WPF DataGrid单独的行颜色

问题描述 投票:-1回答:1

我有两个数据网格。 DG1和DG2具有一列A(每列)和许多行。当用户在另一个数据网格中选择具有相同值的行时,任务是突出显示一个数据网格中的特定行。示例:用户选择DG1第5行第A列,其值为'ABC'。 “ ABC”是DG2中的第23行A列。因此,DG的第23行应以“红色”突出显示。反之亦然(单击DG2的第23行应突出显示DG1的第5行)。目前,我的代码通过调用Datagrid的SelectedItem属性来工作。不利的一面是选择存在无限循环,即当用户选择DG1的第5行时,它选择DG2的第23行,然后对DG1的第5行进行选择,然后对DG2的第23行进行选择。因此,解决我的问题的方法可以是解决此无限循环问题,也可以提供一种方法来突出显示具有特定颜色的数据网格的特定行,从而完全消除对数据网格的selecteditem属性的调用。


//This is the function invoked when a user selects a row in a DG1
    private void DG1SelectedItem(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)

        if (DG1.SelectedItem != null)
            var val = DG1.SelectedItem; //Get the paticular row that was selected
            DataRowView row = (DataRowView)val;
            object[] list = row.Row.ItemArray;
            String rowValue = list[0].ToString(); //get the value within that selected row
            HighLightRow(DG2, account); //Call a function that highlights a particular row in a Datagrid with a given string value


    //This is the function invoked when a user selects a row in a DG2
    private void DG2SelectedItem(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)

        if (DG2.SelectedItem != null)
            var val = DG2.SelectedItem; //Get the paticular row that was selected
            DataRowView row = (DataRowView)val;
            object[] list = row.Row.ItemArray;
            String rowValue = list[0].ToString(); //get the value within that selected row
            HighLightRow(DG1, account); //Call a function that highlights a particular row in a Datagrid with a given string value


    //Function to highlight the row in datagrid 'dg' with value of 'value' (only checks first column)
    private void HighLightRow(DataGrid dg, string value)
        var itemsource = dg.ItemsSource as IEnumerable;
        int index = 0;
        ArrayList rowIndices = new ArrayList();
        //loop through entire datagrid looking for the string 'value' in the first column
        //if found, store the index in an array so it can be utillized to highlight all rows later on
        foreach (var item in itemsource)
            DataRowView row = item as DataRowView;
            object[] list = row.Row.ItemArray;
            String valueToFind = list[0].ToString();
            if (valueToFind.Equals(value))

        //For all rows where the string 'value' was foung in the first column of the datagrid, highlight it
        //Currently the implementation relies on SelectedItem
        for (int i = 0; i < rowIndices.Count; i++)
            object item = dg.Items[(int)rowIndices[i]];
            dg.SelectedItem = item; //this code then invokes DG2SelectedItem (or DG1SelectedItem depending on which SelectedItem function was initially invoked) and we have the inifite loop problem
            This is where I would like to select the row at the indices stored in rowIndices and highlight them red (and not rely on dg.SelectedItem like in the line above)
            Something like:
                dg.Row[i].Background = Brushes.Red;
            int m = dg.SelectedIndex;
        dg.LoadingRow += Dg_LoadingRow;

c# wpf datagrid selecteditem




private bool UpdateFlag = false;
private void FirstHandler()
  if(UpdateFlag) return;

  UpdateFlag = true;

  //Do your highlighting here

  UpdateFlag = false;

private void SecondHandler()
  if(UpdateFlag) return;

  UpdateFlag = true;

  //Do your highlighting here

  UpdateFlag = false;
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