Visio VBA 代码,用于将 Excel 工作表复制并粘贴到另一个

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我有 Visio Vba 宏,它应该从全局变量中获取 Excel 工作表的文件路径。然后它打开该文件,生成一个新的 Excel 工作表,并从旧路径中获取工作表并将其复制到生成的文件中。我的问题是复印纸张。我给它的第一个文件有时可以工作,但是当我再次运行另一个或同一文件时,当它运行此特定行时:

PriceWs.Copy After:=excelWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") 

我收到运行时 1004 错误:不支持此类接口,我不明白为什么它一直这样做。




此外,在调试时,PriceWs 类型是工作表/工作表(如果这很重要),但代码有时会在这种类型下运行。

Sub CombineExcel()
    Dim PriceWb As Workbook
    Dim PriceWs As Worksheet
    Dim PriceString As String
    'Error checking for a good file
    'Global is a global string that holds the path to an excel file
    PriceString = GlobalPriceList
    Debug.Print "Price String: " & PriceString
    On Error Resume Next
     Set PriceWb = Workbooks.Open(PriceString)
    On Error GoTo 0

    If PriceWb Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "Error: The file is not a valid Excel file or it could not be opened.", vbCritical
        Exit Sub
    End If

      ' Initialize Excel
    Set excelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    Dim excelWorkbook As Object
    Dim excelWorksheet As Object
    Set excelApp = New Excel.Application
    excelApp.Visible = True ' Optional, set to True if you want Excel to be visible
    Set excelWorkbook = excelApp.Workbooks.Add
    Set excelWorksheet = excelWorkbook.Sheets(1)
    ' Loop through each sheet in the source workbook
    For Each PriceWs In PriceWb.Sheets
        On Error Resume Next
        PriceWs.Copy After:=excelWorkbook.Sheets(excelWorkbook.Sheets.count)
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            Debug.Print "Type Name is: " & TypeName(PriceWs)
            MsgBox "Error copying sheet '" & PriceWs.Name & "': " & Err.Description, vbCritical
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
    Next PriceWs
    Debug.Print GlobalPriceList
     ' Delete the Sheet1 without prompting for confirmation
    'Application.DisplayAlerts = False ' Suppress the alert asking for confirmation
    'Application.DisplayAlerts = True ' Restore the display alerts setting
    ' Release object references
    Set excelWorksheet = Nothing
    Set excelWorkbook = Nothing
    Set excelApp = Nothing
    Set PriceWs = Nothing
End Sub
excel vba copy visio



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