如何修复 jira-maven-plugin 的验证规则

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我使用 jira-maven-plugin 为 JIRA 创建插件



自从使用 jira-maven-plugin 8.15.0 以来,maven 抱怨 gson 依赖被禁止

[INFO] --- jira-maven-plugin:8.15.0:validate-banned-dependencies (default-validate-banned-dependencies) @ my-jira-rest-plugin ---
[INFO] validate banned dependencies
[INFO] Dependencies excluded from banning: []
[INFO] Platform version range: '[0,)'
[WARNING] Rule 0: org.apache.maven.plugins.enforcer.BannedDependencies failed with message:
make sure platform artifacts are not bundled into plugin
Found Banned Dependency: com.google.code.gson:gson:jar:2.10.1
Use 'mvn dependency:tree' to locate the source of the banned dependencies.

如果没有 gson 库,当我们上传需要 gson 的 orb(插件库)时,JIRA 会抱怨。


如何从 jira-maven-plugin 的验证中排除 gson?

validation gson rules jira-maven-plugin


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