
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在使用 MPLAB X IDE V6,20 和 XC32 V4.35 编译器开发 PIC32MM056GPM048。



void CLK_Initialize( void )
    /* unlock system for clock configuration */
    SYSKEY = 0x00000000U;
    SYSKEY = 0xAA996655U;
    SYSKEY = 0x556699AAU;

/* Even though SPLL is selected in FNOSC, Harmony generates #pragma code as FRCDIV, not as SPLL, in "initilization.c".
* Switching to SPLL is done here after appropriate setting of SPLLCON register.
* This is done to ensure we don't end-up changing PLL setting when it is ON. */

/* Configure SPLL */
/* DIV_1, MUL_3, PLLSRC= FRC */
SPLLCON = 0x10080;

/* Now switch to the PLL source */
OSCCON = OSCCON | 0x00000101U;    //NOSC = SPLL, initiate clock switch (OSWEN = 1)

/* Wait for PLL to be ready and clock switching operation to complete */
uint32_t status = CLKSTATbits.SPLLRDY;
status |= CLKSTATbits.SPDIVRDY;
while((OSCCONbits.OSWEN != 0U) || (status == 0U))
    status = CLKSTATbits.SPLLRDY;
    status |= CLKSTATbits.SPDIVRDY;

/* Peripheral Module Disable Configuration */
PMD1 = 0x101001U;
PMD2 = 0xf000007U;
PMD3 = 0x1ff00U;
PMD4 = 0x7U;
PMD5 = 0x1070705U;
PMD6 = 0x1U;
PMD7 = 0x0U;

/* Lock system since done with clock configuration */
SYSKEY = 0x33333333U;}



void SYS_Initialize ( void* data )
/* MISRAC 2012 deviation block start */
/* MISRA C-2012 Rule 2.2 deviated in this file.  Deviation record ID -  H3_MISRAC_2012_R_2_2_DR_1 */

/* Start out with interrupts disabled before configuring any modules */




/* MISRAC 2012 deviation block start */
/* Following MISRA-C rules deviated in this block  */
/* MISRA C-2012 Rule 11.3 - Deviation record ID - H3_MISRAC_2012_R_11_3_DR_1 */
/* MISRA C-2012 Rule 11.8 - Deviation record ID - H3_MISRAC_2012_R_11_8_DR_1 */

/* MISRAC 2012 deviation block end */

/* Enable global interrupts */

/* MISRAC 2012 deviation block end */}

在我的 main.c 上添加一些行后,我遇到了第二个问题:

#include <stddef.h>                     // Defines NULL
#include <stdbool.h>                    // Defines true
#include <stdlib.h>                     // Defines EXIT_FAILURE
#include "definitions.h"                // SYS function prototypes

uint8_t buffer[] = "Test"; uint8_t buffer2[] = "Test5";

void delay(int nb);
int main ( void ) {
    /* Initialize all modules */
    SYS_Initialize ( NULL );
    int pbClk;

pbClk = 24000000 / 2; // Our PBCLK2 divider was set to 1, so PBCLK2 is exactly half the speed of the system clock, or 12Mhz

U2MODE = 0; // Set UART 5 off prior to setting it up
U2MODEbits.BRGH = 0; // We want standard speed mode. Not necessary as we just set 
U5MODE to 0 so this is just for explanation's sake
U2BRG = pbClk / (16 * 38400) - 1;// This is the formula straight from the datasheet
U2STA = 0; // Disable the TX and RX pins, clear all flags
U2STAbits.UTXEN = 1; // Enable the TX pin
//U2STAbits.URXEN = 1; // Enable the RX pin
U2MODEbits.PDSEL = 0; // PDSEL controls how many data bits and how many parity bits we want, this is the default of 8-bit data, no parity bits that most terminals use
U2MODEbits.STSEL = 0; // STSEL controls how many stop bits we use, let's use the default of 1
U2MODEbits.ON = 1; // Turn on the UART 2 peripheral

int test = 0;

while ( true )
    /* Maintain state machines of all polled MPLAB Harmony modules. */
    SYS_Tasks ( );
    if(test ==0){
        //U2STAbits.UTXEN = 0; // Enable the TX pin
        test = 1;
        test = 0;

/* Execution should not come here during normal operation */

return ( EXIT_FAILURE ); }

void delay(int nb) {
    if(nb == 0)

    int i = 0;
         i= i + 1;
    while(i < nb); }

有时候,当我启动代码时,我陷入了“crt0.S”第 119 行(_reset 中的

jal _startup
我的 main.c.

