如何让 Discord 机器人运行自己创建的斜杠命令

问题描述 投票:0回答:2

我目前正在寻找解决我的问题的方法: 我想知道是否可以让 Discord 机器人运行由同一个 Discord 机器人创建的斜杠命令。


import discord
from discord import app_commands 

class aclient(discord.Client):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__(intents = discord.Intents.all())
        self.synced = False #we use this so the bot doesn't sync commands more than once

    async def on_ready(self):
        await self.wait_until_ready()
        if not self.synced: #check if slash commands have been synced 
            await tree.sync(guild = discord.Object(id=1204091669943816213)) #guild specific: leave blank if global (global registration can take 1-24 hours)
            self.synced = True
        channel_id = 1204102053064871946  # Channel ID to clear messages
        channel = self.get_channel(channel_id)
        if channel:
            await channel.purge(limit=1)  # Delete all messages in the channel
            user = client.get_user(int(716235295032344596))
        print(f"We have logged in as {self.user}.")

class button_view(discord.ui.View):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
    @discord.ui.button(label = "Verify", style = discord.ButtonStyle.green, custom_id = "role_button")
    async def verify(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, button: discord.ui.Button):
        client.role = interaction.guild.get_role(1204110443258318928)
        if client.role not in interaction.user.roles:
            await interaction.user.add_roles(client.role)
            await interaction.response.send_message(f"I have given you {client.role.mention}!", ephemeral = True)

            with open("verified.txt", "w") as file:
                file.write(str(interaction.user.id) + "\n")

        else: await interaction.response.send_message(f"You already have {client.role.mention}!", ephemeral = True)

client = aclient()
tree = app_commands.CommandTree(client)

@tree.command(guild = discord.Object(id=1204091669943816213), name='rules', description='Rules')
async def rules(interaction: discord.Interaction):
    role_id = 1205862534280642640 
    role = discord.utils.get(interaction.guild.roles, id=role_id)
    if role in interaction.user.roles:
        embed2=discord.Embed(title="📜 Rules 📜", description=''' 
        **§1 -** __Be respectful__: Treat others with kindness and respect. Harassment, hate speech, or any form of discrimination will not be tolerated.\n
        **§2 -** __Keep discussions civil__: Debates and discussions are encouraged, but avoid personal attacks or insults. Disagreements should be handled respectfully.\n
        **§3 -** __No spam or self-promotion__: Avoid flooding the chat with unnecessary messages or advertisements.\n
        **§4 -** __Use appropriate content__: Keep conversations and content appropriate for all ages. NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content is strictly prohibited.\n
        **§5 -** __No trolling__: Do not engage in trolling, flaming, or intentionally disrupting the server environment. This includes excessive use of emojis or CAPS LOCK.\n
        **§6 -** __Follow Discord's Terms of Service and Community Guidelines__: Make sure all activities within the server comply with Discord's terms and guidelines.\n
        **§7 -** __Respect server staff__: Follow the instructions of moderators and administrators. Disrespect towards server staff will not be tolerated.\n
        **§8 -** __Use channels appropriately__: Post content in relevant channels and avoid off-topic discussions. If unsure, ask a staff member for guidance.\n
        **§9 -** __Report violations__: If you encounter any violations of the rules or Discord's guidelines, report them to the server staff.
        ''', color=discord.Colour.blue())
        await interaction.response.send_message(embed=embed2, view = button_view())
        await interaction.response.send_message("You don't have permission to execute this command.", ephemeral=True)


在 on_ready 函数中,我希望机器人在

if channel:

python discord bots

我想知道是否可以让 Discord 机器人运行由同一个 Discord 机器人创建的 Slash 命令。




if channel
if channel



def getRulesEmbed():
        embed2=discord.Embed(title="📜 Rules 📜", description=''' 
        **§1 -** __Be respectful__: Treat others with kindness and respect. Harassment, hate speech, or any form of discrimination will not be tolerated.\n
        **§2 -** __Keep discussions civil__: Debates and discussions are encouraged, but avoid personal attacks or insults. Disagreements should be handled respectfully.\n
        **§3 -** __No spam or self-promotion__: Avoid flooding the chat with unnecessary messages or advertisements.\n
        **§4 -** __Use appropriate content__: Keep conversations and content appropriate for all ages. NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content is strictly prohibited.\n
        **§5 -** __No trolling__: Do not engage in trolling, flaming, or intentionally disrupting the server environment. This includes excessive use of emojis or CAPS LOCK.\n
        **§6 -** __Follow Discord's Terms of Service and Community Guidelines__: Make sure all activities within the server comply with Discord's terms and guidelines.\n
        **§7 -** __Respect server staff__: Follow the instructions of moderators and administrators. Disrespect towards server staff will not be tolerated.\n
        **§8 -** __Use channels appropriately__: Post content in relevant channels and avoid off-topic discussions. If unsure, ask a staff member for guidance.\n
        **§9 -** __Report violations__: If you encounter any violations of the rules or Discord's guidelines, report them to the server staff.
        ''', color=discord.Colour.blue())
        return embed2

然后你可以获取规则并将其发送到 if 语句中。

rules = getRulesEmbed()


我的主要问题是,在机器人重新启动后,我的交互按钮“验证”不再起作用,而在本指南之后应该如此: https://guide.pycord.dev/interactions/ui-components/buttons

编辑: 我知道机器人已通过按钮发送嵌入,但我仍然有疑问为什么机器人重新启动后按钮不再起作用。

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