为什么我在尝试安装兼容库时无法将 VCPKG 中的库安装到我的 Ubuntu Linux 中?

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我在使用 Linux - Ubuntu 的 VSCode 程序上使用 VCPKG,但我不知道如何安装我需要的 iostream 或字符串库。

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main() {
  string title = "Basic Mathematics Calculator";
  cout << title;
  int x, y;
  cout << "Input a number: ";
  cin >> x;
  cout << "Input another number: ";
  cin >> y;
  int sum = x + y;
  cout << "Your number is: " << sum << "\n";
  cout << "Thank you for using the " << title << "\n";
  return 0;

如您所见,我包括了 iostream 和字符串“库”,但它们不存在。我一直在尝试安装它们,但我一直收到一条错误消息:

error: building bzip2:x64-linux failed with: BUILD_FAILED
Please ensure you're using the latest port files with `git pull` and `vcpkg update`.


./vcpkg/vcpkg install zstr

error: building bzip2:x64-linux failed with: BUILD_FAILED
Please ensure you're using the latest port files with `git pull` and `vcpkg update`.
c++ linux ubuntu iostream vcpkg
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