 *                  C Runtime Startup
 * Filename:        crt0.S
 * Processor:       PIC32
 * Compiler:        MPLAB XC32
 *                  MPLAB X IDE
 * Company:         Microchip Technology Inc.


#include "xc.h"
#include <cp0defs.h>

#ifdef __LIBBUILD__
   # Replace the standard debugging information with a simple filename. This
   # prevents the library build directory from showing up in MPLAB IDE. It
   # also effectively disables source-line debugging.
   .file 1 "libpic32/startup/crt0.S"
   .loc 1 0

#if (__XC32_VERSION > 1000) && !defined(CPP_INIT)
#define CPP_INIT

#if !defined(PIC32_SRS_SET_COUNT)
#  if defined(__PIC32_SRS_SET_COUNT)
#  else
#    warning PIC32_SRS_SET_COUNT not defined on build line
#    define PIC32_SRS_SET_COUNT 2
#  endif

#if defined(__PIC32MX) || defined(__PIC32MM) || defined(__PIC32MZ)
#define INIT_DATA 1

/* This file contains 32-bit assembly code */
       .set nomips16

        # Entry point of the entire application
        .section .reset,code,keep
        .align 2
        .set noreorder
        .ent _reset

# Begin ISA switching code #

#if defined (__mips_micromips)
        .set micromips

#if (defined(__PIC32_HAS_MICROMIPS)) && (defined(__PIC32_HAS_MIPS32R2))
        .word 0x10000003     /* MIPS32:    branch forward 0x10 bytes from here  */
                             /* MicroMIPS: ADDI32 $0, $0, 0x0007 (nop)          */
                             /* DO NOT change the relative branch               */

        .word 0x00000000     /* NOP */
        .set    micromips
        jal     _startup

        .align 2
        /* Device not in proper ISA mode */
        .set nomicromips
        jal _startup


        jal _startup

#endif  /* __PIC32_HAS_MICROMIPS */

        .align 2
        .end _reset
        .globl _reset
        .size _reset, .-_reset

        .section .reset.startup,code,keep
        .align 2
        .set noreorder

#if defined (__mips_micromips)
        .set micromips
        .set nomicromips

# End ISA switching code   #

        # Startup code
        .align 2
        .globl _startup
        .set noreorder
        .ent _startup
        # If entered because of an NMI, jump to the NMI handler.
        mfc0    k0,_CP0_STATUS
        ext     k0,k0,19,1              # Extract NMI bit
        beqz    k0,_no_nmi
        la      k0,_nmi_handler
        jr      k0

        # Initialize Stack Pointer
        #   _stack is initialized by the linker script to point to the
        #    starting location of the stack in DRM
        la      sp,_stack

        # Initialize Global Pointer
        #   _gp is initialized by the linker script to point to "middle"
        #   of the small variables region
        la      gp,_gp

#if (PIC32_SRS_SET_COUNT == 2)
        # Initialize Global Pointer in Shadow Set
        #   The SRSCtl's PSS field must be set to the shadow set in which
        #   to initialize the global pointer.  Since we have only a
        #   single shadow set (besides the normal), we will initialize
        #   SRSCtl<PSS> to SRSCtl<HSS>.  We then write the global pointer
        #   to the previous shadow set to ensure that on interrupt, the
        #   global pointer has been initialized.
        mfc0    t1,_CP0_SRSCTL          # Read SRSCtl register
        add     t3,t1,zero              # Save off current SRSCtl
        ext     t2,t1,26,4              # to obtain HSS field
        ins     t1,t2,6,4               # Put HSS field
        mtc0    t1,_CP0_SRSCTL          # into SRSCtl<PSS>
        ehb                             # Clear hazard before using new SRSCTL
        wrpgpr  gp,gp                   # Set global pointer in PSS
        mtc0    t3,_CP0_SRSCTL          # Restore SRSCtl

