
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在使用 Angular slickgid。最近我升级到了 slickgrid 7.0.3。 (https://github.com/ghiscoding/Angular-Slickgrid) 在我使用 ng s 升级其工作正常后,网格加载完美。 当我使用 ng build 生成(没有错误并完全成功生成包)并且在本地我使用 http-server dist rowser 运行生成的文件时,页面加载时出现以下错误。 (吴建)

chunk-JQKIRE7U.js:38  ERROR TypeError: Function.prototype.toString requires that 'this' be a Function
    at Boolean.toString (<anonymous>)
    at Boolean.l (polyfills-ACABCK6S.js:2:3565)
    at i.isPlainObject (chunk-JQKIRE7U.js:46:12916)
    at i.extend (chunk-JQKIRE7U.js:46:13381)
    at i.mergeGridOptions (chunk-JQKIRE7U.js:67:37685)
    at i.initialization (chunk-JQKIRE7U.js:67:20979)
    at i.ngAfterViewInit (chunk-JQKIRE7U.js:67:18331)
    at XA (chunk-JQKIRE7U.js:38:13512)
    at a4 (chunk-JQKIRE7U.js:38:13662)
    at yM (chunk-JQKIRE7U.js:38:13418)
handleError @ chunk-JQKIRE7U.js:38


编辑:在 ngOnInit() 之后,我在控制台中收到此错误。

注意:我仅在部署的打包中遇到问题( ng 完美加载网格

   <angular-slickgrid gridId="userGrid" [columnDefinitions]="columnDefinitions"
                                [gridOptions]="gridOptions" [dataset]="dataset"


constructor() {this.graphqlService = new GraphqlService();}
ngOnInit(): void {this.columnDefinitions = [
        id: 'edit',
        field: 'id',
        excludeFromColumnPicker: true,
        excludeFromExport: true,
        excludeFromGridMenu: true,
        excludeFromHeaderMenu: true,
        formatter: Formatters.icon , params: { iconCssClass: 'fa fa-pencil pointer' },
        minWidth: 30,
        maxWidth: 30,
        onCellClick: (e: Event, args: OnEventArgs) => { this.router.navigate(['/user/user-detail/' + args.dataContext.id]);}
      { id: 'userName', field: 'userName', name: 'User Id', filterable: true, sortable: true },
      { id: 'fullName', field: 'fullName', name: 'Name', filterable: true, sortable: true }

    this.gridOptions = {
         sanitizeDataExport: true,          

      backendServiceApi: {
        service: this.graphqlService,
        options: {
          columnDefinitions: this.columnDefinitions,
          datasetName: GRAPHQL_QUERY_DATASET_NAME,
        process: (query):any => this.getUsers(),      


getUsers(): Observable<GraphqlPaginatedResult> {

    var args = this.pageService.getPageArgs(this.angularGrid);
    return this.dataService.searchUsers(args)
        (page:any) => {
          var result: GraphqlPaginatedResult = {                    
            data: {
                nodes: page.items,
                totalCount: page.totalCount,
          return result;
 angularGridReady(angularGrid: AngularGridInstance) {
    this.angularGrid = angularGrid;

ng 构建 -- 下面详细介绍

One or more browsers which are configured in the project's Browserslist configuration will be ignored as ES5 output is not supported by the Angular CLI.
⠙ Building...
● [DEBUG] Failed to read directory "D:\\Personal\\Workspace\\CorePigmyWeb\\angular:script\\global:scripts": open D:\Personal\Workspace\CorePigmyWeb\angular:script: The system cannot find the file specified.

  scripts-NCWJS6GS.js  58.7kb

Done in 28ms


⠸ Building...
[DEBUG] Indirect calls to "require" will not be bundled [indirect-require]

      22 │           var t = "function" == typeof require && require;
         ╵                                        ~~~~~~~

● [DEBUG] Indirect calls to "require" will not be bundled [indirect-require]

      22 │           var t = "function" == typeof require && require;
         ╵                                                   ~~~~~~~

● [DEBUG] Indirect calls to "require" will not be bundled [indirect-require]

      38 │     for (var l = "function" == typeof require && require, e = 0; e < h.length; e++) u(h[e]);
         ╵                                       ~~~~~~~

