(DOORS / DXL)导出为pdf或使用给定模板打印

问题描述 投票:4回答:3









pdf pdf-generation report ibm-doors


恕我直言。我已经编写了一个DXL脚本来将DOORS模块导出到LaTeX文件,该文件可以编译成PDF。你会在这个答案的最后找到它。随意根据您的需求进行调整。在运行它之前,您需要下载“Smart Folder Browser”的源代码并将其作为“smartFolderBrowser.inc”存储在我的脚本旁边。 Die extension inc表示这是一个包含文件,而不是一个独立的DXl程序。

当然,每个想要使用这种方法的用户都需要安装像Qazxswpoi这样的TeX发行版。 DXL脚本可以在导出后使用DXL内置函数MiKTeX启动PDF构建。

使用自定义DXL LaTeX导出脚本,您必须完全控制生成的PDF的布局。但请注意TeX适用的布局规则。配置(强制)TeX渲染文档是一项非常具有挑战性的任务,因为它是使用M $ Word创建的。

void system(string command)



在DOORS 9.3+中,IBM将RPE的功能整合到DOORS中,允许您有更多的导出选项,包括导出为PDF。但是,直到DOORS当前版本),您才能在IBM Rational Publishing Engine(RPE)中构建自己的模板,并在DOORS Directly中使用该模板。

因此答案是您需要一个来自IBM的RPE Full许可证才能创建您正在寻找的模板,然后在您公司中使用DOORS的任何人都可以使用该模板导出DOORS文档,而无需额外的许可证。您还需要在DOORS上。

我也看到一些公司使用页眉和页脚导出到Word,然后使用Adobe Acrobat在其封面页面中添加徽标等。但是,这意味着只有拥有Acrobat完整许可证的人才能正确生成文档。





