CakePHP 会话和缓存处理

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如果存在与 CakePHP 应用程序相关的登录问题,是否有需要注意的具体事项?我知道应该在应用程序目录内的 tmp 目录上正确配置权限。会话文件是在



目录。作为解决方法,我在 core.php 中切换调试模式,这似乎清除了缓存。



下面是缓存和会话处理的代码。 我尝试将会话默认值从“cake”更改为“php”,从那时起它工作正常。 但我不确定这是否会产生不可预见的后果。 所以,我仍然想保留旧的会话处理代码。

 * Configure the cache used for general framework caching. Path information,
 * object listings, and translation cache files are stored with this configuration.
Cache::config('_cake_core_', array(
'engine' => $engine,
'prefix' => $prefix . 'cake_core_',
'path' => CACHE . 'persistent' . DS,
'serialize' => ($engine === 'File'),
'duration' => $duration

 * Configure the cache for model and datasource caches. This cache configuration
 * is used to store schema descriptions, and table listings in connections.

Cache::config('_cake_model_', array(
'engine' => $engine,
'prefix' => $prefix . 'cake_model_',
'path' => CACHE . 'models' . DS,
'serialize' => ($engine === 'File'),
'duration' => $duration

Configure::write('Session', array(
    'defaults' => 'cake',
    'timeout' => 86400, // The session will timeout after 2 hours of inactivity
    'cookieTimeout' => 86400, // The session cookie will live for at most 24 hours, this does not effect session timeouts
    'checkAgent' => false,
    'autoRegenerate' => true,  // causes the session expiration time to reset on each page load

Configure::write('Session', array(
    'defaults' => 'cake',
    'timeout' => 86400,
    'ini' => array(
        'session.cookie_path' => str_replace(str_replace(DS, '/', str_replace(ROOT, '', WWW_ROOT).'index.php'), '', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])


Configure::write('Session', array(
    'defaults' => 'php',
    'timeout' => 86400, // The session will timeout after 2 hours of inactivity
    'cookieTimeout' => 86400, // The session cookie will live for at most 24 hours, this does not effect session timeouts
    'checkAgent' => false,
    'autoRegenerate' => true,  // causes the session expiration time to reset on each page load
php session cakephp session-cookies cakephp-2.0
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