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public abstract class BaseTest implements ITest, V3RestApi, V2Api {

private boolean isMobileAppLaunched = false;

public void afterMainMethod(ITestResult result) {
        try {
            if (result.getStatus() == ITestResult.FAILURE) {


            if (isMobileAppLaunched) {
        } catch (Exception e) {

private void captureScreenshot(ITestResult result) {
        try {
            String screenshotName;
            File screenshot;
            screenshotName = Utilities.getFileName(result.getName());
            screenshot = ((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
            this.attachScreenShotWithReport(screenshotName, screenshot, result);

            if (isMobileAppLaunched) {
                screenshotName = Utilities.getFileName(result.getName());
                screenshot = ((TakesScreenshot) appiumDriver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
                this.attachScreenShotWithReport(screenshotName, screenshot, result);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.warn("Screenshot could not be captured for " + result.getName());

public void launchMobileApplication(MobileType mobileApplicationType) throws Exception {
        this.isMobileAppLaunched = true;

public class AndroidTestCase extends BaseTest {

@Test(description = "Test description"})
public void testCaseOnAndroid() throws Exception {

    reportLog("Login into the application as User Name");
    //login action to website;

    reportLog("Click on Hamburger Menu");
    //click action on the website;

    reportLog("Activate to recognize the mobile"));
    //action on site to recognize the mobile;

    reportLog("Mobile: Launch Mobile Application");
    //launch the mobile;

    reportLog("Mobile: Login into the Mobile application as User Name");
    //action to login;

    reportLog("Mobile: Click on tab");
    //action on Mobile;
java selenium automated-tests testng appium


public abstract class BaseTest {

     * Defines the type of a reported action.
    public enum ReportedActionType {

    private final ConcurrentHashMap<Thread, ReportedActionType> lastReportedActionCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    public void afterTestCase(final ITestResult testResult) {
        final Thread currentThread = currentThread();
        final String testCaseName = testResult.getName();

        if (testResult.getStatus() == FAILURE) {
            final ReportedActionType lastReportedActionType = this.lastReportedActionCache.get(currentThread); // could be 'null'

            try {
                if (lastReportedActionType == MOBILE) {
                    // todo: quit the mobile driver (close Appium session)
                } else {
                    // todo: quit the web driver (Selenium)

            } catch (final Exception exception) {

        // irrespective of the state of the test result (success or failure), we need to make sure that we
        // remove the cached information, otherwise the cache can get really
        // large and this could lead to out of memory problems (we could potentially consider
        // using a more sophisticated cache implementation of a 3rd-party library
        // that supports time-based eviction, so that even if we forget to remove the
        // cached information manually, it gets removed automatically after a fixed amount of time - e.g., 5-10 seconds)

    private void captureEmulatedMobileDevice() {
        // todo: call the appropriate driver to capture a screenshot of the emulated device

    private void captureBrowserWindow() {
        // todo: call the appropriate driver to capture a screenshot of the browser window

    public void reportLog(final String message) {
        // log the message (to console, to a file, etc.)

        // the assumption is that the actions within a test case are executed within the same
        // thread the test case itself is executed in; as long as this assumption holds, we can cache
        // the needed information and fetch it later to perform the needed checks

    private ReportedActionType getActionType(final String reportLogMessage) {
        return reportLogMessage.toLowerCase()
                               .startsWith("mobile:") ? MOBILE : WEB;


public abstract class BaseTest {

     * Defines the type of a reported action.
    public enum ActionType {

     * The name of the method in the stack trace after which we should stop guessing. Methods called after this method
     * are irrelevant for the guessing algorithm.
    private static final String STOP_GUESSING_METHOD_NAME = "invoke0";

    private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, ActionType> lastReportedActionCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    public void afterTestCase(final ITestResult testResult) {
        final String testCaseName = testResult.getName();

        if (testResult.getStatus() == FAILURE) {
            final ActionType lastReportedActionType = this.lastReportedActionCache.get(testCaseName); // could be 'null'

            try {
                if (lastReportedActionType == MOBILE) {
                    // todo: quit the mobile driver (close Appium session)
                } else {
                    // todo: quit the web driver (Selenium)
            } catch (final Exception exception) {

        // irrespective of the state of the test result (success or failure), we need to make sure that we
        // remove the cached information, otherwise the cache can get really
        // large and this could lead to out of memory problems (we could potentially consider
        // using a more sophisticated cache implementation of a 3rd-party library
        // that supports time-based eviction, so that even if we forget to remove the
        // cached information manually, it gets removed automatically after a fixed amount of time - e.g., 5-10 seconds)

    private void captureEmulatedMobileDevice() {
        // todo: call the appropriate driver to capture a screenshot of the emulated device

    private void captureBrowserWindow() {
        // todo: call the appropriate driver to capture a screenshot of the browser window

    public void reportLog(final String message) {
        // log the message (to console, to a file, etc.)

        // attempt to guess the test case name and store the performed action type; if we can't
        // guess the test case name, then we don't store anything and in case an exception occurs, we simply
        // treat as if it was a "WEB" action later in the code (cause that's the best we can do)
        guessTestCaseName().ifPresent(testCaseName -> this.lastReportedActionCache.put(testCaseName,

    private Optional<String> guessTestCaseName() {
        final StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = currentThread().getStackTrace();

        for (int i = 0; i < stackTrace.length; i++) {
            final StackTraceElement stackTraceElement = stackTrace[i];

            // the assumption is that the method invoked right before "invoke0" was the test method itself
            if (STOP_GUESSING_METHOD_NAME.equals(stackTraceElement.getMethodName())) {
                final String testCaseName = stackTrace[i - 1].getMethodName();
                return of(testCaseName);

        // we could not guess the test case name
        return empty();

    private ActionType guessActionType(final String reportLogMessage) {
        return reportLogMessage.toLowerCase()
                               .startsWith("mobile:") ? MOBILE : WEB;

上面的“猜测测试用例方法的名称”方法,有一些明显的缺点,而且很hacky。它取决于太多的假设,甚至取决于JVM和TestNG的内部工作原理(是的,我在找您... invoke0)...在以后的版本中可能会发生更改。

话虽这么说,但这些是我能想到的最少侵入性的解决方案(黑客)。一个更合适的解决方案很可能需要更改成百上千的测试(这很可能是不希望的)。理想情况下,应该更恰当地对测试用例步骤(动作)进行建模,并且不仅在我们的想象中以reportLog方法调用分隔的“事物”存在。 Java毕竟是一种OOP语言。

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