ld64 segprot 在 MacOS Catalina 上不能工作?

问题描述 投票:1回答:1

我想在MacOS Catalina(64位)上创建一个二进制文件,其中的数据段可以被执行(见 此处 了解详情),但从一开始就无法执行。


gcc -nostdlib -segprot __DATA rwx rw- .... 


$ ld -v
@(#)PROGRAM:ld  PROJECT:ld64-530
BUILD 18:57:17 Dec 13 2019
configured to support archs: armv6 armv7 armv7s arm64 arm64e arm64_32 i386 x86_64 x86_64h armv6m armv7k armv7m armv7em
LTO support using: LLVM version 11.0.0, (clang-1100.0.33.17) (static support for 23, runtime is 23)
TAPI support using: Apple TAPI version 11.0.0 (tapi-1100.0.11)


然而,我注意到 __DATA 段的初始和最大权限都是 RW。

$ otool -l jonesforth
Load command 2
      cmd LC_SEGMENT_64
  cmdsize 312
  segname __DATA
   vmaddr 0x0000000100001000
   vmsize 0x0000000000024000
  fileoff 4096
 filesize 4096
  maxprot 0x00000003
 initprot 0x00000003
   nsects 3
    flags 0x0

我是不是漏掉了什么?在darwin文档中 此处 说。

-segprot name max init (32-bit only)

              Specifies the maximum and initial virtual memory  protection  of
              the  named segment, name, to be max and init ,respectively.  The
              values for max and init are any combination  of  the  characters
              `r'  (for  read), `w' (for write), `x' (for execute) and '-' (no
              access).  The default is `rwx' for the  maximum  protection  for
              all segments for PowerPC architecures and `rw` for the all Intel
              architecures.  The default for the initial  protection  for  all
              segments  is  `rw'  unless  the segment contains a section which
              contains some machine instructions, in which  case  the  default
              for  the initial protection is `rwx' (and for Intel architecures
              it also sets the maximum protection to `rwx' in this case).  The
              default for the initial protection for the ``__TEXT'' segment is
              `rx' (not writable).

当然,这是darwin(仅32位)的文档,但这是我唯一找到的东西. 我怀疑要么是gcc不 "正确 "支持darwin保护语法,要么是它坏了,要么是darwin的东西从x86改成x64了。


64-bit ld macos-catalina darwin


苹果公司 承诺 这使得 ld 总是为非 i386 架构设置 maxprot = initprot,所以包括 x64,即 Catalina。目前还不清楚这是否是有意为之,它与 ld 的手册不一致。


另一个变通方法是,感谢来自 Darfink: 人们也可以在ld运行后改变链接器或修改所需的maxprot。Darfink指出,他的 ld64包装器,一个python脚本。,以实现自动化。

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