有 return 语句而不返回任何值的原因

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我知道关于这个话题有很多问题(有不好的反馈)。然而下面的代码来自于Fundamentals of Python这本书,这让我觉得作者使用return而不返回任何东西


def save(self, fileName = None): """Saves pickled accounts to a file. The parameter allows the user to change filenames.""" if fileName != None: self.fileName = fileName elif self.fileName == None: return # WHAT ARE THE REASONS FOR HAVING THIS LINE? CAN WE DELETE/REMOVE IT? fileObj = open(self.fileName, "wb") for account in self.accounts.values(): pickle.dump(account, fileObj) fileObj.close()

import pickle class SavingsAccount(object): RATE = 0.02 # Single rate for all accounts def __init__(self, name, pin, balance = 0.0): self.name = name self.pin = pin self.balance = balance def __str__(self) : """Returns the string rep.""" result = 'Name: ' + self.name + '\n' result += 'PIN: ' + self.pin + '\n' result += 'Balance: ' + str(self.balance) return result def getBalance(self): """Returns the current balance.""" return self.balance def getName(self): """Returns the current name.""" return self.name def getPin(self): """Returns the current pin.""" return self.pin def deposit(self, amount): """Deposits the given amount and returns None.""" self.balance += amount return None def withdraw(self, amount): """Withdraws the given amount. Returns None if successful, or an error message if unsuccessful.""" if amount < 0: return "Amount must be >= 0" elif self.balance < amount: return "Insufficient funds" else: self.balance -= amount return None def computeInterest(self): """Computes, deposits, and returns the interest.""" interest = self.balance * SavingsAccount.RATE self.deposit(interest) return interest class Bank(object): def __init__(self, fileName): self.accounts = {} self.fileName = fileName def __str__(self) : """Return the string rep of the entire bank.""" return '\n'.join(map(str, self.accounts.values())) def makeKey(self, name, pin): """Makes and returns a key from name and pin.""" return name + "/" + pin def add(self, account): """Inserts an account with name and pin as a key.""" key = self.makeKey(account.getName(), account.getPin()) self.accounts[key] = account def remove(self, name, pin): """Removes an account with name and pin as a key.""" key = self.makeKey(name, pin) return self.accounts.pop(key, None) def get(self, name, pin): """Returns an account with name and pin as a key or None if not found.""" key = self.makeKey(name, pin) return self.accounts.get(key, None) def computeInterest(self): """Computes interest for each account and returns the total.""" total = 0.0 for account in self.accounts.values(): total += account.computeInterest() return total def save(self, fileName = None): """Saves pickled accounts to a file. The parameter allows the user to change filenames.""" if fileName != None: self.fileName = fileName elif self.fileName == None: return fileObj = open(self.fileName, "wb") for account in self.accounts.values(): pickle.dump(account, fileObj) fileObj.close()

def save(self, fileName=None)


bank = Bank(None) bank.add(SavingsAccount("Wilma", "1001", 4000.00)) bank.add(SavingsAccount("Fred", "1002", 1000.00)) bank.save() # a prompt would appear: 'Please provide a name for the file to be saved'
python return


return None

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