旋转我的 Model3D 对象会改变其缩放方式,使用户感到困惑

问题描述 投票:0回答:1




    private void ApplyScalingAndRotation(Model3D model, double width, double height, double depth, double xRot, double yRot, double zRot)
        // Retrieve the bounds of the model
        var bounds = model.Bounds;

        // Calculate the center point of the model
        var modelCenter = new Point3D(
            bounds.X + bounds.SizeX / 2,
            bounds.Y + bounds.SizeY / 2,
            bounds.Z + bounds.SizeZ / 2

        // Original dimensions of the model
        double originalWidth = bounds.SizeX;
        double originalHeight = bounds.SizeY;
        double originalDepth = bounds.SizeZ;

        // Calculate scaling factors for each dimension
        double widthScaleFactor = width / originalWidth;
        double heightScaleFactor = height / originalHeight;
        double depthScaleFactor = depth / originalDepth;

        // Create a scale transformation without any rotation
        ScaleTransform3D scaleTransform = new ScaleTransform3D(
            widthScaleFactor, heightScaleFactor, depthScaleFactor,
            modelCenter.X, modelCenter.Y, modelCenter.Z

        // Convert degrees to radians for rotation
        double rotationXDegrees = xRot;
        double rotationYDegrees = yRot;
        double rotationZDegrees = zRot;

        // Create rotation transformations
        RotateTransform3D rotateXTransform = new RotateTransform3D(new AxisAngleRotation3D(new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D(1, 0, 0), rotationXDegrees));
        RotateTransform3D rotateYTransform = new RotateTransform3D(new AxisAngleRotation3D(new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D(0, 1, 0), rotationYDegrees));
        RotateTransform3D rotateZTransform = new RotateTransform3D(new AxisAngleRotation3D(new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D(0, 0, 1), rotationZDegrees));

        // Combine the rotation transformations into one Transform3DGroup
        Transform3DGroup rotationGroup = new Transform3DGroup();

        // Combine the scale and rotation transformations into one Transform3DGroup
        Transform3DGroup combinedTransform = new Transform3DGroup();

        // Apply the combined transformation to the model
        model.Transform = combinedTransform;

c# wpf 3d

我最终用我想要与另一个 Model3DGroup 旋转的模型包裹每个模型并旋转它。这解决了我的问题。

    private void ApplyScalingAndRotation(Model3D model, double width, double height, double depth, double xRot, double yRot, double zRot)
        var model3DGroup = new Model3DGroup();

        //This should hopefully make it start in the back left corner
        TranslateTransform3D translation = new TranslateTransform3D(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5);

        // Apply the new translation transformation to the model
        model3DGroup.Transform = translation;


        // Retrieve the bounds of the model
        var bounds = model3DGroup.Bounds;

        //Calculate the center point of the model
        var modelCenter = new Point3D(
            bounds.X + bounds.SizeX / 2,
            bounds.Y + bounds.SizeY / 2,
            bounds.Z + bounds.SizeZ / 2

        // Original dimensions of the model
        double originalWidth = bounds.SizeX;
        double originalHeight = bounds.SizeY;
        double originalDepth = bounds.SizeZ;

        // Calculate scaling factors for each dimension
        double widthScaleFactor = width / originalWidth;
        double heightScaleFactor = height / originalHeight;
        double depthScaleFactor = depth / originalDepth;

        // Create a scale transformation without any rotation
        ScaleTransform3D scaleTransform = new ScaleTransform3D(
            widthScaleFactor, heightScaleFactor, depthScaleFactor,
            modelCenter.X, modelCenter.Y, modelCenter.Z

        // Create rotation transformations
        RotateTransform3D rotateXTransform = new RotateTransform3D(new AxisAngleRotation3D(new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D(1, 0, 0), xRot));
        RotateTransform3D rotateYTransform = new RotateTransform3D(new AxisAngleRotation3D(new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D(0, 1, 0), yRot));
        RotateTransform3D rotateZTransform = new RotateTransform3D(new AxisAngleRotation3D(new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D(0, 0, 1), zRot));

        // Combine the rotation transformations into one Transform3DGroup
        Transform3DGroup rotationGroup = new Transform3DGroup();

        // Combine the scale and rotation transformations into one Transform3DGroup
        Transform3DGroup combinedTransform = new Transform3DGroup();

        // Apply the combined transformation to the model
        model3DGroup.Transform = combinedTransform;

        ContentVisual.Content = model3DGroup;

        //So it is a model 3d group

        //Change camera not sure we need this.

        bounds = model.Bounds;

        modelCenter = new Point3D(bounds.X + bounds.SizeX / 2,
            bounds.Y + bounds.SizeY / 2,
            bounds.Z + bounds.SizeZ / 2);

        var modelSize = Math.Sqrt(bounds.SizeX * bounds.SizeX +
                                  bounds.SizeY * bounds.SizeY +
                                  bounds.SizeZ * bounds.SizeZ);

        Camera1.TargetPosition = modelCenter;
        Camera1.Distance = modelSize * 2;

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