FileNet 域创建成功,但登录 FileNet ACCE 后仍然找不到目录配置

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问题: FileNet 域创建成功,但通过默认管理员帐户登录 FileNet ACCE 后仍然无法找到目录配置。该管理员帐户是在 FNCPE 部署阶段创建/使用的。

错误堆栈跟踪: 从 FileNet ACCE 创建目录配置时出现以下错误,在 OpenShift 上更新 FileNet Content Manager 的 SSL 设置 {“@timestamp”:“2024-02-15T14:00:47.383Z”,“@metadata”:{“beat”:“filebeat”,“type”:“_doc”,“version”:“7.17.3” },“日志”:{“偏移”:163781,“文件”:{“路径”:“/opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/logs/fncmdeploy-cpe-deploy-555f89b445-vfqnm/messages。日志"}},"输入":{"类型":"日志"},"日志类型":"应用程序","app_id":"CPE_5511_000","ecs":{"版本":"1.12.0 "},"主机":{"名称":"fncmdeploy-cpe-deploy-555f89b445-vfqnm"},"代理":{"类型":"filebeat","版本":"7.17.3","主机名":"fncmdeploy-cpe-deploy-555f89b445-vfqnm","ephemeral_id":"6a38ce91-d03e-429a-9ef8-b74ee643dead","id":"fbf3137a-8283-4da9-8b34-c5be76ec3164","名称": "fncmdeploy-cpe-deploy-555f89b445-vfqnm"},"消息":"[2/15/24, 14:00:41:722 UTC] 0000013c        E CWPKI0824E: SSL握手失败:连接到主机 [] 时出现主机名验证错误。用于访问服务器的主机名与服务器证书的主题 DN 或主题备用名称信息不匹配。SSL 握手异常的扩展错误消息为:[未找到与 IP 地址 匹配的主题备用名称]。"}

AWS OpenShift ROSA POC 工作正在进行中。至此,以下活动已完成

• OpenShift 集群创建 • PostGreSQL 数据库设置、S3 存储 • 堡垒服务器设置 • 通过 Bastion Server 从组织到 OpenShift Cluster 的连接 • OpenShift Cluster 上的 FileNet 软件 (FNCPE) 部署 • FileNet 域创建(以及组织本地 MS AD 连接)

例外是让 FileNet 运行并执行所有文档操作。

amazon-web-services containers openshift filenet

要修复 OpenShift 上 FileNet 中由于主机名验证错误而导致的 SSL 握手失败:

1.  Check and Update SSL Certificate: Ensure the SSL certificate includes Subject Alternative Name (SAN) entries for all hostnames and IP addresses used to access the server. If not, generate a new certificate with the correct SAN entries.
2.  Configure FileNet and OpenShift: Apply the updated SSL certificate to your FileNet deployment and OpenShift Router or Ingress Controller as needed.
3.  Review Network Configurations: Verify that network policies and security settings allow proper connectivity and do not interfere with SSL traffic.
4.  Test the Connection: After updating the certificate, test connectivity to ensure the SSL handshake error is resolved.
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