#elif (PIC32_SRS_SET_COUNT > 2)
        # Initialize Global Pointer in Shadow Set(s)
        #   The SRSCtl PSS field must be set to the shadow set in which
        #   to initialize the global pointer.  We will initialize
        #   SRSCtl<PSS> to the number of reg sets and work down to set zero.
        #   We write the global pointer to the previous shadow set to
        #   ensure that on interrupt, the global pointer has been
        #   initialized.
        mfc0    t1,_CP0_SRSCTL          # Read SRSCtl register
        add     t3,t1,zero              # Save off current SRSCtl

        li      t2,(PIC32_SRS_SET_COUNT-1)

1:      ins     t1,t2,6,4               # Put next shadow set field
        mtc0    t1,_CP0_SRSCTL          # into SRSCtl<PSS>
        ehb                             # Clear hazard before using new SRSCTL
        wrpgpr  gp,gp                   # Set global pointer in PSS

        addiu   t2,t2,-1                # Next lower shadow set
                                        # Loop for all sets
        bne     t2,$0,1b                # Down to zero (normal GPR set)

        mtc0    t3,_CP0_SRSCTL          # Restore SRSCtl

#endif /* (PIC32_SRS_SET_COUNT > 2) */

        # Call the "on reset" procedure
        la      t0,_on_reset
        jalr    t0

#if defined(INIT_MMU_MZ_FIXED) || defined(__PIC32_HAS_MMU_MZ_FIXED)
        # Initialize TLB for fixed mapping to EBI and SQI
        .extern __pic32_tlb_init_ebi_sqi
        la      t0,__pic32_tlb_init_ebi_sqi
        jalr    t0

        # Clear uninitialized data sections
        la      t0,_bss_begin
        la      t1,_bss_end
        b       _bss_check

        sw      zero,0x0(t0)
        addu    t0,4
        bltu    t0,t1,_bss_init

#if defined(INIT_L1_CACHE) || defined(__PIC32_HAS_L1CACHE)
        # Initialize L1 cache. This must be done after bss clearing
        # since the _bss_end symbol may not be cache-line aligned.
        .extern   __pic32_init_cache
        la      t0,__pic32_init_cache
        jalr    t0

#if defined(INIT_DATA) || defined(__PIC32_HAS_INIT_DATA)

#if defined(__LIBBUILD__) /* Prebuilt crt0.o file */

        # Initialize data using the linker-generated .dinit table
        # For use with XC32 versions prior to XC32 v2.10 only.
        .equiv FMT_CLEAR,0
        .equiv FMT_COPY,1
        la      t0,_dinit_addr

#define SRC t0
#define DST t1
#define LEN t2
#define FMT t3

0:      lw      DST,0(SRC)
        beqz    DST,9f
        addu    SRC,4
        lw      LEN,0(SRC)
        addu    SRC,4
        lw      FMT,0(SRC)
        beq     FMT,$0,_dinit_clear
        addu    SRC,4

        lbu     t4,0(SRC)
        subu    LEN,1
        addu    SRC,1
        sb      t4,0(DST)
        bne     LEN,$0,_dinit_copy
        addu    DST,1

        b       _dinit_end

        sb      $0,(DST)
        subu    LEN,1
        bne     LEN,$0,_dinit_clear
        addu    DST,1

        addu    SRC,3
        addiu   LEN,$0,-4
        and     SRC,LEN,SRC
        lw      DST,0(SRC)
        bne     DST,$0,0b

        # Initialize data using the linker-generated .dinit table
        # XC32 v2.10 and later provide the data-init code in a separate file
        # packaged with the compiler rather than the DFP. Use that init
        # code instead.
        .extern   __pic32_data_init
        la      t0, __pic32_data_init
        jalr    t0

#if defined(_OFF168_VOFF_POSITION)
        lui t1,%hi(OFF168)
        lui t2,%hi(__vector_offset_168)
        addiu   t2,t2,%lo(__vector_offset_168)
        sw  t2,%lo(OFF168)(t1)

#endif /* __LIBBUILD__ */

#endif /* INIT_DATA */

        # If there are no RAM functions, skip the next section --
        # initializing bus matrix registers.
        la      t1,_ramfunc_begin
        beqz    t1,_ramfunc_done

