
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

[我正在尝试使用带有(void *)数据的节点结构(节点保存的数据是generalint,字符串,struct Vector等)来构建带有节点结构的RED-BLACK树]



我释放节点数据的方式是通过使用专用于该节点数据类型的自由功能。例如,专用的free-String会将数据简单地转换为(char *)并将调用free。

该代码跨几个文件有点长,因此请跳至最后两个代码片段以查看实际问题(其余部分供您运行,如果需要的话)FILE 1

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "RBTree.h"
#include "Structs.h"

#define SUCCESS 1
#define FAILURE 0
#define INITIAL_SIZE 0 // initial tree size
int gChainPosition = 0; // boolean for insertion, indicating we're in case 4a(I)-0 or 4a(II)-1
int gDecreasedSize = false; // boolean indicating if we already updated size (tree->size -- )
int freedM = false; // boolean indicating we have freed current node
int freedRep = false; // boolean indicating we have freed node replacing current node (in delete)

 *initializes a new RB tree
 * @param compFunc - designated function to compare elements in tree
 * @param freeFunc - degisnated function to free the memory
 * @return pointer to new empty RB tree
RBTree *newRBTree(CompareFunc compFunc, FreeFunc freeFunc)
    if (compFunc == NULL || freeFunc == NULL)
        // cannot initialize RBTree
        return NULL;
        // initializing new empty RBTree
        RBTree *newTree;
        newTree = (RBTree *) malloc(sizeof(RBTree));
        if (newTree == NULL)
        newTree->size = INITIAL_SIZE;
        newTree->compFunc = compFunc;
        newTree->freeFunc = freeFunc;
        newTree->root = NULL;
        return newTree;

 * performs right rotation on node x
 * @param tree
 * @param x
void RightRotation(RBTree *tree, Node *x)
    Node *c = x->left;
    x->left = c->right;
    if (x->left != NULL)
        x->left->parent = x;
    c->parent = x->parent; //c->parent = y
    if (x->parent == NULL) //updating root
        tree->root = c;
    else if (x == x->parent->left) // x is left child
        x->parent->left = c;
    else //x is right child
        x->parent->right = c;
    c->right = x;
    x->parent = c;

 * performs left rotationon node x
 * @param tree
 * @param x
void LeftRotation(RBTree *tree, Node *x)

    Node *b = x->right;
    x->right = b->left;
    if (x->right != NULL)
        x->right->parent = x;
    b->parent = x->parent;
    if (x->parent == NULL) //updating root
        tree->root = b;
    else if (x == x->parent->left) // x is left child
        x->parent->left = b;
    else // x is right child
        x->parent->right = b;
    b->left = x;
    x->parent = b;

 * checks if node is a left child to it's parent
 * @param node
 * @return 1 is yes, 0 if not
int isLeftChild(const Node *node)
    if (node == NULL || node->parent == NULL)
        return false;
    if (node->parent->left == node)
        return true;
    return false;

 * cheks if node is right child
 * @param node
 * @return 1 if yes, 0 otherwise
int isRightChild(const Node *node)
    if (node == NULL || node->parent == NULL)
        return false;
    if (node->parent->right == node)
        return true;
    return false;

 * when rotating, some updated to the root are obliged
 * @param tree
 * @param node
void updateRoot(RBTree *tree, Node *node)
    if (node == tree->root)
        tree->root = node->parent;
        tree->root->color = BLACK;

 * function that returns a tree to its RED BLACK format after nodes insertions
 * @param tree
 * @param node - node that was inserted
void fixAfterInsertion(RBTree *tree, Node *node)
    Node *P = NULL; //parent
    Node *G = NULL; // grandparent
    //Part 1 of the algorithm, also the recursion base-case:
    if (node)
        if (node->parent == NULL) // node is root
            node->color = BLACK;
            //part 2 of the algorithm
        else if (node->parent->color == BLACK)
        // now P !=NULL so we can initialize it and grandparent(G) and uncle(U)
        P = node->parent;
        G = P->parent;
        // either uncle1 or uncle2 is actually P, but we check both either case
        Node *U1 = G->right;
        Node *U2 = G->left;
        // part 3 of the algorithm
        if (P->color == RED && U1 && U2 && U1->color == RED && U2->color == RED)
            G->right->color = BLACK;
            G->left->color = BLACK;
            G->color = RED;
            fixAfterInsertion(tree, G);
            //part 4 of the algorithm
        else //if (P is RED && Uncle is BLACK)
            // CASE I - (node is right child of P AND P is left child of G) ->rotate node left
            if (isRightChild(node) && isLeftChild(P))
                LeftRotation(tree, P);
                updateRoot(tree, P);
                gChainPosition = 1;
                //CASE II - (node is left child of P AND P is right child of G) ->rotate node right
            else if (isLeftChild(node) && isRightChild(P))
                RightRotation(tree, P);
                updateRoot(tree, P);
                gChainPosition = 1;
            if (gChainPosition)
                P = node;
            //CASE III - (node is left child of P AND P is left child of G) -> rotate G right
            if (isLeftChild(node) && isLeftChild(P))
                RightRotation(tree, G);
                updateRoot(tree, G);
                //CASE IV - (node is right child of P AND P is right child of G) -> rotate G left
            else if (isRightChild(node) && isRightChild(P))
                LeftRotation(tree, G);
                updateRoot(tree, G);
            gChainPosition = 0;
            P->color = BLACK;
            G->color = RED;

