找不到功能错误 NetSuite Suitelet

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在尝试向页面添加一个按钮,以便在 Netsuite 上运行计划脚本。到目前为止我已经完成了一些成功的调试。发布脚本后,我在Firefox(主要浏览器,工作中的每个人都使用它)上测试了表单,发现我用来调用脚本的函数没有定义。我将其定义在 onRequest 函数之外,以便网页范围能够获取它。 我的代码:

    *@NApiVersion 2.x
    *@NScriptType Suitelet
    define(["N/task", "N/ui/serverWidget"], function(task, serverWidget) {  
     function onRequest(context) {
      if(context.request.method === 'GET'){
       var form = serverWidget.createForm({
        title: 'Discrepancy Emailer Button'
       id: 'custombutton',
       label: 'Send Emails',
       functionName: 'executeScheduled'

    function executeScheduled() {
     var scriptTask = task.create({
      taskType: task.TaskType.SCHEDULED_SCRIPT,
      scriptId: "customscriptXXXX",
      deploymentId: "customdeploy1"

    var scriptTaskId = scriptTask.submit();

    log.debug("scriptTaskId", scriptTaskId);

  return {
    onRequest: onRequest
The error I receive:
[Uncaught ReferenceError: executeScheduled is not defined
    onclick scriptlet.nl:1
    execCb NsRequire.js:2047
    check NsRequire.js:1193
    enable NsRequire.js:1475
    init NsRequire.js:1106
    h NsRequire.js:1771
    setTimeout handler*w.nextTick/< NsRequire.js:2216
    nextTick NsRequire.js:2218
    h NsRequire.js:1760
    requirejs NsRequire.js:2167
    require bootstrap.js:155
    onclick scriptlet.nl:1
I would first like to understand why the error occurs as well as what I would have to change to fix it. Thank you all very much for your time. 

I have tried moving the 'executeScheduled' function before and after the button declaration, changing the type of button to a submit button, using a client side script, adding it as part of the post request and declaring the task separately. I was expecting the scheduled script to run.
netsuite suitescript2.0 server-side-scripting

Suitelet 在 NetSuite 服务器上执行 - 其中的代码不可用于浏览器。处理您的用例的方法是将客户端脚本附加到您要返回的表单,并将要从按钮执行的函数放入该客户端脚本中。

form.clientScriptModulePath = 'SuiteScripts/path/to/client_script'; //file cabinet path to client script file

form.clientScriptFileId = 12345; //internal id of client script file in your file cabinet 
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