#if defined(INIT_SSX) || defined(__PIC32_HAS_SSX)
  /* No initialization required */
#else /* Use BMX */
        # Initialize bus matrix registers if RAM functions exist in the
        # application
        la      t1,_bmxdkpba_address
        la      t2,BMXDKPBA
        sw      t1,0(t2)
        la      t1,_bmxdudba_address
        la      t2,BMXDUDBA
        sw      t1,0(t2)
        la      t1,_bmxdupba_address
        la      t2,BMXDUPBA
        sw      t1,0(t2)
#endif /* INIT_SSX */


        # Initialize CP0 registers
        # Initialize Count register
        mtc0    zero,_CP0_COUNT

        # Initialize Compare register
        li      t2,-1
        mtc0    t2,_CP0_COMPARE

        # Ensure BEV set and Initialize EBase register
        li      t0, (1<<22)
        mfc0    t2,_CP0_STATUS
        or      t2,t0,t2               # Set BEV bit 22
        mtc0    t2,_CP0_STATUS

        la      t1,_ebase_address
        mtc0    t1,_CP0_EBASE
        # Initialize PRISS register to a safer default for devices that 
        # have it. The application should re-initialize it to an
        # application-specific value.
        # We do NOT do this by default.
#if (PIC32_SRS_SET_COUNT >= 7)
        li      t2, 0x76540000
        addiu   t2, t2, 0x3210
        lui     t1, %hi(PRISS)
        sw      t2, %lo(PRISS)(t1)
#elif (PIC32_SRS_SET_COUNT <= 2)
        li      t2, 0x10000000
        lui     t1, %hi(PRISS)
        sw      t2, %lo(PRISS)(t1)
#endif /* PIC32_SRS_SET_COUNT */
        # Initialize IntCtl/INTCON.VS register with _vector_spacing
        la      t1,_vector_spacing
#if defined(INIT_INTCONVS) || defined(__PIC32_HAS_INTCONVS)
        la      t0, INTCON
        lw      t2, 0(t0)
        li      t2, 0
        ins     t2, t1, 16, 7
#if defined(__PIC32MM) && defined(_INTCON_MVEC_MASK)
        ori     t2, t2, _INTCON_MVEC_MASK
        sw      t2, 0(t0)
        li      t2,0                    # Clear t2 and
        ins     t2,t1,5,5               # shift value to VS field
        mtc0    t2,_CP0_INTCTL

        # Initialize CAUSE registers
        # - Enable counting of Count register <DC = 0>
        # - Use special exception vector <IV = 1>
        # - Clear pending software interrupts <IP1:IP0 = 0>
        li      t1,0x00800000
        mtc0    t1,_CP0_CAUSE

        # Initialize STATUS register
        # - Access to Coprocessor 0 not allowed in user mode <CU0 = 0>
        # - User mode uses configured endianness <RE = 0>
        # - Preserve Bootstrap Exception vectors <BEV>
        # - Preserve soft reset <SR> and non-maskable interrupt <NMI>
        # - CorExtend enabled based on whether CorExtend User Defined
        #   Instructions have been implemented <CEE = Config<UDI>>
        # - Disable any pending interrupts <IM7..IM2 = 0, IM1..IM0 = 0>
        # - Disable hardware interrupts <IPL7:IPL2 = 0>
        # - Base mode is Kernel mode <UM = 0>
        # - Error level is normal <ERL = 0>
        # - Exception level is normal <EXL = 0>
        # - Interrupts are disabled <IE = 0>
        # - DSPr2 ASE is enabled for devices that support it <MX = 1>
        # - FPU64 is enabled for devices that support it <CU1=1> & <FR=1>
        mfc0    t0,_CP0_CONFIG
        ext     t1,t0,22,1              # Extract UDI from Config register
        sll     t1,t1,17                # Move UDI to Status.CEE location
        mfc0    t0,_CP0_STATUS
        and     t0,t0,0x00580000        # Preserve SR, NMI, and BEV
#if defined(INIT_DSPR2) || defined(__PIC32_HAS_DSPR2)
        li      t2, 0x01000000          # Set the Status.MX bit to enable DSP
        or      t0,t2,t0
#if defined(INIT_FPU64) || defined(__PIC32_HAS_FPU64)
        li      t2, 0x24000000          # Set the Status.CU1 and Status.FR bits to
        or      t0,t2,t0                # enable the FPU in FR64 mode

        or      t0,t1,t0                # Include Status.CEE (from UDI)
        mtc0    t0,_CP0_STATUS
#if defined(PIC32WK) && defined(_CP0_CONFIG3) && defined (__mips_micromips)
        # Ensure that the ISAONEXEC bit is set for the microMIPS ISA for the PIC32WK family
        li      t1,0x10000              # ISAONEXEC bit
        mfc0    t0,_CP0_CONFIG3
        or      t1,t0,t1
        mtc0    t1,_CP0_CONFIG3

