如何使用 CDK 将子网及其路由表映射到同一可用区中的防火墙端点?

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我正在尝试使用 CDK 更新我的子网路由表以指向同一可用区中的防火墙端点。




The unique IDs of the firewall endpoints for all of the subnets that you attached to the firewall.

The subnets are not listed in any particular order. For example: ["us-west-2c:vpce-111122223333", "us-west-2a:vpce-987654321098", "us-west-2b:vpce-012345678901"] .


        // for each firewall subnet, update its route table to firewall endpoint in the same AZ
        for (let i = 0; i < this.vpc.availabilityZones.length; i++) {
            const azWithFirewallVpcEndpointId = cdk.Fn.split(':', cdk.Fn.select(i, firewall.attrEndpointIds), 2);
            const az = azWithFirewallVpcEndpointId[0];
            const firewallVpcEndpointId = azWithFirewallVpcEndpointId[1];

            const firewallSubnetInAz = this.vpc.selectSubnets({
                subnetGroupName: FIREWALL_SUBNET_GROUP_NAME,
                availabilityZones: [az],
                onePerAz: true, // there should be 1 and only 1 subnet with the group name in each AZ
            (firewallSubnetInAz as ec2.Subnet).addRoute('firewall-route-' + i, {
                routerId: firewallVpcEndpointId,
                routerType: ec2.RouterType.VPC_ENDPOINT,
            // const firewallSubnets = this.vpc.selectSubnets({
            //     subnetGroupName: FIREWALL_SUBNET_GROUP_NAME,
            // }).subnets;
            // for (let k = 0; k < firewallSubnets.length; k++) {
            //     if (cdk.Token.compareStrings(az, firewallSubnets[i].availabilityZone)) {
            //         (firewallSubnets[i] as ec2.Subnet).addRoute('firewall-route-' + i, {
            //             routerId: firewallVpcEndpointId,
            //             routerType: ec2.RouterType.VPC_ENDPOINT,
            //         });
            //     }
            // }


Cannot read property 'addRoute' of undefined

如何使用 CDK 将子网映射到同一可用区中的防火墙端点?

aws-cloudformation aws-cdk amazon-vpc

很晚才回答我的问题,但我用一些巫术魔法解决了这个问题。感谢这篇博客文章帮助我按顺序对 AZ 进行排序。

/** this is actually some voodoo magic here...
 * we select firewall subnet from vpc, assuming (hoping...) vpc.availabilityZones are in order of AZs
 * this means we require `firewall.attrEndpointIds` to be in order.
 * however, `firewall.attrEndpointIds` is not in order for some inexplicable reasons.
 * https://github.com/aws-cloudformation/aws-cloudformation-resource-providers-networkfirewall/issues/15
 * `firewall.attrEndpointIds` is a List-encoded tokens - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/v2/guide/tokens.html#tokens_list
 * in order to sort `firewall.attrEndpointIds` in order of AZs, we need to use a combination of splits and joins.
 * AWS AZs are ordered lexicographically starting at `a`, and "assuming" vpc.availabilityZones are returned in order of AZs
 * to sort `firewall.attrEndpointIds` as a List-encoded tokens, the following steps are taken:
 * 1. join `firewall.attrEndpointIds` as a string token with `,` as delimiter.
 *   -> "us-west-2c:vpce-111122223333,us-west-2a:vpce-987654321098,us-west-2b:vpce-012345678901"
 * 2. split the resulting string token `azWithFirewallVpcEndpointIds` with `a:` for the first AZ (`b:` and `c:` subsequently).
 *   -> [ "us-west-2c:vpce-111122223333,us-west-2", "vpce-987654321098,us-west-2b:vpce-012345678901" ]
 * 3. select 2nd element as it contains the endpoint ID, along with some extra garbage and store it into var `temp`
 *   -> "vpce-987654321098,us-west-2b:vpce-012345678901"
 * 4. split `temp` by `,` as that was the joined list delimiter
 *   -> [ "vpce-987654321098", "us-west-2b:vpce-012345678901" ]
 * 5. select 1st element as it contains the endpoint ID without any extra garbage now
 *   -> "vpce-987654321098"
 * https://carriagereturn.nl/aws/cloudformation/firewall/endpoint/routing/2022/05/22/firewall-endpoints.html
getFirewallEndpointsInOrder(firewall: fw.CfnFirewall): string[] {
    const firewallVpcEndpointIds: string[] = [];
    const azWithFirewallVpcEndpointIds = cdk.Fn.join(',', firewall.attrEndpointIds);
    const aZs = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']; // max amount of AZs in AWS (us-east-1)
    for (let i = 0; i < this.vpc.availabilityZones.length; i++) {
        const temp = cdk.Fn.split(`${aZs[i]}:`, azWithFirewallVpcEndpointIds, 2)[1];
        const firewallVpcEndpointId = cdk.Fn.split(',', temp, 2)[0];
    return firewallVpcEndpointIds;


updateFirewallSubnetRouteTableWithFirewallVpcEndpoint(sortedVpcEndpointIds) {
  for (let i = 0; i < this.vpc.availabilityZones.length; i++) {
      const firewallSubnetInAz = this.vpc.selectSubnets({
          subnetGroupName: FIREWALL_SUBNET_GROUP_NAME,
          availabilityZones: [this.vpc.availabilityZones[i]], // assuming availabilityZones are in order?
          onePerAz: true, // there should be 1 and only 1 subnet with the group name in each AZ

      (firewallSubnetInAz as ec2.Subnet).addRoute('firewall-route-' + i, {
          routerId: sortedVpcEndpointIds[i],
          routerType: ec2.RouterType.VPC_ENDPOINT,
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