 * returns the node if it is i nthe tree
 * @param tree
 * @param data the wanted nodes data
 * @return Node or null
Node *getNode(const RBTree *tree, const void *data)
    Node *currNode = tree->root;
    while (currNode != NULL)
        if ((tree->compFunc(currNode->data, data)) > 0) // curr.data > data
            currNode = currNode->left;
        else if ((tree->compFunc(currNode->data, data)) < 0)// curr.data < data
            currNode = currNode->right;
        else //we have found the node
            return currNode;
    return NULL;

 * chekcs if tree contains some node with given data
 * @param tree
 * @param data -data of node to be found
 * @return 1 if node is in the tree. 0 otherwise
int RBTreeContains(const RBTree *tree, const void *data)
    if (data == NULL || tree == NULL)
        return false;
    if (getNode(tree, data) == NULL)
        return false;
    return true;

 * function that initializes a struct node
 * @param parent node's parent
 * @param data node's data
 * @return the new node object
Node *initializeNode(Node *parent, void *data)
    Node *node = (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node));
    if (node == NULL)
    node->left = NULL;
    node->right = NULL;
    node->data = data;
    node->parent = parent;
    node->color = RED;
    return node;

 * inserts a node with the given data to the tree, and fixes it
 * @param tree
 * @param data
 * @return 1 upon success, 0 otherwise
int insertToRBTree(RBTree *tree, void *data)
    if (tree == NULL || data == NULL)
        return FAILURE;
    Node *currNode = tree->root;
    Node *parent = currNode;
    int rightSideConnection = true;
    while (currNode != NULL)
        if ((tree->compFunc(currNode->data, data)) > 0) // curr.data > data
            parent = currNode;
            currNode = currNode->left;
            rightSideConnection = false;
        else if ((tree->compFunc(currNode->data, data)) < 0)// curr.data < data
            parent = currNode;
            currNode = currNode->right;
            rightSideConnection = true;
        else //currNode.data = data i.e node to insert already in tree
            return FAILURE;
    // initialize the node:
    Node *nodeToInsert = initializeNode(parent, data);
    // connect the parent to the node:
    if (parent == NULL)
        tree->root = nodeToInsert;
        if (rightSideConnection)
            parent->right = nodeToInsert;
            parent->left = nodeToInsert;
    //fixing the tree after insertion:
    fixAfterInsertion(tree, nodeToInsert);
    return SUCCESS;

 * a helper function for foreach function
* @param tree: the tree with all the items.
 * @param func: the function to activate on all items.
 * @param args: more optional arguments to the function (may be null if the given function support)
 * @return: 0 on failure, other on success.
int forEachHelper(const Node *root, forEachFunc func, void *args)
    if (root == NULL)
        return SUCCESS;
    int bool1 = forEachHelper(root->left, func, args); // recurse on the left child
    int bool2 = func(root->data, args); // executing func on the current node's data
    int bool3 = forEachHelper(root->right, func, args); //recurse on the right child
    if (bool1 && bool2 && bool3)
        return SUCCESS;
    return FAILURE;

 * Activate a function on each item of the tree. the order is an ascending order.
 * if one of the activations of the function returns 0, the process stops.
 * @param tree: the tree with all the items.
 * @param func: the function to activate on all items.
 * @param args: more optional arguments to the function (may be null if the given function support)
 * @return: 0 on failure, other on success.
int forEachRBTree(const RBTree *tree, forEachFunc func, void *args)
    if (tree == NULL || func == NULL)
        return FAILURE;
    return forEachHelper(tree->root, func, args);

