如何防止在IIS 6.0中直接访问PDF或xls或doc文件

问题描述 投票:1回答:2

我们有一个网站(例如abc.com),它是用经典ASP构建的,并在IIS 6.0上托管。我们在IIS 6.0中有一个内容文件夹,它由PDF或XLS等静态文件组成。我们最近了解到,在各种搜索引擎中,我们网站(www.abc.com/content/xyz.PDF)与PDF / xls的直接链接将显示在搜索结果中,任何用户都可以直接访问这些文件。由于这些文件只能由登录用户访问,因此阻止匿名用户直接访问这些文件的方法是什么。我们使用cookie和数据库来验证有效用户。我们迄今采取的行动是: -



问题: - 由于我们使用的是IIS6.0和经典的ASP,有没有办法在IIS级别实现任何东西,以防止直接访问PDF / XLS文件。比如,如果用户键入'www.abc.com/temp/xyz.PDF'或者.pdf / .xls组成的url应该首先被我们的asp或任何其他页面拦截以进行身份​​验证(检查用户是否已记录)在或不)并基于它应该允许打开。

pdf asp-classic iis-6 block xls


  1. 将所有内容文件放在网站目录之外。这意味着没有人可以访问文件,即使他们知道文件的完整路径。
  2. 授予网站对内容目录的READ访问权限。
  3. 构建一个可以根据请求提供单个文件的脚本。此文件确保用户必须先登录才能下载任何文件。
  4. 在html页面上,有一个看起来像这个<a href='downloadFile.asp?fileID=2341'>appManual.pdf</a>的链接,而不是直接链接到该文件


dim filePath

'Is user logged on?
if Session("userID") > 0 then
    'Good, the user is logged on.
    'See if we can find the file the user is requesting
    filePath = GetFilePAthFromDatabaseByID(request("fileID"))
    if filePath != "" AND DoFileExists(filePath) then
        'We found the file, send it to clients browser
        response.write "Sorry, we can't find the file with ID = " & request("fileID")
    end if
    response.write "Sorry, you are not allowed to download files unless you are logged on"
end if

Function DoFileExists(filePath)
    dim fso
    Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")  
    if fso.FileExists(filePath) then  
        'return value
        DoFileExists = true
        'return value
        DoFileExists = false    
    end if 
End Function

Function SendFileToClient(strFile,strFileEnd)  
    dim objText, strContentDisp, strFilename, strm, fso, fsofile, intFilelength, icount, oldScriptTimeout

    strFilename = strFile

    'Important that buffer is set to false to be able to handle big documents extending the buffer size
    'the binary documents is sent in chunks to the client.......
    'Leaving buffer to true will cut-off the binary stream at "buffer full" and the document is not readable by the client.
    Response.Buffer = False 

    Set strm = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")  
    strm.Type = 1

    Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")  
    if not fso.FileExists(strFilename) then  
        Response.Write("The corresponding file does not exist")
    end if  

    Set fsofile = fso.GetFile(strFilename)  
    intFilelength = fsofile.size  

    'All the known filetypes below will be sent to the browser as a known MIME type, this will embed and open the documents 
    'directly in the browser.
    'If some of the document types are to be opened in an full application instead of a browser embedded application, just comment out
    'the case section containing the extension type and the file will be downloaded as an "application/octet-stream"

    'Default Content-Disposition
    strContentDisp = "filename=" & fsofile.name     

    select case ucase(strFileEnd)
    Case "TIF", "TIFF"
        Response.ContentType = "image/tiff"
    Case "GIF"
        Response.ContentType = "image/gif"
    Case "JPEG", "JPG"
        Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"
    Case "PNG"
        Response.ContentType = "image/png"
    Case "BMP"
        Response.ContentType = "image/bmp"
    Case "PDF"  
        Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"
    Case "XLS"
        Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"
    Case "DOC"
        Response.ContentType = "application/msword"
    Case "TXT"
        Response.ContentType = "text/plain"
    Case "HTM", "HTML"
        Response.ContentType = "text/html"
    Case "XML"
        Response.ContentType = "text/xml"
    Case Else
        strContentDisp = "attachment; filename=" & fsofile.name  
        Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream" 
        Response.CharSet = "UTF-8"  
    End Select

    Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", strContentDisp
    'Remove setting of content-length when using IIS 7.5 since it does not work there
    Response.AddHeader "Content-Length", intFilelength 

    'Set the Timeout to a large value when downloading big documents
    oldScriptTimeout = Server.ScriptTimeout
    Server.ScriptTimeout = 30000 

    For icount = 1 To intFilelength \ chunk 
        If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then Exit For 
        Response.BinaryWrite strm.Read(chunk) 

    If intFilelength Mod chunk > 0 Then 
        If Response.IsClientConnected Then 
            Response.BinaryWrite strm.Read(intFilelength Mod chunk) 
        End If 
    End If 

    Response.Buffer = True

    'Reset the original timeout
    Server.ScriptTimeout = oldScriptTimeout 

    Set strm = Nothing  
    set fsofile = Nothing 
End Function


dim downloadURL, url, urlPattern, arrTmpUrl, arrTmp
dim filename, fileID

' ** Base path for downloads (new)
downloadURL = "http://www.yourDomain.com/downloadFile.asp?fileID="
' ** Fetch QUERY_STRING  (this tells us which page the user tried to access)
url = Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING")
' ** URL pattern  (did the user try to download a content file?)
urlPattern = "^(http://|http://www.|www.)yourDomain.(se|com):80/(ContentDir|AltContentDir)/[a-zA-Z0-9_åäöÅÄÖ .]{2,100}/?$"

arrTmpUrl = split(url,"404;")
if  1 = (UBound(arrTmpUrl) - LBound(arrTmpUrl)) then
    if RegExTest(arrTmpUrl(UBound(arrTmpUrl)), urlPattern) Then
        arrTmp = split(arrTmpUrl(UBound(arrTmpUrl)),"/")
        filename = trim(arrTmp(UBound(arrTmp)))

        'See if we can find the file name in database
        fileID = GetFileIDFromDatabaseByName(filename)
        if fileID > 0 then
            downloadURL = downloadURL & Cstr(fileID)

            'Redirect user to proper download link
            response.redirect downloadURL
            'We did not find a matching file
            'Show standard 404 page
            ShowStd404Page("We did not find a matching file")
        end if
        'The URL did not match the pattern
        'Show standard 404 page
        ShowStd404Page("no match")
    End if
    'The queryString did not look like as expected
    'Show standard 404 page
    ShowStd404Page("unexpected queryString")
End if


David代码属于“intFilelength \ chunk”:chunk为0.插入声明:

Dim chunck
chunck = 2^13 '8K


Call Response.AddHeader("Cache-Control", "private, max-age=1")
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