C ++并集,交集,差值

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所以我正在研究一个代码,以查找两个数组之间的并集,相交和差。我已经完成了“联合和相交”,但我只是想不出区别(A-B),例如A = {1,3,6,9,7,9},B = {2,3, -2,9}我想得到A-B = {1,6,7,0}。



/* Prints union of A[] and B[]
   SizeA is the number of elements in A[]
   SizeB is the number of elements in B[] */

cout << "\nUnion of A and B = "; //
i = 0; j = 0;
while (i < SizeA && j < SizeB)
    if (A[i] < B[j])
        cout << A[i++] << " ";

    else if (B[j] < A[i])
        cout << B[j++] << " ";

        cout << B[j++] << " ";
/* Print remaining elements of the larger array */
while (i < SizeA)
    cout << A[i++] << " ";

while (j < SizeB)
    cout << B[j++] << " ";

cout << "\nIntersection of A and B = ";
for (i = 0; i < SizeA; i++) //for loop to calculate the intersection of A and B.
    for (j = 0; j < SizeB; j++)
        if (A[i] == B[j])
            cout << A[i] << " ";
c++ set difference


cout << "\nDifference of A and B = ";
for (i = 0; i < SizeA; i++) //for loop to calculate the intersection of A and B.
    bool found = false
    for (j = 0; j < SizeB; j++)
        if (A[i] == B[j])
            found = true;
    if (!found) {
       cout<<A[i]<<" ";
for (i = 0; i < SizeB; i++)
    bool found = false
    for (j = 0; j < SizeA; j++)
        if (B[i] == A[j])
            found = true;
    if (!found) {
       cout<<B[i]<<" ";
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