 * helper function for freeRBtree - frees in order traversal
 * @param currNode starting node to free from
 * @param freefunc function that frees the data
void freeRBhelper(Node **currNode, FreeFunc freefunc)
    if (*currNode == NULL)
    }// freeing data in order:
    freeRBhelper(&(*currNode)->left, freefunc);
    freeRBhelper(&(*currNode)->right, freefunc);

 * frees entire RB tree
 * @param tree
void freeRBTree(RBTree **tree)
    // **we use pointers to pointers in order work on the original data
    // rather than it's copy (when sent as an argument)
    freeRBhelper(&((*tree)->root), (*tree)->freeFunc); // freeing all data (in-order traversal)

 * returns smallest node that is bigger than node which it's right child is input node
 * @param node - root of right sub tree of the node we want to find it's successor
 * @return successor
Node *successor(Node *node)
    Node *temp = node;
    while (temp->left != NULL)
        temp = temp->left;
    return temp;

 * find the node that needs to be replaced with the removed node
 * @param node - node to be removed
 * @return node to be replaced
Node *getReplacingNode(Node *node)
    // no children - node is leaf
    if (node->left == NULL && node->right == NULL)
        return NULL;
        // node has 2 children
    else if (node->left != NULL && node->right != NULL)
        return successor(node->right);

    }//only left child
    else if (node->left && node->right == NULL)
        return node->left;
    else//only right child
        return node->right;

 * returns the brother of the given nude
 * @param node
 * @return brother node or NULL
Node *getBrother(Node *node)
    if (node->parent == NULL)
        return NULL;
    { // node is left child
        if (node == node->parent->left)
            return node->parent->right;
            return node->parent->left;

 * swap two given nodes data
 * @param M - first node
 * @param C -second node
void swapNodes(Node *M, Node *C)
    void *tempData = M->data;
    M->data = C->data;
    C->data = tempData;

 * when deleting, a double black node position might occur, we need to fix that!
 * @param tree
 * @param node node from which a problem might occur
void fixDoubleBlack(RBTree *tree, Node *node)
    if (node == tree->root)
    Node *B = getBrother(node);
    Node *P = node->parent;
    if (B == NULL) // this means we have at least two connected node that are BLACK
        fixDoubleBlack(tree, P);
    else // there is a brother
        if (B->color == RED)
            P->color = RED;
            B->color = BLACK;
            if (isLeftChild(B))
                RightRotation(tree, P);
                LeftRotation(tree, P);
            fixDoubleBlack(tree, node);
            if ((B->left && B->left->color == RED) || (B->right && B->right->color == RED))
            { // at least one of B's children is RED
                if (B->left != NULL && B->left->color == RED)
                { // left child of B is RED
                    if (isLeftChild(B))
                    { // left child of left child
                        B->left->color = B->color;
                        B->color = P->color;
                        RightRotation(tree, P);
                    { // left child of right child
                        B->left->color = P->color;
                        RightRotation(tree, B);
                        LeftRotation(tree, P);
                { // right child of B is RED
                    if (isLeftChild(B))
                        B->right->color = P->color;
                        LeftRotation(tree, B);
                        RightRotation(tree, P);
                    { // B is right child
                        B->right->color = B->color;
                        B->color = P->color;
                        LeftRotation(tree, P);
                P->color = BLACK;
            else // B has no red children
                B->color = RED;
                if (P->color == BLACK)
                    fixDoubleBlack(tree, P);
                    P->color = BLACK;

 * after deleting a node, we need to update the size of the tree
 * @param tree
void decreaseSize(RBTree *tree)
    if (!gDecreasedSize) // if we already decreased size in the deletion
        // same run we do nothing
        gDecreasedSize = 1;

 * remove an item from the tree
 * @param tree: the tree to remove an item from.
 * @param data: item to remove from the tree.
 * @return: 0 on failure, other on success. (if data is not in the tree - failure).
int deleteFromRBTreeHelper(RBTree *tree, void *data, Node *nodeAddress)
    freedRep = false; // havent freed replacer node of deleted node
    freedM = false; // havent freed the node to be deleted
    if (data == NULL || tree == NULL)
        return FAILURE;
    gDecreasedSize = 0;
    Node *M = NULL;

    if (nodeAddress == NULL)
        Node* fromTree = getNode(tree,data);
        M = fromTree;
    else // nodeAddress is given if we have swapped two nodes, so we skip finding it again
        M = nodeAddress;
    if (M == NULL)
        return FAILURE;
    Node *P = M->parent; // parent of M
    Node *rep = getReplacingNode(M); //replacer of M
    int bothBlack = false; // rep and M are black
    if ((rep == NULL || rep->color == BLACK) && (M->color == BLACK))
        bothBlack = true;
    if (rep == NULL) //  M is leaf
        if (M == tree->root) // remove the root
            int mData = *(int*) M->data;
            int rootData = *(int*) tree->root->data;
            tree->root = NULL;
            if (bothBlack)
                fixDoubleBlack(tree, M);
            else // at least one is red
                Node *B = getBrother(M);
                if (B != NULL)
                    B->color = RED;
            // we now disconnect M from parent M
            if (isLeftChild(M))
                P->left = NULL;
                P->right = NULL;
        } // free M
        return SUCCESS;

