多个书签和表单域从 Excel 替换为 Word 不再工作

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

前段时间,我用vba创建了这个宏,它在Office 2003中运行得很好。只要你不修改Word文件,它仍然可以在Office 2021中运行。如果我更改它,它就无法再看到要替换的书签。微软 Office 之谜。需要强调的是,我必须更换多个(100 个或更多)书签。


Sub MA01()
' MA01 Macro
' Macro registrata il 18/12/2015 da Esterni

    Sheets("Lineare").Select 'go to a specific excel sheet where are the imputs

' get all the imputs from the cell (true or false value) to check or uncheck a specific formfield 
Cross01 = Range("C669").Value  ' get first value to check or uncheck a specific formfield after
Cross02 = Range("C668").Value  ' get second value to check or uncheck a specific formfield after
'continue and so on

' get all the imputs from the cell to replace after a specific bookmark 
Stringa001 = Range("C650").Value  'get first value to replace after a specific bookmark 
Stringa002 = Range("C28").Value  'get second value to replace after a specific bookmark
'continue and so on

' open a specific file word  to make the change after

Const sFILENAME As String = "C:\test\test.doc" ' file name here
Set wrdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
wrdApp.Visible = True
Set wrdDoc = wrdApp.Documents.Open(sFILENAME)
With wrdDoc

' check or uncheck a specific formfield 
.FormFields("Controllo01").CheckBox.Value = Cross01
.FormFields("Controllo02").CheckBox.Value = Cross02
'continue and so on

' replace a specific Bookmark
.Bookmarks("X001").Range.Text = Stringa001
.Bookmarks("X002").Range.Text = Stringa002
'continue and so on

' go to a spefific sheet of excel and into a specific cell
    Sheets("Ins Dati").Select
End With
MsgBox ("OK !!!! Document created")
End Sub
excel vba ms-word bookmarks form-fields

我发现我插入的书签在新版本中无法被VBA识别。 我使用了旧书签,但由于未知原因,VBA 在最新版本的 Office 中看不到它们。

为了确保在最新版本的 Office 中识别书签,您需要从下拉菜单插入 - 书签 (ICON) 中插入书签,然后添加书签, VBA 可以看到该书签,而通过下拉菜单开发遗留模块(图标)插入的其他书签则不起作用。

新版office对我来说是个大BUG。 (我花了很多时间试图弄清楚到底发生了什么)感谢 MS 让我的生活变得复杂。

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