当我尝试使用 Spotify API 创建播放列表时,不断收到 403 禁止错误

问题描述 投票:0回答:1


工作得很好。我不明白为什么我可以使用我的代码创建播放列表。特别是考虑到当我使用 Spotify 测试网站创建播放列表时,创建播放列表是有效的。

这是我的代码(带有 Secret 的部分是明显的敏感信息隐藏):

import json
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

URL = 'https://www.billboard.com/charts/hot-100/1998-02-28/'

# Obtaining the Top 100 Songs, based on the Year submitted
response = requests.get(URL)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')

song_list = [song.getText().strip() for song in 
             soup.select(selector='li h3', class_='c-title')[:100]]
artist_list = [song.getText().strip() for song in 
               soup.select(selector='li ul li span.c-label.a-no-trucate')]

spotify_EP = 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/'

client_ID = '***SECRET***'

#Spotify Documentation - Phase 0: Access Token
def access_token(): 
    token_URL = 'https://accounts.spotify.com/api/token'
    token_secret = '***SECRET***'
    header = {
        'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    params = {
        'grant_type': 'client_credentials',
        'client_id': client_ID,
        'client_secret': token_secret
    response = requests.post(token_URL, params=params, headers=header)
    return response.json()['access_token']
access_token = access_token()

#Spotify Documentation - Phase 1: SEARCH for the Spotify Track and grab their urls
def spotify_search(access_token): 
    print("Searching for Songs...")
    song_urls = []
    for song in range(100): 
        search_sEP = f'{spotify_EP}search'
        search_params = {
            'q': f'{song_list[song]} {artist_list[song]}',
            'type': 'track',
            'limit': 1,
        header = {
            'Authorization': f'Bearer {access_token}' 
        response = requests.get(search_sEP, params=search_params, headers=header)
    print('\nSongs Successfully Collected.')
    return song_urls
# top100_tracks = spotify_search(access_token) 

#Spotify Documentation - Phase 2: Creating the Spotify Playlist 
def create_playlist():
    playlist_sEP = f'{spotify_EP}users/shakuryonsteward/playlists'
    data = {
        'name': "Top 100 Tracks from Birthday",
        'description': "Generated API Playlist as part of Coding Project xP",
        'public': True,
        'grant_type': 'client_credentials'
    header = {
        'Authorization': f'Bearer {access_token}',
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',

    response = requests.post(playlist_sEP, data=data, headers=header)



Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\shaku\OneDrive\Docs\Spyder Projects\Spyder Projects\Spotify Playlist Top 100 Creator\main.py", line 90, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\shaku\OneDrive\Docs\Spyder Projects\Spyder Projects\Spotify Playlist Top 100 Creator\main.py", line 86, in create_playlist
  File "C:\Users\shaku\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\requests\models.py", line 1021, in raise_for_status
    raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: https://api.spotify.com/v1/users/shakuryonsteward/playlists

我已经按照我的代码中列出的方式进行了尝试,通过 Spotify 可怕的 API 文档来了解正在发生的事情,但我无法找到任何解决方案来在我的用户名中创建新的 Spotify 播放列表。

python authorization spotify

这是我将歌曲添加到公告牌播放列表的方法。 即使由于 Spotify 中不存在某些歌曲而解析 100 首热门歌曲并且某些查询效果不佳(排名 9 和排名 10),我也获得了 50 首歌曲,但总体而言,这个概念是有效的。



403:禁止 client_credentials grant_type 可以搜索歌曲,但无法添加(或创建)播放列表,因为它是用户私人活动。 因此,您无法通过“client_credentials”获取的访问令牌创建播放列表

如果您想这样做,必须通过“授权代码流程”获取访问令牌 它需要您的登录步骤和重定向代码才能获取访问令牌。


这意味着您通过 Flask (Django) 运行本地服务器或使用 “spotipy” 这是使用 Flaskhere


spotipy 可以将歌曲添加到现有的播放列表中。这就是为什么我手动制作了一个播放列表。


import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import json
from urllib.parse import quote
import spotipy
from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyOAuth

# Spotify authentication details
SCOPE = ['playlist-modify-public', 'playlist-modify-private']
USER_ID = '[your USER_ID]'                  # Copy from your Spotify Edit Profile
REDIRECT_URI = '[your REDIRECT_URI]'        # Copy from your  Spotify for Developers's Dashboard
CLIENT_ID = '[your CLIENT_ID]'              # Copy from your  Spotify for Developers's Dashboard
CLIENT_SECRET = '[your CLIENT_SECRET]'      # https://developer.spotify.com/dashboard
PLAYLIST_ID = '[your PLAYLIST_ID]'          # copy from Spotify UI after create new playlist

auth_manager = SpotifyOAuth(

def add_songs_to_playlist(playlist_id, track_ids):
        sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=auth_manager)
        sp.playlist_add_items(playlist_id, track_ids)
        print("Songs added to the playlist successfully.")
    except Exception as e:
        print('Failed to add songs to the playlist: ' + str(e))

def get_song_ids_from_json(file_path):
        with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
            data = json.load(file)
            track_ids = []
            for item in data:
                # Check if 'items' list is not empty
                if item['tracks']['items']:
                    track_id = item['tracks']['items'][0]['id']
            return track_ids
    except Exception as e:
        print('Failed to read from JSON file: ' + str(e))
        return []