    } // rep has one child
    if (M->left == NULL || M->right == NULL)
        if (M == tree->root)
            M->data = rep->data;
            M->left = NULL;
            M->right = NULL;
            // free rep:
            freedRep = true;
        else//rep is not root
            if (isLeftChild(M))
                P->left = rep;
                P->right = rep;
            // free M
                freedM = true;
            rep->parent = P;
            if (bothBlack)
                fixDoubleBlack(tree, rep);
                rep->color = BLACK;
        return SUCCESS;
    }// we're left with the option of two children to rep
    swapNodes(M, rep);
    deleteFromRBTreeHelper(tree, rep->data, rep);
    gDecreasedSize = 0;
    return SUCCESS;


 * the main function calls its helper with nodeAddress = NULL. this adress comes handy
 * when the address of the wanted node for deletion is already known, in cases of switching
 * (as a part of the deletion algorithm).this saven run time later on
 * @param tree
 * @param data - data of node to be removed
 * @return 0 on failure, other on success. (if data is not in the tree - failure).
int deleteFromRBTree(RBTree *tree, void *data)
    return deleteFromRBTreeHelper(tree, data, NULL);


#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "Structs.h"
#include <stdio.h>

#define FAILURE 0;
#define SUCCESS 1;
#define NULL_CASE 2;
int gEQ = 0; //equal
int gLT = -1; //less than
int gGT = 1;// greater than

 * CompFunc for strings (assumes strings end with "\0")
 * @param a - char* pointer
 * @param b - char* pointer
 * @return equal to 0 iff a == b. lower than 0 if a < b. Greater than 0 iff b < a. (lexicographic
 * order)
int stringCompare(const void *a, const void *b)
    if(a==NULL || b==NULL)
        return NULL_CASE;
    return strcmp((const char *) a, (const char *) b);

 * ForEach function that concatenates the given word and \n to pConcatenated. pConcatenated is
 * already allocated with enough space.
 * @param word - char* to add to pConcatenated
 * @param pConcatenated - char*
 * @return 0 on failure, other on success
int concatenate(const void *word, void *pConcatenated)
    char *newLine = strcat((char *) word, "\n");
    strcat(pConcatenated, newLine);
    if (pConcatenated == NULL)
        return FAILURE;
    return SUCCESS

 * FreeFunc for strings
void freeString(void *s)
    free((char *) s);

 * CompFunc for Vectors, compares element by element, the vector that has the first larger
 * element is considered larger. If vectors are of different lengths and identify for the length
 * of the shorter vector, the shorter vector is considered smaller.
 * @param a - first vector
 * @param b - second vector
 * @return equal to 0 iff a == b. lower than 0 if a < b. Greater than 0 iff b < a.
int vectorCompare1By1(const void *a, const void *b)
    const Vector *vector1 = (const Vector *) a;
    const Vector *vector2 = (const Vector *) b;
    int minLen = 0;
    if (vector1->len > vector2->len)
        minLen = vector2->len;
        minLen = vector1->len;
    for (int i = 0; i < minLen; i++)
        if (vector1->vector[i] > vector2->vector[i])
            return gGT;
        else if (vector1->vector[i] < vector2->vector[i])
            return gLT;
    if (vector1->len != vector2->len)
        return (vector1->len > vector2->len) ? gGT : gLT;
    return gEQ;

 * FreeFunc for vectors
void freeVector(void *pVector)
    free(((Vector *) pVector)->vector);
    ((Vector *) pVector)->vector = NULL;



// a color of a Node.
typedef enum Color
} Color;

 * a function to sort the tree items.
 * @a, @b: two items.
 * @return: equal to 0 iff a == b. lower than 0 if a < b. Greater than 0 iff b < a.
typedef int (*CompareFunc)(const void *a, const void *b);

 * a function to apply on all tree items.
 * @object: a pointer to an item of the tree.
 * @args: pointer to other arguments for the function.
 * @return: 0 on failure, other on success.
typedef int (*forEachFunc)(const void *object, void *args);

 * a function to free a data item
 * @object: a pointer to an item of the tree.
typedef void (*FreeFunc)(void *data);