● [DEBUG] Indirect calls to "require" will not be bundled [indirect-require]

      38 │     for (var l = "function" == typeof require && require, e = 0; e < h.length; e++) u(h[e]);
         ╵                                                  ~~~~~~~
⠧ Building...
● [DEBUG] Top-level "this" will be replaced with undefined since this file is an ECMAScript module [this-is-undefined-in-esm]

      21 │     currentValue = formatter.call(this, row, cell, currentValue, columnDef, dataContext, grid);
         │                                   ~~~~
         ╵                                   undefined

  This file is considered to be an ECMAScript module because of the "export" keyword here:

      7 │ export const multipleFormatter = (row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext, grid) => {
        ╵ ~~~~~~
⠇ Building...

  chunk-JQKIRE7U.js    1.6mb
  main-VVD2PVG7.js   463.0kb
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  chunk-WWHRMCBO.js    1.6kb
  chunk-SPBBN3FK.js    1.3kb
  ...and 5 more output files...

⠏ Building...
▲ [WARNING] `alert-variant()` has been deprecated as of v4.3.0. It will be removed entirely in v6.0.0. [plugin angular-sass]

      7 │ @import 'src/scss/style.scss';
        ╵         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

▲ [WARNING] `list-group-item-variant()` has been deprecated as of v4.3.0. It will be removed entirely in v6.0.0. [plugin angular-sass]

      7 │ @import 'src/scss/style.scss';
        ╵         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

⠋ Building...
▲ [WARNING] 4 rules skipped due to selector errors:
  .form-floating>~label -> Did not expect successive traversals.
  .form-floating>~label -> Did not expect successive traversals.
  .form-floating>~label -> Did not expect successive traversals.
  .form-floating>~label -> Did not expect successive traversals.

Initial Chunk Files   | Names              |  Raw Size | Estimated Transfer Size
chunk-JQKIRE7U.js     | -                  |   1.56 MB |               361.05 kB
styles-AT4IW3U3.css   | styles             | 822.61 kB |                70.50 kB
main-VVD2PVG7.js      | main               | 462.96 kB |                87.61 kB
scripts-NCWJS6GS.js   | scripts            |  58.74 kB |                14.57 kB
polyfills-ACABCK6S.js | polyfills          |  33.96 kB |                11.03 kB
chunk-7EFFINHE.js     | -                  |   4.55 kB |               962 bytes
chunk-SBSTWZEV.js     | -                  |   2.41 kB |               787 bytes
chunk-NAIX5QOX.js     | -                  |   1.82 kB |               557 bytes
chunk-SPBBN3FK.js     | -                  |   1.34 kB |               453 bytes
chunk-MUIJUO33.js     | -                  |   1.34 kB |               466 bytes
chunk-IMFXHPGH.js     | -                  |   1.32 kB |               476 bytes
chunk-AI5VQ6CL.js     | -                  |   1.17 kB |               387 bytes
chunk-TNZ3CRMV.js     | -                  |   1.07 kB |               389 bytes
chunk-2NDHNDTE.js     | -                  | 788 bytes |               788 bytes

                      | Initial Total      |   2.92 MB |               549.89 kB

Lazy Chunk Files      | Names              |  Raw Size | Estimated Transfer Size
chunk-DEKKHDHY.js     | collection-module  |  65.31 kB |                10.83 kB
chunk-WCYH7E3Y.js     | user-module        |  38.09 kB |                 7.17 kB
chunk-NONLWZGG.js     | account-module     |  37.21 kB |                 6.73 kB
chunk-FWIQXCOO.js     | branch-module      |  35.93 kB |                 7.11 kB
chunk-RWBMCJU6.js     | bank-module        |  25.44 kB |                 4.94 kB
chunk-6NBPDX4E.js     | reports-module     |  20.47 kB |                 3.34 kB
chunk-7A6ZKOF6.js     | transaction-module |  17.77 kB |                 4.37 kB
chunk-7AXFXNEN.js     | -                  |  10.79 kB |                 3.45 kB
chunk-WWHRMCBO.js     | -                  |   1.57 kB |               300 bytes

Application bundle generation complete.
angular slickgrid angular-slickgrid slickgriduniversal

最新版本的 Angular-Slickgrid v7.1.0 应该可以解决此问题。通过使用


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