Vtiger 7.1。有没有办法使用 VTlib 修改 Field 或 Block 的位置?

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

在vtiger中,数据库中有一个名为vtiger_field的表,它存储与字段相关的所有内容。 该表有一列称为序列,它表示这些字段所处的位置。 虽然可以使用php代码来修改字段的位置,但我想知道是否有一种方法可以使用Vtlib来移动字段位置。

这个问题也适用于修改表 vtiger_blocks 中的块的位置

        $blockData =  array();
        // Get tabid
        $sql = mysql_query("SELECT tabid FROM vtigercrm71.vtiger_tab where name = 'ServiceContracts';",$DBconn); 
        $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql);
        $moduleId = $row['tabid'];        

        // get BlockId of the block intended to be moved
        $sql = mysql_query("SELECT blockid FROM vtigercrm71.vtiger_blocks where blocklabel = 'Renewal Details';",$DBconn); 
        $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql);
        $blockId = $row['blockid'];     

        // get sequence of the block to be moved under
        $sql = mysql_query("SELECT sequence FROM vtigercrm71.vtiger_blocks where blocklabel = 'LBL_SERVICE_CONTRACT_INFORMATION';",$DBconn); 
        $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql);
        $blockSequence = $row['sequence']; 

        // Get blocks in that module
        $sql = mysql_query("SELECT blockid,sequence FROM vtigercrm71.vtiger_blocks where tabid = ".$moduleId.";",$DBconn); 
        while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql))
            $blockData[] = array(
                'blockid' => $row['blockid'],
                'sequence' => $row['sequence']

        $moveToSequence = $blockSequence + 1; //No of sequence need to be moved to
        $targetSequence = null;

        // set the sequence of the block needed to be moved
        foreach($blockData as $block)
            if ($blockId == $block['blockid'])
                $targetSequence = $block['sequence'];

        // Update the block sequences from a lower sequence to a higher sequence
        foreach($blockData as $block)
            $sequence = $block['sequence'];
            $blockId = $block['blockid'];
            if($block['sequence'] == $targetSequence)
                $sequence = $moveToSequence;
            elseif ($block['sequence'] >= $moveToSequence && $block['sequence'] < $targetSequence)
                $sequence = $block['sequence'];
                $sequence + 1;
            mysql_query("UPDATE vtigercrm71.vtiger_blocks SET sequence = '".$sequence."' WHERE (blockid = '".$blockId."');",$DBconn);

    echo'<br>Block Sequence Changed<br>';

上面是我自己编写的用于更改块的顺序/位置的代码。 所有这些都太长和混乱,只是移动单个块序列,这就是为什么我试图找到是否有一种方法可以使用 vtlib 来更改序列

2023 年 4 月 12 日编辑: 在尝试找到使用 CRM 编辑块位置时出现的弹出窗口后,我想我设法找到了用于修改块的代码。但是,我不太明白它是如何工作的,而且有 2 个具有相同功能但存储库不同的文件。


     * Function to regiser the event to make the blocks sortable
    makeBlocksListSortable : function() {
        var thisInstance = this;
        var contents = jQuery('#layoutEditorContainer').find('.contents');
        var table = contents.find('.blockSortable');
            'containment' : contents,
            'items' : table,
            'revert' : true,
            'cursor' : 'move',
            'update' : function(e, ui) {

     * Function which will update block sequence
    updateBlockSequence : function() {
        var thisInstance = this;
        var progressIndicatorElement = jQuery.progressIndicator({
            'position' : 'html',
            'blockInfo' : {
                'enabled' : true

        var sequence = JSON.stringify(thisInstance.updateBlocksListByOrder());
        var params = {};
        params['module'] = app.getModuleName();
        params['parent'] = app.getParentModuleName();
        params['action'] = 'Block';
        params['mode'] = 'updateSequenceNumber';
        params['sequence'] = sequence;

            function(data) {
                progressIndicatorElement.progressIndicator({'mode' : 'hide'});
                var params = {};
                params['text'] = app.vtranslate('JS_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_UPDATED');
            function(error) {
                progressIndicatorElement.progressIndicator({'mode' : 'hide'});

     * Function which will arrange the sequence number of blocks
    updateBlocksListByOrder : function() {
        var thisInstance = this;
        var contents = jQuery('#layoutEditorContainer').find('.contents');
            var blockTable = jQuery(domElement);
            var blockId = blockTable.data('blockId');
            var actualBlockSequence = blockTable.data('sequence');
            var expectedBlockSequence = (index+1);

            if(expectedBlockSequence != actualBlockSequence) {
                blockTable.data('sequence', expectedBlockSequence);
            thisInstance.updatedBlockSequence[blockId] = expectedBlockSequence;
        return thisInstance.updatedBlockSequence;


     * Function to regiser the event to make the blocks sortable
    makeBlocksListSortable: function () {
        var thisInstance = this;
        var contents = jQuery('#layoutEditorContainer').find('.contents');
        var table = contents.find('.blockSortable');
            'containment': contents,
            'items': table,
            'revert': true,
            'tolerance': 'pointer',
            'cursor': 'move',
            'update': function (e, ui) {
     * Function which will update block sequence
    updateBlockSequence: function () {
        var thisInstance = this;

        var sequence = JSON.stringify(thisInstance.updateBlocksListByOrder());
        var params = {};
        params['module'] = thisInstance.getModuleName();
        params['parent'] = app.getParentModuleName();
        params['action'] = 'Block';
        params['mode'] = 'updateSequenceNumber';
        params['sequence'] = sequence;
        params['selectedModule'] = jQuery('#selectedModuleName').attr('value');

        app.request.post({'data': params}).then(
            function (err, data) {
                if (err === null) {
                    app.helper.showSuccessNotification({'message': app.vtranslate('JS_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_UPDATED')});
                } else {
                    app.helper.showErrorNotification({'message': err.message});
     * Function which will arrange the sequence number of blocks
    updateBlocksListByOrder: function () {
        var thisInstance = this;
        var contents = jQuery('#layoutEditorContainer').find('.contents');
        contents.find('.blockSortable:visible').each(function (index, domElement) {
            var blockTable = jQuery(domElement);
            var blockId = blockTable.data('blockId');
            var actualBlockSequence = blockTable.data('sequence');
            var expectedBlockSequence = (index+1);

            if (expectedBlockSequence != actualBlockSequence) {
                blockTable.data('sequence', expectedBlockSequence);
            thisInstance.updatedBlockSequence[blockId] = expectedBlockSequence;
        return thisInstance.updatedBlockSequence;

现在如果我遵循 Ruben 的建议,我将不知道如何使用这些函数来修改块

php vtiger vtigercrm

Vtiger vtlib 不支持字段和块序列更新。您必须准备一个查询来更新受更改影响的所有块或字段。

  1. Vtiger 布局编辑器

在此屏幕中,Vtiger 使用 jQuery 库来获取块或字段的序列。因此,当您在“布局编辑器”页面上单击“保存”时,它会从 UI 发布序列。

  1. Vtiger 更新序列

当请求发送到服务器时,它会转到“Settings_LayoutEditor_Block_Action”类、“updateSequenceNumber”函数,最终调用“Vtiger_Block_Model”类、“updateSequenceNumber”函数,并准备一个使用 when case 进行单个更新查询并执行。


  • Settings_LayoutEditor_Block_Action - Vtiger/modules/Settings/LayoutEditor/actions/Blocks.php
  • Vtiger_Block_Model - Vtiger/modules/Vtiger/models/Blocks.php
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