 * a node of the tree.
typedef struct Node
    struct Node *parent, *left, *right;
    Color color;
    void *data;
} Node;

 * represents the tree
typedef struct RBTree
    Node *root;
    CompareFunc compFunc;
    FreeFunc freeFunc;
    long unsigned size;
} RBTree;

 * constructs a new RBTree with the given CompareFunc.
 * comp: a function two compare two variables.
RBTree *newRBTree(CompareFunc compFunc, FreeFunc freeFunc); // implement it in RBTree.c

 * add an item to the tree
 * @param tree: the tree to add an item to.
 * @param data: item to add to the tree.
 * @return: 0 on failure, other on success. (if the item is already in the tree - failure).
int insertToRBTree(RBTree *tree, void *data); // implement it in RBTree.c

 * remove an item from the tree
 * @param tree: the tree to remove an item from.
 * @param data: item to remove from the tree.
 * @return: 0 on failure, other on success. (if data is not in the tree - failure).
int deleteFromRBTree(RBTree *tree, void *data); // implement it in RBTree.c

 * check whether the tree RBTreeContains this item.
 * @param tree: the tree to add an item to.
 * @param data: item to check.
 * @return: 0 if the item is not in the tree, other if it is.
int RBTreeContains(const RBTree *tree, const void *data); // implement it in RBTree.c

 * Activate a function on each item of the tree. the order is an ascending order. if one of the activations of the
 * function returns 0, the process stops.
 * @param tree: the tree with all the items.
 * @param func: the function to activate on all items.
 * @param args: more optional arguments to the function (may be null if the given function support it).
 * @return: 0 on failure, other on success.
int forEachRBTree(const RBTree *tree, forEachFunc func, void *args); // implement it in RBTree.c

 * free all memory of the data structure.
 * @param tree: pointer to the tree to free.
void freeRBTree(RBTree **tree); // implement it in RBTree.c




// a color of a Node.
typedef enum Color
} Color;

 * a function to sort the tree items.
 * @a, @b: two items.
 * @return: equal to 0 iff a == b. lower than 0 if a < b. Greater than 0 iff b < a.
typedef int (*CompareFunc)(const void *a, const void *b);

 * a function to apply on all tree items.
 * @object: a pointer to an item of the tree.
 * @args: pointer to other arguments for the function.
 * @return: 0 on failure, other on success.
typedef int (*forEachFunc)(const void *object, void *args);

 * a function to free a data item
 * @object: a pointer to an item of the tree.
typedef void (*FreeFunc)(void *data);

 * a node of the tree.
typedef struct Node
    struct Node *parent, *left, *right;
    Color color;
    void *data;
} Node;

 * represents the tree
typedef struct RBTree
    Node *root;
    CompareFunc compFunc;
    FreeFunc freeFunc;
    long unsigned size;
} RBTree;

 * constructs a new RBTree with the given CompareFunc.
 * comp: a function two compare two variables.
RBTree *newRBTree(CompareFunc compFunc, FreeFunc freeFunc); // implement it in RBTree.c

 * add an item to the tree
 * @param tree: the tree to add an item to.
 * @param data: item to add to the tree.
 * @return: 0 on failure, other on success. (if the item is already in the tree - failure).
int insertToRBTree(RBTree *tree, void *data); // implement it in RBTree.c

 * remove an item from the tree
 * @param tree: the tree to remove an item from.
 * @param data: item to remove from the tree.
 * @return: 0 on failure, other on success. (if data is not in the tree - failure).
int deleteFromRBTree(RBTree *tree, void *data); // implement it in RBTree.c

int RBTreeContains(const RBTree *tree, const void *data); // implement it in RBTree.c

int forEachRBTree(const RBTree *tree, forEachFunc func, void *args); // implement it in RBTree.c

void freeRBTree(RBTree **tree); // implement it in RBTree.c



if (M == tree->root) // remove the root
    int mData = *(int*) M->data; // just for check
    int rootData = *(int*) tree->root->data; // just for check
    tree->freeFunc(M->data); // this line causes segfault 
    tree->root = NULL;

输入“ tree-> freeFunc(M-> data)时,出现段错误,我似乎不明白为什么。我还运行了Valgrind测试,对于带有1个节点(根)的树,其中包含一些数据字符串,返回值为



int main()
    char* data = "abc";
    char **node1 = &data;
    RBTree* t = newRBTree((CompareFunc) &stringCompare, (FreeFunc) &free);
    insertToRBTree(t, (void *) node1);
    deleteFromRBTree(t,(void *) node1);



c memory valgrind red-black-tree


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