用户字典 - 尝试在字典中搜索键并检索与键关联的多个值,例如电话和电子邮件

问题描述 投票:0回答:0

我有一个包含多个值的键的字典。然后我创建一个临时列表来保存密钥,也就是人名。 但是我无法检索与它们关联的值,或者我不确定如何将键元组保存到一个列表中,我可以在列表中进行迭代,然后打印出用户搜索过的名称及其关联值

contacts = { ("Andy", "Symons", 0): ["0151 231 2635", "", "", "[email protected]"],
                    ("Kirsty", "Lever", 0): ["0151 231 2350", "", "", "[email protected]"]}

# Function Declarations #
def searchContacts(contacts):
    surname = input("Please enter the contacts surname: ")
    firstname = input("Please enter the contacts firstname: ")

    if len(contacts) == 0:
        print("no contacts found")#if the length of the dictionary equals = 0(checks if there is anything in the dictionary)
        templist = list(contacts.keys()) #creates a temporary list of the keys in the dictionary 

    if (firstname, surname, 0) in templist: #searches through the temporary list to find the names
        print("Firstname : " + firstname , "Surname : " + surname) #formats names
        print("error")#if cannot match name print error

# Main Section #

searchContacts(contacts)#calls function

输出: 请输入联系人姓氏:Symons 请输入联系人名字:Andy [('安迪', '西蒙斯', 0), ('柯斯蒂', '杠杆', 0)] 名字:安迪姓氏:西蒙斯

python list dictionary tuples key
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