ../../hw1/02/wE1AMVeh:5678 ../../hw1/02/F6TGJEiJ:5678 ../../hw1/02/v1HG6zmh:5678 ../../hw1/02/YyOSKcJG:5678 Child process nnnnn has terminated in a.bbbbbb seconds



c grep fork exec
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