
问题描述 投票:0回答:1





<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Username-Password Test.html</title>

      When using this page to create a new user account, a php script substitutes
      blank ('') values into the input element's value properties.

      When using this page to edit an existing user account, the same php script
      substitutes the account values, including the username, but not the password,
      into those input element's value properties so that the user could see them.

      Finally, in the real version of this page, there are two other javascript
      functions that doubly protect that user's username and password on this page,
      but which are not shown here:
        - one to clear the password value that the browser substitutes into the
          password input element when the page is first displayed from the browser's
          username/password maintenance system
        - another to prevent someone from using the browser history feature to
          'jump back' to this page and seeing what the browser substituted into the
          password element before the first function cleared it.


    <form action="Username_Password_Test.php" method="post"
          onsubmit="return submitIt( event );">
      <input type="text" id="username" name="username"
             placeholder="Enter a username." value="test" /><br />
      <br />
      <input type="password" id="password" name="password"
             placeholder="Enter a password." value="" /><br />
      <button type="submit">Submit</button><br />
      <br />




      function submitIt( event ) {
        var activeElement = document.activeElement;
        var inputElement  = document.getElementById( 'password' );

        // Only submit the form when the user clicks or presses the enter key on the
        // submit button.

        if( ( activeElement.nodeName === 'BUTTON' ) &&
            ( activeElement.type === 'submit' ) ) {

          // Validate the input element values.  Return true when data is good.


          return true; // Create/Update user account.

        else {

          findNextInput( activeElement );
          alert( 'Please press the Submit button to login.' );

          return false; // Don't create/Update user account.

        } // End of if( ( activeElement.nodeName === 'BUTTON' ) &&
          //            ( activeElement.type === 'submit' ) ) ...

      } // End of submitIt( event ) function.


      function findNextInput( element ) {

        // The submitIt function, above, prevents default form submissions when the form
        // element that caused submission is not the Submit button or the data validation
        // fails, no shown, this function causes pressing the return key in an input
        // element to act like the tab key, which even if not standard is required by the
        // customer.
        // Find the next input element in the form and set the focus on it.
        // Expand search to other tag-elements, when necessary.

        // First, get a list of the form's input elements.

        var formInputs = element.form.elements;

        var tabIndex = element.tabIndex;

        // Locate the element in the form's list of elements ...

        for( var i = 0, l = formInputs.length; i < l; ++i ) {

          if( element === formInputs[ i ] ) {

            // Element found
            // Find the next enabled/visible element in the form elements with a
            // tabIndex equal to or greater than the active element's
            // tabIndex and set the focus on it ...

            // Set j to i + 1 if i + 1 is within the form elements bounds
            // else, set j to the first form element's index.

            var j = ( ( ( j = ( i + 1 ) ) < l ) ? j : 0 );

            for( ; j !== i; ( ( j === l ) ? 0 : ++j ) ) {

              var nextElement = formInputs[ j ];

              if( ( nextElement.style.display !== 'none' ) &&
                  ( nextElement.style.visibility !== 'hidden' ) &&
                  ( nextElement.tabIndex >= tabIndex ) ) {

// This isn't actually correct because it should take the 'next' element with the lowest
// tabIndex of the elements that pass the above if-then statement, which might appear
// before the element parameter, but for this example, since tab order isn't used, this
// solution is more than sufficient.



              } // End of if( ( nextElement.style.display !== 'none' ) &&
                //            ( nextElement.style.visibility !== 'hidden' ) &&
                //            ( nextElement.tabIndex >= tabIndex ) ) ...

            } // End of for( var j = ( i + 1 ); j !== i; ( ( j === l ) ? 0 : ++j ) ) ...


          } // End of if( element === formInputs[ i ] ) ...

        } // End of for( var i = 0, l = formInputs.length; i < l; ++i ) ...

      } // End of findNextInput( ) function.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Username-Password Test.php</title>
    $_POST Keys:&nbsp;
    echo implode( ', ', array_keys( $_POST ) );
    <br />

    echo $_POST[ 'username' ];
    </span><br />

    if( array_key_exists( 'password', $_POST ) ) {

        echo $_POST[ 'password' ];

    else {

        echo 'missing!';


javascript browser dialog passwords username


const myInput = document.getElementById("password")

document.getElementById("passwordButton").addEventListener("click", ()=>{
  myInput.type === 'text' 
    ? myInput.type = 'password'
    : myInput.type ='text'
<input id='password' type='password' />
<button id='passwordButton' type='button'> Show/Hide </button>
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