
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


所以,为了加快速度,我想过使用numpy向量运算,但我还没有能够做到。我知道通过这种矢量化,我可以确保在另一个 for 循环中没有一个 for 循环,但我不知道实际上如何做到这一点,因为输出必须保持不变。到目前为止我有这个:

def filtered_lines_calculation(lines):
    This function is used for reducing all the hough-lines (from detect_grid) within a certain threshold to 1 line.
    if RESOLUTION == 0:
        threshold = 75
    elif RESOLUTION == 1:
        threshold = 50
    elif RESOLUTION == 2:
        threshold = 30

    lines = np.array(lines)
    filtered_lines = []

    # Calculate the orientation (horizontal or vertical)
    slopes = (lines[:, :, 3] - lines[:, :, 1]) / (lines[:, :, 2] - lines[:, :, 0])
    slopes[np.isinf(slopes)] = 1e6  # Avoid division by zero for vertical lines

    for line_index, line in enumerate(lines):
        p1, p2 = line[0][:2], line[0][2:]
        too_close = False

        slope = slopes[line_index]

        # We can convert filtered_lines to a numpy array and process it faster
        filtered_lines_array = np.array(filtered_lines)

        for other_line in filtered_lines_array:
            p3, p4 = other_line[:2], other_line[2:]
            other_slope = (p4[1] - p3[1]) / (p4[0] - p3[0]) if (p4[0] - p3[0]) != 0 else 1e6

            if (abs(slope) < 1 and abs(other_slope) < 1) or (abs(slope) > 1 and abs(other_slope) > 1):
                distance = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(p2 - p1, p1 - p3)) / np.linalg.norm(p2 - p1)
                if distance < threshold:
                    too_close = True

        if not too_close:

    return filtered_lines

其中 Lines 只是行列表,如下所示:

[[[ 0 40 211 47]]

[[ 0 91 211 98]]

[[ 6 92 211 99]]

[[ 27 42 211 49]]

[[173 1 184 118]]

[[ 19 118 34 0]]

[[ 75 118 81 1]]

[[ 0 39 191 46]]

[[129 0 131 118]]

[[ 76 118 82 0]]]

python opencv vectorization

这是一个稍微修改过的 版本 - 修改是现在函数返回索引列表(您可以使用此列表过滤原始列表




from timeit import timeit

from numba import njit
from numba.np.extensions import cross2d
from numba.typed import List

def filtered_lines_calculation(lines, RESOLUTION):
    This function is used for reducing all the hough-lines (from detect_grid) within a certain threshold to 1 line.
    if RESOLUTION == 0:
        threshold = 75
    elif RESOLUTION == 1:
        threshold = 50
    elif RESOLUTION == 2:
        threshold = 30

    filtered_lines = []

    # Calculate the orientation (horizontal or vertical)
    slopes = (lines[:, :, 3] - lines[:, :, 1]) / (lines[:, :, 2] - lines[:, :, 0])
    slopes[np.isinf(slopes)] = 1e6  # Avoid division by zero for vertical lines

    for line_index, line in enumerate(lines):
        p1, p2 = line[0][:2], line[0][2:]
        too_close = False

        slope = slopes[line_index]

        for other_line in filtered_lines:
            p3, p4 = other_line[:2], other_line[2:]

            other_slope = (
                (p4[1] - p3[1]) / (p4[0] - p3[0]) if (p4[0] - p3[0]) != 0 else 1e6

            if (abs(slope) < 1 and abs(other_slope) < 1) or (
                abs(slope) > 1 and abs(other_slope) > 1
                distance = np.abs(np.cross(p2 - p1, p1 - p3)) / np.linalg.norm(p2 - p1)
                if distance < threshold:
                    too_close = True

        if not too_close:

    return filtered_lines

def numba_norm(a):
    return np.sqrt(a[0] * a[0] + a[1] * a[1])

def filtered_lines_calculation_numba(lines, RESOLUTION):
    This function is used for reducing all the hough-lines (from detect_grid) within a certain threshold to 1 line.
    if RESOLUTION == 0:
        threshold = 75
    elif RESOLUTION == 1:
        threshold = 50
    elif RESOLUTION == 2:
        threshold = 30

    filtered_lines = List.empty_list(np.int64)

    slopes = (lines[:, :, 3] - lines[:, :, 1]) / (lines[:, :, 2] - lines[:, :, 0])

    mask = np.isinf(slopes)[:, 0]
    slopes[mask] = 1e6  # Avoid division by zero for vertical lines

    for line_index, line in enumerate(lines):
        p1, p2 = line[0][:2], line[0][2:]
        too_close = False

        slope = slopes[line_index]

        for idx in filtered_lines:
            other_line = lines[idx][0]

            p3, p4 = other_line[:2], other_line[2:]

            tmp = p4[0] - p3[0]

            if tmp == 0:
                tmp = 1e6

            other_slope = (p4[1] - p3[1]) / tmp

            if (np.abs(slope) < 1 and np.abs(other_slope) < 1) or (
                np.abs(slope) > 1 and np.abs(other_slope) > 1
                distance = np.abs(cross2d(p2 - p1, p1 - p3)) / numba_norm(p2 - p1)
                if distance < threshold:
                    too_close = True

        if not too_close:

    return filtered_lines


lines = np.array(
        [[0, 40, 211, 47]],
        [[0, 91, 211, 98]],
        [[6, 92, 211, 99]],
        [[27, 42, 211, 49]],
        [[173, 1, 184, 118]],
        [[19, 118, 34, 0]],
        [[75, 118, 81, 1]],
        [[0, 39, 191, 46]],
        [[129, 0, 131, 118]],
        [[76, 118, 82, 0]],

# check if the computation is correct + compile the numba function:
out1 = filtered_lines_calculation(lines, RESOLUTION)
out2 = filtered_lines_calculation_numba(lines, RESOLUTION)

assert all(np.allclose(i, j[0]) for i, j in zip(out1, lines[out2]))

# make bigger input to perform the test
lines = np.concatenate([lines for _ in range(10000)])

t1 = timeit(
    "filtered_lines_calculation(lines, RESOLUTION)", number=1, globals=globals()

t2 = timeit(
    "lines[filtered_lines_calculation_numba(lines, RESOLUTION)]",

print(f"Time normal = {t1}")
print(f"Time numba  = {t2}")

这在我的机器 AMD 5700x 上打印:

Time normal = 3.1929642129689455
Time numba  = 0.032550607807934284
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