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并输入文本提交到服务器后。This is the error checking when it *works* and after entering text *will* submit to the server.



我单击了“更新乘客详细信息”按钮。没有显示任何内容,当输入文字时,按此按钮也没有任何反应。This is the same form with two additional fields for the Hotel. Something to note, what is displayed is the form's state *after* I have clicked the 'Update Passenger Details' button. Nothing is displayed and when text *is* entered nothing happens when the button is pressed.



<div class='col-sm-18 card my-3' id='passenger-table-$booking_id'> <div class='card-body px-0 px-sm-3'> <div class='col-sm-18 card-header mb-4'> <div class='row'> <div class='col-xs-18 col-sm-9 text-sm-left pb-3 pb-sm-0'> <strong> <span class='icon-user'></span> Passengers </strong> </div> $passenger_buttons_html <span class='col-xs-18 col-sm-9 text-sm-left pb-3 pb-sm-0'> <small hidden class='text-danger' id='submit-error'>Please enter missing information before submitting</small> </span> </div> </div> <div id='passenger-table-overflow-div'> <table class='table table-bordered'> <thead> <tr> <th>Title&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</th> <th>First Name</th> <th>Last Name</th> <th>Date of Birth</th> " . ($supplierGenCheck ? "<th>Weight (lbs)</th>" : "" ) . ($hasHTLCheck ? "<th>Hotel Name</th>" : "") . " </tr> </thead> <tbody> " . $html . " </tbody> </table> </div> $update_btn </div> </div>

jQuery / JS

let e_chk = 0; // ERROR HANDLING if (hasGen && hasHotel) { $(`#passenger-table-${booking_id} table tr > td > input`).each(function() { if (!$(this).val().trim()) { e_chk++; } }); } else if (hasGen && !(hasHotel)) { $(`.weight`).each(function() { if (!$(this).val().trim()) e_chk++; }) } else if (hasHotel && !(hasGen)) { $(`.hotel`).each(function() { if (!$(this).val().trim()) e_chk++; }) } // Used simply for error checking as with most alerts etc...here (not final solutions for // confirmation/erroring alert("After checking, there are: (" + e_chk + ") errors"); // e_chk shows 2 errors if weight only and four if the hotel and weight inputs are present // as expected? yes... but why won't the following if statement evaluate false and execute the // else condition ? // This whole area is skipped when there are two input columns (i.e. four text boxes) if (e_chk < 1) { alert("got here...passed"); // SAFETY AND ERROR HANDLING if (booking_id.length >= 5 && passenger_table.length > 10) { // POST DATA $.post("/customer-portal/assets/ajax/confirm-passenger-details.php", { booking_id, passenger_table }, function(data) { if (data.trim() !== "N") { alert(hasGen + " " + hasHotel); alert("Thank you for submitting your correct details. Our Operations Department will review these details and amend if necessary."); top.location.href = `/customer-portal/?id=${portalSessionID}`; } else { alert("Failed to save passenger information"); } }); } else { alert("Booking ID not found"); } } else { // this will evaluate for the first example (weight only) but will not execute // when the hotels fields are present? $(`#submit-error`).fadeIn(); $(`.weight, .hotel`).removeAttr("disabled"); } }


This is the expected number of errors in the case of weight only inputs displayed


This is the expected number of errors in the case of both hotel and weight inputs displayed in table




:根据建议,我在“ else”语句中放置了另一个警报,单击更新按钮后,它现在会产生两个警报。else { alert("After checking else, there are: (" + e_chk + ") errors"); $(`#submit-error`).fadeIn(); $(`.weight, .hotel`).removeAttr("disabled"); }


First alert...Second alert...


**“ $ html”中包含的HTML **

$html .= " <tr> <td> <select data-pax-key='$a' class='form-control chosen' $disabled> <option value='Mr' ".($passenger['TITLE'] == "Mr" ? "selected" : "").">Mr</option> <option value='Mrs' ".($passenger['TITLE'] == "Mrs" ? "selected" : "").">Mrs</option> <option value='Ms' ".($passenger['TITLE'] == "Ms" ? "selected" : "").">Ms</option> </select> </td> <td><input data-pax-key='$a' $disabled type='text' class='form-control' value='".$passenger['FIRST_NAME']."' /></td> <td><input data-pax-key='$a' $disabled type='text' class='form-control' value='".$passenger['LAST_NAME']."' /></td> <td><input data-pax-key='$a' $disabled type='text' class='form-control datepicker' value='".$passenger['DATE_OF_BIRTH']."' /></td> ". ($supplierGenCheck == 1 ? "<td><input data-pax-key='$a' class='weight form-control' type='text'/></td>" : "")." ". ($hasHTLCheck == 1 ? "<td><input data-pax-key='$a' class='hotel form-control' type='text'/></td>" : "")." </tr> ";


