我必须循环一个特定的代码块 (Python) [关闭]

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我是相当新的编码,所以忍受我。我必须在python中创建一个老虎机,显示数字0 - 5,如果玩家得到一个特定的数字序列,他们赢得了一个特定的金额。我已经创建了所有的代码,给玩家打分,并打印出来,但我不能循环的块.我想开始循环从(if wants_play == "p" and player_score >= 0:)这里是我的代码。

import random

player_score = 1
round_score = 0

wants_play = input("Press 'P' to play or 'Q' to quit. ")
if wants_play == "p" and player_score >= 0:
        print("you have " + str(player_score) + " pound")
        num1 = random.randint(0, 5)
        num2 = random.randint(0, 5)
        num3 = random.randint(0, 5)
        print("you got numbers:", num1, num2, num3)

        round_score = 0
        player_score = 0.2
        if num1 == num2 or num1 == num3 or num2 == num3:
            round_score = 0.5
        if num1 == num2 and num1 == num3 and num2 == num3:
            round_score = 1
        if num1 == 0 and num2 == 0 and num3 == 0:
            round_score = 5
        if num1 == 1 and num2 == 1 or num1 == 1 and num3 ==1 or num2 == 1 and num3 == 1:
            round_score = -1
        if num1 == 1 and num2 == 1 and num3 == 1:
            round_score = 0
            player_score = 0

        print("you won ", round_score, " pounds!")
        player_score += round_score
        if player_score < 0:
            player_score = 0
python-3.x loops for-loop slot


  • 如果你想循环,你应该考虑使用 while 指令或 for 指令:只要 while 指令的条件满足(为真), while 指令就会执行它下面的所有内容。

    While( wants_play == "p" and player_score >= 0): print "hello" (你好)

这将打印出hello,只要 wants_play == "p" and player_score >= 0......它不会停止打印hello,直到其中一个变化或调用break指令。

While( wants_play == "p" and player_score >= 0): 
    print "hello"


While( wants_play == "p" and player_score >= 0): 
    print "hello"

将打印出hello,只要 player_score >= 0每次执行循环时,都会从player_score中减去1,最终变成<0,这时,while的执行就会结束。

因为你用了 如果其中一个条件不再为真,那么while的执行将停止。

 wants_play == "p" and player_score >= 0


import random

player_score = 1
round_score = 0

wants_play = input("Press 'P' to play or 'Q' to quit. ")
while(wants_play=="P" or wants_play == "p"):

        print("you have " + str(player_score) + " pound")
        num1 = random.randint(0, 5)
        num2 = random.randint(0, 5)
        num3 = random.randint(0, 5)
        print("you got numbers:", num1, num2, num3)

        round_score = 0
        player_score = 0.2
        if num1 == num2 or num1 == num3 or num2 == num3:
            round_score = 0.5
        if num1 == num2 and num1 == num3 and num2 == num3:
            round_score = 1
        if num1 == 0 and num2 == 0 and num3 == 0:
            round_score = 5
        if num1 == 1 and num2 == 1 or num1 == 1 and num3 ==1 or num2 == 1 and num3 == 1:
            round_score = -1
        if num1 == 1 and num2 == 1 and num3 == 1:
            round_score = 0
            player_score = 0

        print("you won ", round_score, " pounds!")
        player_score += round_score
        if player_score < 0:
            player_score = 0

        wants_play = input("Press 'P' to play or 'Q' to quit. ")

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