VB.NET - 尝试在 PictureBox 上绘图时出错

问题描述 投票:0回答:0



        X1picG00 = Double.Parse(XstrG00) * DrawScale
        Y1picG00 = PictureBox1.Height - Double.Parse(YstrG00) * DrawScale

        X2picG00 = Double.Parse(XendG00) * DrawScale
        Y2picG00 = PictureBox1.Height - Double.Parse(YendG00) * DrawScale

        X1picG00 = X1picG00 * Math.Cos(theta) - Y1picG00 * Math.Sin(theta)
        Y1picG00 = X1picG00 * Math.Sin(theta) + Y1picG00 * Math.Cos(theta)
        X2picG00 = X2picG00 * Math.Cos(theta) - Y2picG00 * Math.Sin(theta)
        Y2picG00 = X2picG00 * Math.Sin(theta) + Y2picG00 * Math.Cos(theta)

        PictureBox1.CreateGraphics().DrawLine(Pens.White, Int(X2picG00 + PicBorderX), Int(Y2picG00 + PicBorderY), Int(X1picG00 + PicBorderX), Int(Y1picG00 + PicBorderY))


PictureBox1.CreateGraphics().DrawLine(Pens.White, Int(X2picG00 + PicBorderX), Int(Y2picG00 + PicBorderY), Int(X1picG00 + PicBorderX), Int(Y1picG00 + PicBorderY))


An unhandled exception of type 'System.Reflection.AmbiguousMatchException' occurred in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll

Additional information: Overload resolution failed because no Public 'DrawLine' can be called without a narrowing conversion:

    'Public Sub DrawLine(pen As System.Drawing.Pen, x1 As Integer, y1 As Integer, x2 As Integer, y2 As Integer)':

        Argument matching parameter 'x1' narrows from 'Double' to 'Integer'.

        Argument matching parameter 'y1' narrows from 'Double' to 'Integer'.

        Argument matching parameter 'x2' narrows from 'Double' to 'Integer'.

        Argument matching parameter 'y2' narrows from 'Double' to 'Integer'.

    'Public Sub DrawLine(pen As System.Drawing.Pen, x1 As Single, y1 As Single, x2 As Single, y2 As Single)':

        Argument matching parameter 'x1' narrows from 'Double' to 'Single'.

        Argument matching parameter 'y1' narrows from 'Double' to 'Single'.

        Argument matching parameter 'x2' narrows from 'Double' to 'Single'.

        Argument matching parameter 'y2' narrows from 'Double' to 'Single'.



附加信息:变量 XstrG00XendG00 以及 YstrG00YendG00 有一个值。 以及它们的值取决于 TextBoxes.


DrawScale 变量的值为 0.7.

变量 PicBorderX 的值为 70PicBorderY 变量的值为 10.

vb.net draw picturebox
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