// SAVE PASSENGER DETAILS OVER AJAX function savePassengerDetails(booking_id, hasGen, hasHotel) { portalSessionID = getPortalSessionID(); if (portalSessionID) { /*let weightType = $(`#wgt-convert option:selected`).val(); // run this only if pounds not selected if(weightType !== "pounds") { // CONVERT VALUES TO POUNDS $(`.weightValue`).each(function(id, ele){ let weightValue = ele.value; ele.replaceWith(weightToPounds(weightType, weightValue)); }); }*/ // REMOVE SAVE BUTTON ROW $("#submit-button-row").remove().promise().done(function() { // REPLACE INPUT ELEMENTS WITH INPUT VALUES ONLY $("#passenger-table :input").each(function(id, ele) { ele.replaceWith(ele.value); }); // DISABLE ALL INPUTS $(`#passenger-table-${booking_id} table input, #passenger-table-${booking_id} table select`).each(function(i, ele) { $(this).attr("disabled", "disabled"); }); // VARIABLES booking_id = $(`#booking_id_${booking_id}`).val(); let paxKey = 0; let passenger_table = ''; let tmp_passenger_table = ''; // LOOP PASSENGER TABLE RECORDING THE PAXKEY AND VALUE OF EACH ELEMENT $(`#passenger-table-${booking_id} table tr > td > input, #passenger-table-${booking_id} table tr > td > select`).each(function(i, ele) { // IF THE PAX KEY MATCHES THE CURRENT PAXKEY, STORE THE VALUE if (ele.dataset.paxKey === paxKey) { tmp_passenger_table += ` <td>${ele.value}</td> `; } // ELSE IF THE PAX KEYS ARE DIFFERENT, else { // SET THE NEW PAXKEY paxKey = ele.dataset.paxKey; // WRAP THE VALUE IN A <TR> passenger_table += ` <tr>${tmp_passenger_table}</tr> `; // SAVE THE ELEMENT VALUE AND CONTINUE LOOPING tmp_passenger_table = ` <td>${ele.value}</td> `; } }); // WRAP THE FINAL RESULT IN A TR passenger_table += ` <tr>${tmp_passenger_table}</tr> `; // BUILD THE FINAL HTML TABLE passenger_table = ` <table class="table table-bordered table-striped"> <thead> <tr> <th>Title</th> <th>First Name</th> <th>Last Name</th> <th>Date of Birth</th> <th>Weight</th> <th>Hotel Name</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> ${passenger_table} </tbody> </table> `; let e_chk = 0; // ERROR HANDLING if (hasGen && hasHotel) { $(`#passenger-table-${booking_id} table tr > td > input`).each(function() { if (!$(this).val().trim()) e_chk++; }); } else if (hasGen && !(hasHotel)) { $(`.weight`).each(function() { if (!$(this).val().trim()) e_chk++; }) } else if (hasHotel && !(hasGen)) { $(`.hotel`).each(function() { if (!$(this).val().trim()) e_chk++; }) } alert("After checking, there are: (" + e_chk + ") errors"); if (e_chk < 1) { alert("got here...passed"); // SAFETY AND ERROR HANDLING if (booking_id.length >= 5 && passenger_table.length > 10) { // POST DATA $.post("/customer-portal/assets/ajax/confirm-passenger-details.php", { booking_id, passenger_table }, function(data) { if (data.trim() !== "N") { alert(hasGen + " " + hasHotel); alert("Thank you for submitting your correct details. Our Operations Department will review these details and amend if necessary."); top.location.href = `/customer-portal/?id=${portalSessionID}`; } else { alert("Failed to save passenger information"); } }); } else { alert("Booking ID not found"); } } else { alert("After checking else, there are: (" + e_chk + ") errors"); $(`.submit-error`).fadeIn(); $(`.weight, .hotel`).removeAttr("disabled"); } }); } }
javascript php jquery html web


在HTML中,我删除了id标记“ submit-error”,并添加了一个类“ submit-error”。然后,我在jQuery中更改了选择器,现在看来工作正常!

<span class='col-xs-18 col-sm-9 text-sm-left pb-3 pb-sm-0'> <small hidden class='text-danger submit-error'>Please enter missing information before submitting</small> </span>


(`.submit-error`).fadeIn(); $(`.weight, .hotel`).removeAttr("disabled");
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