# Function to get Spotify access token
def get_spotify_token(client_id, client_secret):
    auth_url = 'https://accounts.spotify.com/api/token'
    data = {
        'grant_type': 'client_credentials',
        'client_id': client_id,
        'client_secret': client_secret,
    auth_response = requests.post(auth_url, data=data)
    access_token = auth_response.json().get('access_token')
    return access_token

# Function to search Spotify for a track and artist, and remove 'available_markets'
def search_spotify(access_token, rank, artist, track):
    headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + access_token}
    # # Encode the artist and track to handle special characters
    encoded_artist = quote(artist)
    encoded_track = quote(artist)

    query = f'artist:{encoded_artist} track:{encoded_track}'
    search_url = f'https://api.spotify.com/v1/search?q={query}&type=track&limit=1'
    result = requests.get(url=search_url, headers=headers).json()

    # Remove 'available_markets' from the result
    items = result.get('tracks', {}).get('items', [])
    if items:
        item = items[0]
        item.pop('available_markets', None)
        album = item.get('album', {})
        album.pop('available_markets', None)

    # Add rank to the result
    result['rank'] = rank
    return result

def save_songs_to_json(spotify_results, file_path):
    filtered_results = []

    for result in spotify_results:
        # Check if 'tracks' and 'items' are in the result and 'items' is not empty
        if 'tracks' in result and 'items' in result['tracks'] and result['tracks']['items']:

        with open(file_path, 'w') as file:
            json.dump(filtered_results, file, indent=4)
            print(f"Results saved to {file_path}")

    except Exception as e:
        print(f'Failed to save results to JSON: {str(e)}')

# Billboard Hot 100 scraping
def get_billboard_songs(url):
    response = requests.get(URL)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')

    # Prepare lists to hold songs and artists
    rank = 1
    rank_list = []
    song_list = []
    artist_list = []
    songs = []

    # Find all list items that contain song and artist information
    entries = soup.find_all('li', class_='o-chart-results-list__item')

    for entry in entries:
        song_title_element = entry.find('h3', class_='c-title')
        if song_title_element:
            song_title = song_title_element.get_text(strip=True)

            artist_name_element = song_title_element.find_next_sibling('span')
            if artist_name_element:
                artist_name = artist_name_element.get_text(strip=True)
                songs.append({"rank" : rank, "song": song_title, "artist": artist_name})
                rank = rank + 1

    # Save the Spotify search results to a JSON file
    file_path = 'billboard_songs.json'
    with open(file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        json.dump(songs, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)

    return rank_list, artist_list, song_list

# Search each song on Spotify
def get_spotify_songs(rank_list, artist_list, song_list):
    spotify_results = []
    # Get Spotify access token
    spotify_token = get_spotify_token(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET)
    for rank, artist, song in zip(rank_list, artist_list, song_list):
        result = search_spotify(spotify_token, rank, artist, song)

    return spotify_results

# Step 1  Get billboard songs and save 'billboard_songs.json'
URL = 'https://www.billboard.com/charts/hot-100/1998-02-28/'
rank_list, artist_list, song_list = get_billboard_songs(URL)

# Step 2  Get get_spotify songs
spotify_results = get_spotify_songs(rank_list, artist_list, song_list)

# Step 3  Get get_spotify songs
save_songs_to_json(spotify_results, 'spotify_songs.json')

# Step 4  Add songs to playlist
song_ids = get_song_ids_from_json('spotify_songs.json')
add_songs_to_playlist(PLAYLIST_ID, song_ids)


