
问题描述 投票:1回答:1


我的问题不同,与agg功能无关。它也要显示按列分组的[[ffill操作期间。尽管代码可以正常工作,但只需共享完整的代码即可让您有所了解。 问题在注释行中。在下面寻找那条线。


df = pd.DataFrame({ 'subject_id':[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2], 'time_1' :['2173-04-03 12:35:00','2173-04-03 12:50:00','2173-04-05 12:59:00','2173-05-04 13:14:00','2173-05-05 13:37:00','2173-07-06 13:39:00','2173-07-08 11:30:00','2173-04-08 16:00:00','2173-04-09 22:00:00','2173-04-11 04:00:00','2173- 04-13 04:30:00','2173-04-14 08:00:00'], 'val' :[5,5,5,5,1,6,5,5,8,3,4,6]}) df['time_1'] = pd.to_datetime(df['time_1']) df['day'] = df['time_1'].dt.day df['month'] = df['time_1'].dt.month

此代码在论坛的Jezrael的帮助下所做的是基于阈值的add missing dates。唯一的问题是,我看不到grouped by column during output

df['time_1'] = pd.to_datetime(df['time_1']) df['day'] = df['time_1'].dt.day df['date'] = df['time_1'].dt.floor('d') df1 = (df.set_index('date') .groupby('subject_id') .resample('d') .last() .index .to_frame(index=False)) df2 = df1.merge(df, how='left') thresh = 5 mask = df2['day'].notna() s = mask.cumsum().mask(mask) df2['count'] = s.map(s.value_counts()) df2 = df2[(df2['count'] < thresh) | (df2['count'].isna())] df2 = df2.groupby(df2['subject_id']).ffill() # problem is here #here is the problem dates = df2['time_1'].dt.normalize() df2['time_1'] += np.where(dates == df2['date'], 0, df2['date'] - dates) df2['day'] = df2['time_1'].dt.day df2['val'] = df2['val'].astype(int)


df2 = df2.groupby(df2['subject_id']).ffill() # doesn't help df2 = df2.groupby(df2['subject_id']).ffill().reset_index() # doesn't help df2 = df2.groupby('subject_id',as_index=False).ffill() # doesn't help


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python python-3.x pandas dataframe pandas-groupby

cols = df2.columns.difference(['subject_id']) df2[cols] = df2.groupby('subject_id')[cols].ffill() # problem is here #here is the problem


#newer pandas versions df2 = df2.set_index('subject_id').groupby('subject_id').ffill().reset_index() #oldier pandas versions df2 = df2.set_index('subject_id').groupby(level=0).ffill().reset_index()

dates = df2['time_1'].dt.normalize() df2['time_1'] += np.where(dates == df2['date'], 0, df2['date'] - dates) df2['day'] = df2['time_1'].dt.day df2['val'] = df2['val'].astype(int) print (df2) subject_id date time_1 val day month count 0 1 2173-04-03 2173-04-03 12:35:00 5 3 4.0 NaN 1 1 2173-04-03 2173-04-03 12:50:00 5 3 4.0 NaN 2 1 2173-04-04 2173-04-04 12:50:00 5 4 4.0 1.0 3 1 2173-04-05 2173-04-05 12:59:00 5 5 4.0 1.0 32 1 2173-05-04 2173-05-04 13:14:00 5 4 5.0 1.0 33 1 2173-05-05 2173-05-05 13:37:00 1 5 5.0 1.0 95 1 2173-07-06 2173-07-06 13:39:00 6 6 7.0 1.0 96 1 2173-07-07 2173-07-07 13:39:00 6 7 7.0 1.0 97 1 2173-07-08 2173-07-08 11:30:00 5 8 7.0 1.0 98 2 2173-04-08 2173-04-08 16:00:00 5 8 4.0 NaN 99 2 2173-04-09 2173-04-09 22:00:00 8 9 4.0 NaN 100 2 2173-04-10 2173-04-10 22:00:00 8 10 4.0 1.0 101 2 2173-04-11 2173-04-11 04:00:00 3 11 4.0 1.0 102 2 2173-04-12 2173-04-12 04:00:00 3 12 4.0 1.0 103 2 2173-04-13 2173-04-13 04:30:00 4 13 4.0 1.0 104 2 2173-04-14 2173-04-14 08:00:00 6 14 4.0 1.0
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