通过 Python 从 Google 表格将二维码打印到标签打印机

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我有一个 python 代码,可以将“Claims New”选项卡打印到标签打印机。我的问题是,我能弄清楚打印内容的唯一方法是将所有内容都放在一个单元格中(如图所示)。我想要一个 QR 码也包含在我的 PDF 导出中。我似乎无法弄清楚如何调整此代码以便打印两个单元格(A1 和 A12)。不幸的是,我也无法将 QR 码与其他文本连接起来(使其成为一个代码)。

当前输出的是不包含二维码的PDF(只是A1单元格)。我想要的输出包括两个单元格(所以 QR 码在那里)。代码没有回溯,它运行它只是不包括所有需要的数据。



import os
import gspread
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
import win32print
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import landscape, portrait
from reportlab.lib.units import mm
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics
from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont
import time
import qr

# Set up Google Sheets API credentials
scope = ['https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds',
creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name('creds.json', scope)
client = gspread.authorize(creds)

# Set up printer name and font
printer_name = "Rollo Printer"
font_path = "arial.ttf"

# Register Arial font
pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('Arial', font_path))

# Open the Google Sheet and select Label and Claims worksheets
sheet_url = "url"
label_sheet = client.open_by_url(sheet_url).worksheet("Label")
claims_sheet = client.open_by_url(sheet_url).worksheet("Claims New")

# Get the number of label copies to print
num_copies = int(label_sheet.acell("F2").value)

# Set up label filename and PDF canvas
label_file = "label.pdf"
label_canvas = canvas.Canvas(label_file, pagesize=landscape((400, 250)),bottomup=432)

# Write label text to PDF canvas
label_text = label_sheet.get_all_values()
x_pos = 10  # set initial x position
y_pos = 260  # set initial y position
line_height = 20  # set line height for text
label_canvas.setFont('Arial', 20)
for row in label_text:
    for col in row:
        textobject = label_canvas.beginText()
        textobject.setFont('Arial', 20)
        textobject.setTextOrigin(x_pos, y_pos)
        lines = col.split("\n")
        for line in lines:
            y_pos -= line_height
        x_pos += 145
        y_pos = 260
    x_pos = 10

# Save the label PDF and print to the printer

for i in range(num_copies):
    os.startfile(label_file, 'printto', printer_name, "", 1)

# Set up claims filename and PDF canvas
claims_file = "claims.pdf"
claims_canvas = canvas.Canvas(claims_file, pagesize=landscape((400, 250)),bottomup=432)

# Write claims text to PDF canvas
claims_text = claims_sheet.get_all_values()
x_pos = 10
y_pos = 260  # set initial y position
line_height = 20
claims_canvas.setFont('Arial', 10)
for row in claims_text:
    for col in row:
        if col == claims_sheet.acell('A12').value:
            qr_code = qr.QrCodeWidget(col)
            bounds = qr_code.getBounds()
            width = bounds[2] - bounds[0]
            height = bounds[3] - bounds[1]
            d = claims_canvas.translate(x_pos, y_pos)
            claims_canvas.scale(1, -1)
            qr_code.drawOn(claims_canvas, 0, 0)
            claims_canvas.scale(1, -1)
            claims_canvas.translate(-x_pos, -y_pos)
            textobject = claims_canvas.beginText()
            textobject.setFont('Arial', 10)
            textobject.setTextOrigin(x_pos, y_pos)
            lines = col.split("\n")
            for line in lines:
                y_pos -= line_height
            x_pos += 145
            y_pos = 260
    x_pos = 10
# Save the claims PDF and print to the printer
os.startfile(claims_file, 'printto', printer_name, "", 
python pdf-generation reportlab gspread
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