
问题描述 投票:0回答:2

我正在绘制矩阵的特征值,因为我使用从0到10的线性间隔向量来更改矩阵内部的值。我想做的是使用颜色条来跟踪for循环的数量继续。也就是说,我希望当i = 1时颜色条为红色,并且将点绘制为红色,而当我= length(K)时,我希望颜色条为绿色,并绘制点。是绿色的。有没有办法做到这一点?我看过有关colorbar的帮助文档,但无法理解它的正面或反面。

matlab plot colorbar



% generate some example data, probably you'd do this in the loop. N = 100; eig_vals = rand(1,N) + 2*sin((1:N)*pi/20); % make colormap from red to green. red = [1, 0, 0]; green = [0, 1, 0]; cmap = interp1([1, N], [red; green], 1:N); cmap_nan = NaN(N, 3); % some colormap with NaNs as placeholder. % Initialize the figure. I chose to use two subplots, one for the data, % one for the progressbar. The data subplot spans 4 horizontal subplot % 'positions', and the progressbar is plotted in the 5th subplot. figure(1); clf; ax(1) = subplot(1,5,1:4); % initialize a scatter object. s = scatter(1:N, zeros(N, 1), [], cmap_nan, 'filled'); % and set the axis limits to the range you expect ax(1).XLim = [0 N]; ax(1).YLim = [min(eig_vals), max(eig_vals)]; % second subplot for the progressbar. Initially, I make N area plots, and % set the FaceColors to white. ax(2) = subplot(1,5,5); a = area([1 2]+N, ones(2,N)/N, 'FaceColor', 'w', 'LineStyle', 'none'); % remove ticks and set YLim. ax(2).XTick = []; ax(2).YTick = []; ax(2).YLim = [0 1]; % loop over data, or calculate data in the loop. for k = 1:N % code to calculate stuff? % ... % add the new data point in the scatterplot s.YData(k) = eig_vals(k); % set the color of the datapoint s.CData(k, :) = cmap(k, :); % and set the color of the appropriate face in the progressbar a(k).FaceColor = cmap(k,:); % update the figure: drawnow end % That's it.



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