
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在使用 geopandas,为了简化问题,我有一个可能包含很多行的地理数据框。这些行代表在 epsg:4326 投影中投影在地面上的正方形,并且可以代表特定区域的网格。

所有方块都具有相同的大小,我想根据特定的输入值将它们按 4 × 4 或 9 × 9 分组。


import shapely
import geopandas as gpd

a0 = shapely.geometry.Point([0, 0]).buffer(0.5, cap_style = 'square')
a1 = shapely.affinity.translate(a0, xoff=1)
a2 = shapely.affinity.translate(a0, xoff=2)
a3 = shapely.affinity.translate(a0, xoff=3)
a4 = shapely.affinity.translate(a0, xoff=4)

b0 = shapely.affinity.translate(a0, yoff=1)
b1 = shapely.affinity.translate(b0, xoff=1)
b2 = shapely.affinity.translate(b0, xoff=2)
b3 = shapely.affinity.translate(b0, xoff=3)
b4 = shapely.affinity.translate(b0, xoff=4)

c0 = shapely.affinity.translate(b0, yoff=1)
c1 = shapely.affinity.translate(c0, xoff=1)
c2 = shapely.affinity.translate(c0, xoff=2)
c3 = shapely.affinity.translate(c0, xoff=3)

liste_geo = [a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, c0, c1, c2, c3]
column = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4]
row = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2]

gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'column' : column, 'row' : row, 'geometry' : liste_geo}, 
                       crs = 'epsg:4326', 
                       index = range(len(liste_geo)))

gdf.plot(facecolor = 'none')

我的网格由 gdf 变量表示,我得到了具有特定大小的正方形。如果我的输入变量是 2,我想将 4 个正方形分组为红色。在这个示例中,我将获得一个包含 7 个新正方形的地理数据框。如果我的输入变量是 3,我将得到 2 个新方块的 gdf,右侧的 2 个将丢失。



我制作了第一个版本的函数来解决这个问题,但是使用大型 gdf(~ 100k 行)进行计算太长了


def define_spot_grid(gdf_base_grid, size_base, size_swath):
    gdf_base_grid : our initial grid
    size_base     : size of the initial square
    size_swath    : size of our bigger square

    rapport = size_swath/size_base
    unique_column = gdf_base_grid['column'].unique()
    unique_row = gdf_base_grid['row'].unique()
    liste_bigger_spot = []
    for k, v in gdf_base_grid.sort_values(by = ['row', 'column']).iterrows():
        # actually for every square i have a row and column information
        current_row, current_column = v['row'], v['column']
        bound_row, bound_column = v['row'] + rapport - 1, v['column'] + rapport - 1
        spot_bl = gdf_base_grid[(gdf_base_grid['row'] == current_row) & (gdf_base_grid['column'] == current_column)]
        spot_tl = gdf_base_grid[(gdf_base_grid['row'] == bound_row) & (gdf_base_grid['column'] == current_column)]
        spot_tr = gdf_base_grid[(gdf_base_grid['row'] == bound_row) & (gdf_base_grid['column'] == bound_column)]
        spot_br = gdf_base_grid[(gdf_base_grid['row'] == current_row) & (gdf_base_grid['column'] == bound_column)]
        # checking if all these squares exist
        if (not spot_bl.empty) and (not spot_tl.empty) and (not spot_tr.empty) and (not spot_br.empty):
            point_bl = spot_bl.unary_union.centroid
            point_tl = spot_tl.unary_union.centroid
            point_tr = spot_tr.unary_union.centroid
            point_br = spot_br.unary_union.centroid
            # we define a spot with 4 points
            bigger_spot = shapely.geometry.Polygon([point_bl, point_tl, point_tr, point_br])
            gdf_bigger_spot = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry' : bigger_spot}, crs = 'epsg:4326', index = [0])
            # we check how many spot our bigger spot intersects using a spatial join
            sjoin = gpd.sjoin(gdf_bigger_spot, gdf_base_grid, how = 'right', predicate = 'intersects').dropna()
            # example : if rapport = 3 we need to get 9 squares, if it is less we do not keep
            if len(sjoin) == rapport**2:
    gdf_bigger = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry' : liste_bigger_spot}, crs = 'epsg:4326', index = range(len(liste_bigger_spot)))
    return gdf_bigger
python geopandas shapely

在 python 中循环大型数据帧往往很慢。如果每个循环中都涉及 sjoin 这样的空间操作,这种效果往往会变得更糟。



from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import shapely
import geopandas as gpd

# Init parameters
size_base = 1
rapport = 2

# Create base grid
a0 = shapely.geometry.Point([0, 0]).buffer(size_base / 2, cap_style="square")
a1 = shapely.affinity.translate(a0, xoff=1)
a2 = shapely.affinity.translate(a0, xoff=2)
a3 = shapely.affinity.translate(a0, xoff=3)
a4 = shapely.affinity.translate(a0, xoff=4)

b0 = shapely.affinity.translate(a0, yoff=1)
b1 = shapely.affinity.translate(b0, xoff=1)
b2 = shapely.affinity.translate(b0, xoff=2)
b3 = shapely.affinity.translate(b0, xoff=3)
b4 = shapely.affinity.translate(b0, xoff=4)

c0 = shapely.affinity.translate(b0, yoff=1)
c1 = shapely.affinity.translate(c0, xoff=1)
c2 = shapely.affinity.translate(c0, xoff=2)
c3 = shapely.affinity.translate(c0, xoff=3)

liste_geo = [a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, c0, c1, c2, c3]
column = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4]
row = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2]

base_grid_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
    {"column": column, "row": row, "geometry": liste_geo},

# Create grid with bigger spots, covering the bounds of the base grid
size_swath = size_base * rapport
bounds = base_grid_gdf.total_bounds

bigger_spots = []
for xmin in np.arange(bounds[0], bounds[2], size_swath):
    for ymin in np.arange(bounds[1], bounds[3], size_swath):
            shapely.geometry.box(xmin, ymin, xmin + size_swath, ymin + size_swath)
bigger_spots_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=bigger_spots, crs=base_grid_gdf.crs)

# Check how many small spots our bigger spots intersect
# Join with centroids of base grid to avoid spots that only touch being counted
base_grid_centroid_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
    geometry=base_grid_gdf.centroid, crs=base_grid_gdf.crs
sjoin_gdf = bigger_spots_gdf.sjoin(
    base_grid_centroid_gdf, how="inner", predicate="intersects"
number_small_in_bigger_df = sjoin_gdf[["index_right"]].groupby(level=0).count()

# Only keep the bigger spots that have the minimum needed number small ones in them
indices_to_keep = number_small_in_bigger_df[
    number_small_in_bigger_df.index_right >= rapport**2
bigger_gdf = bigger_spots_gdf.loc[indices_to_keep]

# Plot result
f, ax = plt.subplots()
base_grid_gdf.plot(ax=ax, facecolor="none")
bigger_gdf.plot(ax=ax, facecolor="none", edgecolor="red", linewidth=2)


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