#endif /* PIC32WK && __mips_micromips */

#if defined(INIT_FPU64) || defined(__PIC32_HAS_FPU64)
                                        # FPU Control and Status
        li      t2,0x1000000            # FCSR: RM=0, FS=1, FO=0, FN=0
                                        # Enables: 0b00000 E=1, V=0, Z=0, O=0, U=0, I=0
        ctc1    t2, $31                 # High perf on denormal operands & tiny results

        # Call the "on bootstrap" procedure
        la      t0,_on_bootstrap
        jalr    t0

        # Initialize Status<BEV> for normal exception vectors
        mfc0    t0,_CP0_STATUS
        and     t0,t0,0xffbfffff        # Clear BEV
        mtc0    t0,_CP0_STATUS

        # Call main. We do this via a thunk in the text section so that
        # a normal jump and link can be used, enabling the startup code
        # to work properly whether main is written in MIPS16 or MIPS32
        # code. I.e., the linker will correctly adjust the JAL to JALX if
        # necessary
        and     a0,a0,0
        and     a1,a1,0
        la      t0,_main_entry
        jr      t0

        .end _startup

        # Boot Exception Vector Handler
        # Jumps to _bootstrap_exception_handler
        .section .bev_handler,code,keep
        .align 2
        .set noreorder
        .ent _bev_exception
        la        k0,_bootstrap_exception_handler
        jr        k0

        .end _bev_exception

        # General Exception Vector Handler
        # Jumps to _general_exception_context
        .section .gen_handler,code
        .align 2
        .set noreorder
        .ent _gen_exception
0:      la      k0,_general_exception_context
        jr      k0

        .end _gen_exception

#if defined(INIT_MMU_MZ_FIXED) || defined(__PIC32_HAS_MMU_MZ_FIXED)
        # Simple TLB-Refill Exception Vector
        # Jumps to _simple_tlb_refill_exception_context
        .section .simple_tlb_refill_vector,code,keep
        .align 2
        .set noreorder
        .ent simple_tlb_refill_vector
        la      k0,_simple_tlb_refill_exception_context
        jr      k0

        .end simple_tlb_refill_vector

#if defined(INIT_L1_CACHE) || defined(__PIC32_HAS_L1CACHE)
        # Cache-Error Exception Vector Handler
        # Jumps to _cache_err_exception_context
        .section .cache_err_vector,code,keep
        .align 2
        .set noreorder
        .ent _cache_err_vector
        la      k0,_cache_err_exception_context
        jr      k0

        .end _cache_err_vector

        .section .text.main_entry,code,keep
        .align 2
        .ent _main_entry

#if defined(__XC32_LIBC_INIT_ARRAY)
         /* MUSL C library initialization used with MPLAB XC32 v4.00 and later */
        la    t0,__libc_init_array
        jalr  t0

#if defined(CPP_INIT)
        .weak _init
        # call .init section to run constructors etc
        lui a0,%hi(_init)
        addiu   sp,sp,-24
        addiu   a0,a0,%lo(_init)
        beq a0,$0,2f
        sw  $31,20(sp)   #,
        jalr    a0
        and     a0,a0,0
        and     a1,a1,0


        # Call main
        la      t0,main
        jalr    t0

#if defined(CALL_EXIT)
        # Call exit()
        jal exit

        # Just in case, go into infinite loop
        # Call a software breakpoint only with -mdebugger compiler option
        .weak __exception_handler_break
        la      v0,__exception_handler_break
        beq     v0,0,0f
        jalr    v0

0:      b       1b

        .globl __crt0_exit
        .end _main_entry
c config mplab pic32


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