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我正在尝试使用Bootstrap创建更漂亮的界面来上传视频文件,而不是p5js的“ createFileInput()”函数。我想要p5js中的视频,以便可以在其上叠加动画。由于某种原因,我的代码在使用函数“ createVideo”后立即将视频显示两次,并且如果我尝试隐藏作为画布外部第二个视频的DOM,它将从p5js画布中消失。这是我的代码:

var view = {
    vid: "",   
    cHeight: 500, 
    cWidth: 700, 
    xVid: 0, 
    yVid: 0, 

function setup() {
    let cnv = createCanvas(view.cWidth, view.cHeight);

function draw() {
    if (view.vid) {
        // We have an uploaded video so draw it
        image(view.vid, view.xVid, view.yVid);
    } else {

$("#videoFileUpload").on("change", function() {
    var fileName = $(this).val().split("\\").pop();
    if (this.files && this.files[0]) {
        var fileLocation = URL.createObjectURL(this.files[0]); 
        view.vid = createVideo([fileLocation], resizeVid);


function resizeVid(){
  // If the height is greater than the width use the height to scale and AUTO for the width
  if (view.vid.height > view.vid.width){
    console.log("height > width");
    view.vid.size(AUTO, cHeight);
  } else { // Else if the width is greater than or equal to the height use the width to scale and AUTO for the height
    view.vid.size(view.cWidth, AUTO);

  // Reset location of the  video
  let currW = $("#poseVid").attr('width');
  let currH = $("#poseVid").attr('height'); 
  view.xVid = (view.cWidth - currW)/2; 
  view.yVid = (view.cHeight - currH)/2; 

javascript html upload html5-video p5.js
var view = { vid: "", cHeight: 500, cWidth: 700, xVid: 0, yVid: 0, }; function setup() { let cnv = createCanvas(view.cWidth, view.cHeight); cnv.id("p5jsCanvas"); } function draw() { if (view.vid) { // We have an uploaded video so draw it //background(0); console.log(view.vid.id()); image(view.vid, view.xVid, view.yVid); } else { background(0); } } $("#videoFileUpload").on("change", function() { var fileName = $(this).val().split("\\").pop(); $(this).siblings(".custom-file-label").addClass("selected").html(fileName); if (this.files && this.files[0]) { console.log(this.files[0]); var fileLocation = URL.createObjectURL(this.files[0]); console.log(fileLocation); $("#poseVid").remove(); // ADDED view.vid = createVideo([fileLocation], resizeVid); // view.vid.id("poseVid"); // MOVED TO resizeVid function } }); // ADDED FUNCTION JUST TO TEST THE PLAYBACK function mousePressed() { view.vid.loop(); // set the video to loop and start playing } function resizeVid(){ // If the height is greater than the width use the height to scale and AUTO for the width view.vid.id("poseVid"); //MOVED INTO THIS FUNCTION $("#poseVid").hide(); //ADDED if (view.vid.height > view.vid.width){ console.log("height > width"); view.vid.size(AUTO, cHeight); } else { // Else if the width is greater than or equal to the height use the width to scale and AUTO for the height view.vid.size(view.cWidth, AUTO); } // Reset location of the video let currW = $("#poseVid").attr('width'); let currH = $("#poseVid").attr('height'); view.xVid = (view.cWidth - currW)/2; view.yVid = (view.cHeight - currH)/2; }
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