
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


type regexp =
  | V                      (* void                      *)
  | E                      (* epsilon                   *)
  | C of char              (* char                      *)
  | U of regexp * regexp   (* a + b                     *)
  | P of regexp * regexp   (* a.b                       *)
  | S of regexp            (* a*                        *)

module ReS = Set.Make (struct
  type t = regexp
  let compare = compare
(* module/type for pairs of sets of regular expressions *)
module RePS = Set.Make (struct
  type t = ReS.t * ReS.t
  let compare = compare
(*module/type for set of chars *)
module CS = Set.Make(Char)

let ewps = ReS.exists ewp;;
let atmost_epsilons = ReS.for_all atmost_epsilon;;
let infinitys = ReS.exists infinity;;

let rigth_concat s = function
| V -> ReS.empty
| E -> s
| r -> ReS.map (fun e -> P (e,r)) s
let ( *.* ) = rigth_concat;;

(* partial derivative of a regular expression *)
let rec pd a re = function
  | V | E -> ReS.empty
  | C  b when b=a -> ReS.singleton E
  | C  b -> ReS.empty
  | U (r, s) -> ReS.union (pd a r) (pd a s)
  | P (r, s) when ewp a -> ReS.union ((pd a r) *.* s) (pd a s)
  | P (r, s) -> (pd a r) *.* s
  | S r as re -> (pd a r) *.* re
let rec unions f s =
  ReS.fold (fun re acc -> ReS.union (f re) acc ) s ReS.empty
let rec pds a s = unions (pd a) s;;

let rec pdw (sr: ReS.t) = function
  | [] -> sr
  | a::tl -> pds a (pdw sr tl)


此表达式的类型为regexp-> ReS.t,但表达式为 期望类型为ReS.t

在函数“ pd”中有错误的行中

| U (r, s) -> ReS.union (pd a r) (pd a s)
algorithm types ocaml


function None -> 0 | Some x -> x


您可能可以将function ...更改为match re with。或者,您可以删除显式的re参数,并使用function中隐含的参数。

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