        "rank": 1,
        "song": "My Heart Will Go On",
        "artist": "Celine Dion"
        "rank": 2,
        "song": "Nice & Slow",
        "artist": "Usher"
        "rank": 3,
        "song": "Gettin' Jiggy Wit It",
        "artist": "Will Smith"
        "rank": 4,
        "song": "Together Again",
        "artist": "Janet"
        "rank": 5,
        "song": "Truly Madly Deeply",
        "artist": "Savage Garden"
        "rank": 6,
        "song": "How Do I Live",
        "artist": "LeAnn Rimes"
        "rank": 7,
        "song": "I Don't Ever Want To See You Again",
        "artist": "Uncle Sam"
        "rank": 8,
        "song": "A Song For Mama",
        "artist": "Boyz II Men"
        "rank": 9,
        "song": "No, No, No",
        "artist": "Destiny's Child"
        "rank": 10,
        "song": "Been Around The World",
        "artist": "Puff Daddy & The Family (Feat. The Notorious B.I.G. & Mase)"
        "rank": 11,
        "song": "Too Much",
        "artist": "Spice Girls"
        "rank": 12,
        "song": "Swing My Way",
        "artist": "K.P. & Envyi"
        "rank": 13,
        "song": "What You Want",
        "artist": "Mase Featuring Total"
        "rank": 14,
        "song": "Gone Till November",
        "artist": "Wyclef Jean"
        "rank": 15,
        "song": "Deja Vu [Uptown Baby]",
        "artist": "Lord Tariq & Peter Gunz"
        "rank": 16,
        "song": "How's It Going To Be",
        "artist": "Third Eye Blind"
        "rank": 17,
        "song": "I Don't Want To Wait",
        "artist": "Paula Cole"
        "rank": 18,
        "song": "Kiss The Rain",
        "artist": "Billie Myers"
        "rank": 19,
        "song": "You Make Me Wanna...",
        "artist": "Usher"
        "rank": 20,
        "song": "Are You Jimmy Ray?",
        "artist": "Jimmy Ray"
        "rank": 21,
        "song": "Father",
        "artist": "LL Cool J"
        "rank": 22,
        "song": "Dangerous",
        "artist": "Busta Rhymes"
        "rank": 23,
        "song": "Candle In The Wind 1997/Something About The Way You Look Tonight",
        "artist": "Elton John"
        "rank": 24,
        "song": "Too Close",
        "artist": "Next"
        "rank": 25,
        "song": "Show Me Love",
        "artist": "Robyn"
        "rank": 26,
        "song": "Love You Down",
        "artist": "INOJ/LATHUN"
        "rank": 27,
        "song": "You're Still The One",
        "artist": "Shania Twain"
        "rank": 28,
        "song": "Tubthumping",
        "artist": "Chumbawamba"
        "rank": 29,
        "song": "Body Bumpin' Yippie-Yi-Yo",
        "artist": "Public Announcement"
        "rank": 30,
        "song": "Make Em' Say Uhh!",
        "artist": "Master P Feat. Fiend, Silkk The Shocker, Mia X & Mystikal"
        "rank": 31,
        "song": "If You Think I'm Jiggy",
        "artist": "The Lox"
        "rank": 32,
        "song": "All My Love",
        "artist": "Queen Pen Featuring Eric Williams"
        "rank": 33,
        "song": "We're Not Making Love No More",
        "artist": "Dru Hill"
        "rank": 34,
        "song": "I Do",
        "artist": "Lisa Loeb"
        "rank": 35,
        "song": "Am I Dreaming",
        "artist": "Ol Skool [Featuring Keith Sweat & Xscape]"
        "rank": 36,
        "song": "Pink",
        "artist": "Aerosmith"
        "rank": 37,
        "song": "My Body",
        "artist": "LSG"
        "rank": 38,
        "song": "Heaven",
        "artist": "Nu Flavor"
        "rank": 39,
        "song": "Sweet Surrender",
        "artist": "Sarah McLachlan"
        "rank": 40,
        "song": "Semi-Charmed Life",
        "artist": "Third Eye Blind"
        "rank": 41,
        "song": "Feel So Good",
        "artist": "Mase"
        "rank": 42,
        "song": "I Know Where It's At",
        "artist": "All Saints"
        "rank": 43,
        "song": "They Don't Know",
        "artist": "Jon B"
        "rank": 44,
        "song": "Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)",
        "artist": "Backstreet Boys"
        "rank": 45,
        "song": "All For You",
        "artist": "Sister Hazel"
        "rank": 46,
        "song": "What Would Happen",
        "artist": "Meredith Brooks"
        "rank": 47,
        "song": "I Will Come To You",
        "artist": "Hanson"
        "rank": 48,
        "song": "Light In Your Eyes",
        "artist": "Blessid Union Of Souls"
        "rank": 49,
        "song": "No Tengo Dinero",
        "artist": "Los Umbrellos"
        "rank": 50,
        "song": "Given To Fly",
        "artist": "Pearl Jam"
        "rank": 51,
        "song": "Spice Up Your Life",
        "artist": "Spice Girls"
