升级 gcc 后如何修复编译器错误?

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我在 zlinux 机器上工作,我们将 gcc 从 v8.2.1 升级到 8.5.0。该代码在更新 gcc 之前有效。从那时起,我现在收到如下错误。这现在发生在多个文件上。它不可能是实际代码,因为它在升级之前都有效。这是由于 gcc 的升级而发生的变化。

Error executing command: g++ src/buffer.cc -c -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wunused -Wno-unused-result -Werror -Wparentheses -DV8_REVERSE_JSARGS -std=c++17 -Wno-register -DUSE_KERBEROS -DUSE_LDAP -pedantic-errors -g   -O3 -I v8 -I v8/include -I openssl/include -I zlib -I snappy/build -I snappy -I brotli/c/include -I openldap/include -I krb5/src/include -I . -o out/s390x.lin.release/obj/buffer.o
/tmp/ccClzTUm.s: Assembler messages:
/tmp/ccClzTUm.s:1935: Error: junk at end of line: `,3'
/tmp/ccClzTUm.s:10670: Error: junk at end of line: `,3'
/tmp/ccClzTUm.s:10875: Error: junk at end of line: `,3'
/tmp/ccClzTUm.s:21852: Error: junk at end of line: `,3'
/tmp/ccClzTUm.s:21862: Error: junk at end of line: `,3'
/tmp/ccClzTUm.s:21911: Error: junk at end of line: `,3'
/tmp/ccClzTUm.s:21912: Error: junk at end of line: `,3'
/tmp/ccClzTUm.s:22141: Error: junk at end of line: `,3'
/tmp/ccClzTUm.s:22151: Error: junk at end of line: `,3'
/tmp/ccClzTUm.s:22200: Error: junk at end of line: `,3'
/tmp/ccClzTUm.s:22201: Error: junk at end of line: `,3'
/tmp/ccClzTUm.s:24080: Error: junk at end of line: `,4'
/tmp/ccClzTUm.s:24084: Error: junk at end of line: `,4'
/tmp/ccClzTUm.s:25733: Error: junk at end of line: `,4'
/tmp/ccClzTUm.s:25737: Error: junk at end of line: `,4'
/tmp/ccClzTUm.s:26008: Error: junk at end of line: `,4'
/tmp/ccClzTUm.s:26010: Error: junk at end of line: `,4'
/tmp/ccClzTUm.s:50715: Error: junk at end of line: `,3'
/tmp/ccClzTUm.s:62134: Error: junk at end of line: `,4'
/tmp/ccClzTUm.s:62138: Error: junk at end of line: `,4'
/tmp/ccClzTUm.s:62818: Error: junk at end of line: `,4'
/tmp/ccClzTUm.s:62819: Error: junk at end of line: `,4'
/tmp/ccClzTUm.s:62955: Error: junk at end of line: `,4'
/tmp/ccClzTUm.s:62956: Error: junk at end of line: `,4'
/tmp/ccClzTUm.s:63039: Error: junk at end of line: `,4'
/tmp/ccClzTUm.s:63043: Error: junk at end of line: `,4'
/tmp/ccClzTUm.s:63174: Error: junk at end of line: `,4'
/tmp/ccClzTUm.s:63175: Error: junk at end of line: `,4'
/tmp/ccClzTUm.s:63716: Error: junk at end of line: `,3'
c++ gcc


你可能想要 检查源代码以确保它可以工作(并在另一台机器上编译)或尝试另一个编译器。如果这些都不起作用,请尝试返回您使用的以前版本的 gcc。

这是一个语法问题,因此请使用新版本的 gcc 检查您的代码,看看是否有任何更改(可能没有)

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