
问题描述 投票:0回答:2

我正在尝试从文本文件中删除特定的学号。第一个 if 可以验证 ID 是否在文件中。第二个可以添加到文件中,但第三个我无法找到任何适合我的解决方案。

def change_memberships():
    membership = ''
    verify = ''
    filename = 'Member.txt.txt'
    new_a_num = ''
    remove_mem = ''
    id_ = ''
    print('1) Verify an existing account?')
    print('2) Add a new member?')
    print('3) Remove a member?')
    membership = input('Which would you like to do: ')

    if membership == '1':
        verify = input('Please enter a Middlesex ID number: ')
        #Open file and check if the A number is in the file or not
        with open(filename) as f_obj:
            Anumber = f_obj.read()

            name_to_check = verify
            #If A number is in file return discount
            if name_to_check in Anumber:
                print('This ID has a preexisting account.')
                #If A number is not in file return 'A number not in file'
                print('This Student ID number is not in our records.')
    elif membership == '2':
        file = open('Member.txt.txt', "a")
        new_a_num = input('Please enter the MCC Student ID number you wish to add: ')
        file.write('\n' + new_a_num)
        print('MCC Student ID has been added.')
    elif membership == '3':
        remove_mem = input('Please enter the MCC Student ID number you wish to remove: ')


我已经尝试在大约 6 或 7 个不同的解决方案中导入我的文件和变量,以解决我从该网站遇到的完全相同的问题,但他们都删除了我文件中的所有 ID,根本不做任何事情,或者只是在周围添加了随机空格ID 我正在尝试删除文件中 ID 之间的缩进和大空格。我现在甚至不知道从哪里开始,因为我尝试过的每个解决方案都有不同的代码,所以我不知道什么是对的,什么是错的。

python text-files

您可以先读取文件并获取 Id 列表,然后使用 'w'(新的空白文件)打开文件,检查 Id 列表中的每个 Id 是否等于 removedId,如果不等于则将 Id 写入列表,否则跳过

def change_memberships():
    membership = ''
    verify = ''
    filename = 'sof.txt'
    new_a_num = ''
    remove_mem = ''
    id_ = ''
    print('1) Verify an existing account?')
    print('2) Add a new member?')
    print('3) Remove a member?')
    membership = input('Which would you like to do: ')

    if membership == '1':
        verify = input('Please enter a Middlesex ID number: ')

        # Open file and check if the ID is in the file or not
        with open(filename) as f_obj:
            Anumber = f_obj.read()

            name_to_check = verify
            # If ID is in file return discount
            if name_to_check in Anumber:
                print('This ID has a preexisting account.')
            # If ID is not in file return 'ID not in file'
                print('This Student ID number is not in our records.')
    elif membership == '2':
        file = open('sof.txt', "a")
        new_a_num = input('Please enter the MCC Student ID number you wish to add: ')
        file.write('\n' + new_a_num)
        print('MCC Student ID has been added.')
    elif membership == '3':
        remove_mem = input('Please enter the MCC Student ID number you wish to remove: ')
        # Open the file and read the contents into a list
        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
        # Iterate through the list and remove the ID if it exists
        with open(filename, 'w') as f:
            removed = False
            for line in lines:
                if line.strip() == remove_mem:
                    removed = True
                    print('ID number removed.')
            if not removed:
                print('ID number not found in file.')


remove_mem = input('Please enter the MCC Student ID number you wish to remove:')
data = open('text.txt').read()
data = data.replace(remove_mem, '')

在此代码中,我们将所有出现的 remove_mem 替换为空。

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