        "rank": 52,
        "song": "Get At Me Dog",
        "artist": "DMX Featuring Sheek Of The Lox"
        "rank": 53,
        "song": "All I Do",
        "artist": "Somethin' For The People"
        "rank": 54,
        "song": "32 Flavors",
        "artist": "Alana Davis"
        "rank": 55,
        "song": "Romeo And Juliet",
        "artist": "Sylk-E. Fyne Featuring Chill"
        "rank": 56,
        "song": "Burn",
        "artist": "Militia"
        "rank": 57,
        "song": "Breaking All The Rules",
        "artist": "She Moves"
        "rank": 58,
        "song": "Going Back To Cali",
        "artist": "The Notorious B.I.G."
        "rank": 59,
        "song": "What If I Said",
        "artist": "Anita Cochran (Duet With Steve Wariner)"
        "rank": 60,
        "song": "At The Beginning",
        "artist": "Richard Marx & Donna Lewis"
        "rank": 61,
        "song": "Sock It 2 Me",
        "artist": "Missy \"Misdemeanor\" Elliott Featuring Da Brat"
        "rank": 62,
        "song": "Just Clownin'",
        "artist": "WC From Westside Connection"
        "rank": 63,
        "song": "Say You'll Stay",
        "artist": "KAI"
        "rank": 64,
        "song": "The Memory Remains",
        "artist": "Metallica"
        "rank": 65,
        "song": "If I Could Teach The World",
        "artist": "Bone Thugs-N-Harmony"
        "rank": 66,
        "song": "Strawberries",
        "artist": "Smooth"
        "rank": 67,
        "song": "One More Night",
        "artist": "Amber"
        "rank": 68,
        "song": "Don't Be Stupid (You Know I Love You)",
        "artist": "Shania Twain"
        "rank": 69,
        "song": "If I Never Stop Loving You",
        "artist": "David Kersh"
        "rank": 70,
        "song": "Nothin' Move But The Money",
        "artist": "Mic Geronimo Featuring DMX & Black Rob"
        "rank": 71,
        "song": "Life In Mono",
        "artist": "Mono"
        "rank": 72,
        "song": "Ain't That Just The Way",
        "artist": "Lutricia McNeal"
        "rank": 73,
        "song": "Lollipop (Candyman)",
        "artist": "Aqua"
        "rank": 74,
        "song": "I'm Not A Player",
        "artist": "Big Punisher"
        "rank": 75,
        "song": "Brian Wilson",
        "artist": "Barenaked Ladies"
        "rank": 76,
        "song": "Send My Love/Send One Your Love",
        "artist": "Born Jamericans"
        "rank": 77,
        "song": "Off The Hook",
        "artist": "Jody Watley"
        "rank": 78,
        "song": "So Help Me Girl",
        "artist": "Gary Barlow"
        "rank": 79,
        "song": "What If",
        "artist": "Reba McEntire"
        "rank": 80,
        "song": "Then What?",
        "artist": "Clay Walker"
        "rank": 81,
        "song": "I Can Love You Better",
        "artist": "Dixie Chicks"
        "rank": 82,
        "song": "Roxanne `97 - Puff Daddy Remix",
        "artist": "Sting & The Police"
        "rank": 83,
        "song": "4, 3, 2, 1",
        "artist": "LL Cool J Featuring Method Man, Redman, DMX, Canibus And Master P"
        "rank": 84,
        "song": "You're Not Alone",
        "artist": "Olive"
        "rank": 85,
        "song": "Love Of My Life",
        "artist": "Sammy Kershaw"
        "rank": 86,
        "song": "The Day That She Left Tulsa (In A Chevy)",
        "artist": "Wade Hayes"
        "rank": 87,
        "song": "Tuck Me In",
        "artist": "Kimberly Scott"
        "rank": 88,
        "song": "Young, Sad And Blue",
        "artist": "Lysette"
        "rank": 89,
        "song": "Something That We Do",
        "artist": "Clint Black"
        "rank": 90,
        "song": "The Note",
        "artist": "Daryle Singletary"
        "rank": 91,
        "song": "So Long (Well, Well, Well)",
        "artist": "Phajja"
        "rank": 92,
        "song": "I'm Afraid Of Americans",
        "artist": "David Bowie"
        "rank": 93,
        "song": "Tha Hop",
        "artist": "Kinsu"
        "rank": 94,
        "song": "The City Is Mine",
        "artist": "Jay-Z Featuring BLACKstreet"
        "rank": 95,
        "song": "You Know My Steez",
        "artist": "Gang Starr"
        "rank": 96,
        "song": "Tubthumping",
        "artist": "Chucklebutt"
        "rank": 97,
        "song": "So Good",
        "artist": "Davina"
        "rank": 98,
        "song": "Tic Tic Tac",
        "artist": "Fruit De La Passion"
        "rank": 99,
        "song": "In A Dream",
        "artist": "Rockell"
        "rank": 100,
        "song": "L-L-Lies",
        "artist": "Diana King"


Postman 的搜索示例

Spotipy API 用于将歌曲添加到播放列表

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