只要我阅读了有关// DOORS LaTeX Export /** Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Kai K. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ pragma encoding, "UTF-8" #include "smartFolderBrowser.inc" DBE dbeOutputFolder = null; DBE dbeOptions = null; bool withTitles = true Buffer tempBuf = create; void escapeSpecialLaTeXCharacters(Buffer& str) { Buffer temp = create; int i = 0; for(i = 0; i < length(str); ++i) { char c = str[i]; if( '\\' == c ) { temp += "\\textbackslash{}"; } else if( '{' == c ) { temp += "\\" temp += c } else if( '}' == c ) { temp += "\\" temp += c } else if( '_' == c ) { temp += "\\" temp += c } else if( '^' == c ) { temp += "\\textasciicircum{}"; } else if( '#' == c ) { temp += "\\" temp += c } else if( '&' == c ) { temp += "\\" temp += c } else if( '$' == c ) { temp += "\\" temp += c } else if( '%' == c ) { temp += "\\" temp += c } else if( '~' == c ) { temp += "\\textasciitilde{}"; } else { temp += c; } } str = tempStringOf(temp); delete temp; } string makeLabel(Buffer& str) { setempty(tempBuf); int i = 0; for(i = 0; i < length(str); ++i) { char c = str[i]; if( ' ' != c && '-' != c && '\n' != c && '\\' != c && '_' != c && '#' != c) { tempBuf += c; } } return stringOf(tempBuf); } string makeCaption(Buffer& str) { setempty(tempBuf); int i = 0; for(i = 0; i < length(str); ++i) { char c = str[i]; if( '\n' != c && '\\' != c) { tempBuf += c; } } escapeSpecialLaTeXCharacters(tempBuf); return stringOf(tempBuf); } void rtf2latex(Buffer& buf) { Buffer txt = create; Buffer temp = create; RichTextParagraph rp = null; bool envopened = false; for rp in tempStringOf(buf) do { if(rp.indentLevel > 0) { real hspace = realOf(rp.indentLevel)/20.0; temp += "{\\hangindent" hspace "pt\\hangafter0" } if(rp.isBullet) { temp += "\\textbullet "; } RichText rt = null for rt in rp do { txt = rt.text; escapeSpecialLaTeXCharacters(txt); if (rt.italic) { temp += "\\textit{"; temp += txt; temp += "}"; } else if (rt.bold) { temp += "\\textbf{"; temp += txt; temp += "}"; } else if (rt.strikethru) { temp += "\\sout{"; temp += txt; temp += "}"; } else if (rt.subscript) { temp += "\\textsubscript{"; temp += txt; temp += "}"; } else if (rt.superscript) { temp += "\\textsuperscript{"; temp += txt; temp += "}"; } else if (rt.underline) { temp += "\\underline{"; temp += txt; temp += "}"; } else { temp += txt; } if (rt.newline && !rt.last) { temp += "\\par\n"; } else if(rt.last) { temp += "\n"; } } if(rp.indentLevel > 0) { temp += "}" } } buf = tempStringOf(temp); delete temp; delete txt; } void getObjectText(Object obj, Buffer& buf) { if(!null(obj)) { buf = richTextFragment(richText(obj."Object Text")); rtf2latex(buf); } else { buf = "null"; print("ERROR: obj null!: "dxlHere() "\n"); } } int nextCell(Stream& oss, int curCol, int numCols ) { if( curCol == numCols ) { oss << "\\\\\n\\hline\n" } else { oss << "\t&\t" } return( curCol % numCols + 1 ) } void writePreamble(Stream& oss) { oss << "\\documentclass[a4paper]{book}\n"; oss << "%---- packages ----\n"; oss << "\\usepackage{ulem}\n"; oss << "\\usepackage{color}\n"; oss << "\\usepackage{graphicx}\n"; oss << "\\usepackage{supertabular}\n"; oss << "\\usepackage{hyperref}\n"; oss << "\\usepackage{makeidx}\n"; oss << "\\usepackage{xltxtra}\n"; oss << "\\makeindex\n"; oss << "%\n---- settings ----\n"; oss << "\\setcounter{secnumdepth}{6}\n"; oss << "\\setlength{\\parindent}{0}\n"; oss << "\\setlength{\\parskip}{2x}\n"; oss << "%\n---- customizations ----\n"; oss << "\\makeatletter\n"; oss << "\\def\\maxwidth{%\n"; oss << "\\ifdim\\Gin@nat@width>\\linewidth\n"; oss << "\\linewidth\n"; oss << "\\else\n"; oss << "\\Gin@nat@width\n"; oss << "\\fi\n"; oss << "}\n"; oss << "\\makeatother\n"; oss << "\n%---- document ----\n"; oss << "\\begin{document}\n"; oss << "\\tableofcontents\n"; oss << "\\listoffigures\n"; oss << "\\listoftables\n"; } void writeTableHeader(Stream& oss, Object tableobj, int& numCols ) { //print("Enter: writeTableHeader\n"); numCols = 0 int numRows = 0; int tableWidth = 0; Object cellobj = null; Object rowobj = null; // first count the columns and rows for rowobj in table( tableobj ) do { if( !isDeleted( rowobj ) ) { if(numCols == 0) { for cellobj in rowobj do { if( !isDeleted( cellobj )) { tableWidth += getCellWidth(cellobj); numCols++; } } } numRows++; } } // extract the header row int colCount = numCols; int col = 0; Object headrow[colCount]; for rowobj in table( tableobj ) do { if( !isDeleted( rowobj ) ) { if(col == 0) { for cellobj in rowobj do { if( !isDeleted( cellobj )) { headrow[col] = cellobj; col++; } } } else { break; } } } // export the table head oss << "\\begin{centering}\n"; Buffer buf = create; oss << "\\tablefirsthead{"; for(col=0; col<colCount; ++col) { getObjectText(headrow[col], buf); oss << tempStringOf(buf); if(col+1<colCount) oss << "&"; } oss << "\\\\}\n"; oss << "\\tablehead{"; for(col=0; col<colCount; ++col) { getObjectText(headrow[col], buf); oss << tempStringOf(buf); if(col+1<colCount) oss << "&"; } oss << "\\\\}\n"; oss << "\\tabletail{\\hline}\n"; oss << "\\begin{supertabular}{|"; for(col=0; col<colCount; ++col) { cellobj = headrow[col]; int w = getCellWidth(cellobj); real rw = w; real tw = tableWidth; w = intOf(rw/tw*100.0); rw = realOf(w)/100.0; oss << "p{" rw "\\textwidth}|"; } oss << "}\n\\hline\n" delete buf; //print("Leave: writeTableHeader\n"); } void writeTableFooter(Stream& oss, Buffer& objtext) { oss << "\\\\\n\\hline\n" oss << "\\end{supertabular}\n\\label{tab:"; oss << makeLabel( objtext ); oss << "}\n\\bottomcaption{" oss << makeCaption( objtext ); oss << "}\n\\end{centering}\n" } void writeobjheading(Stream& oss, Buffer &objNum, Buffer &text, int level ) { if(1 == level) { oss << "\\chapter{"; } else if(2 == level) { oss << "\\section{"; } else if(3 == level) { oss << "\\subsection{"; } else if(4 == level) { oss << "\\subsubsection{"; } else if(5 == level) { oss << "\\paragraph{"; } else { oss << "\\subparagraph{"; } oss << tempStringOf(text); oss << "}\n\\label{sec:"; oss << makeLabel(text); oss << makeLabel(objNum); oss << "}\n"; } void writeFigureHeadAndExport(Stream& oss, Object img, string outputDir) { Module mod = module(img); string n = mod."Prefix"img."Absolute Number"".png"; string s = exportPicture(img, outputDir "\\" n, formatPNG); oss << "\\begin{figure}[ht]\n"; oss << "\\centering\n"; oss << "\\includegraphics[width=\\textwidth]{"n"}\n"; } void writeFigureFooter(Stream& oss, Buffer& objtext) { oss << "\\label{fig:"; oss << makeLabel( objtext ); oss << "}\n\\caption{" oss << makeCaption( objtext ); oss << "}\n\\end{figure}\n"; } void writeRequirement(Stream& oss, Module& doorsModule, Object obj, Buffer& puid, Buffer& objtext) { oss << "\\textbf{"; oss << tempStringOf( puid ); oss << "}\\\\\n" //"PUID style" oss << "\\label{req:"; oss << makeLabel(puid) oss << "}\n"; oss << "\\index{"; oss << tempStringOf( puid ); oss << "}\n"; oss << "\\color{blue}\n" oss << tempStringOf( objtext ) oss << "\n"//"requirement style" oss << "\\begin{tabbing}\n" Column col = null; Buffer var_name = create; int c=0; for col in doorsModule do { var_name = title( col ) escapeSpecialLaTeXCharacters(var_name); if( ! main( col ) && search( regexp "(P|p)(U|u)(I|i)(D|d)", var_name, 0 ) == false ) { oss << "\\textbf{"; oss << var_name; if(c == 0) oss << "}: \\hspace{2.0cm} \\= " else oss << "}: \\> " var_name = text( col, obj ); escapeSpecialLaTeXCharacters(var_name); oss << var_name; oss << "\\\\\n";// "attribute valueBuf" ) c++; } } oss << "\\end{tabbing}\n" oss << "\\color{black}\n" delete var_name; } void timeString( int timeInSeconds, Buffer &t ) { t = "" int hours, minutes, seconds hours = timeInSeconds / 3600 minutes = ( timeInSeconds - hours * 3600 ) / 60 seconds = ( timeInSeconds - hours * 3600 - minutes * 60 ) if( hours < 10 ) t = "0" t += ( hours "") t += ":" if( minutes < 10 ) t += "0" t += ( minutes "") t += ":" if( seconds < 10 ) t += "0" t += ( seconds "") } void doExport(DB db) { int startTime = intOf( today ) int progressLimit = 0; Object obj = null; for obj in current Module do { progressLimit++; } progressStart(db, "Exporting Module as LaTeX", "Object 0/"progressLimit"", progressLimit); string outputDir = get(dbeOutputFolder); string outputFileName = name(current Module); string outputFileExt = ".tex"; string outputFilePath = outputDir "\\" outputFileName outputFileExt; Stream mainFile = write(outputFilePath); Stream oss = mainFile; writePreamble(oss); int progress = 1; int curCol = 1; int numCols = 0; bool lastObjWasFigure = false; bool lastObjWasTable = false; Buffer objheading = create; Buffer objtext = create; Buffer objNum = create; Buffer puid = create; int lev = 0 int puidLevel = 0 Regexp excel = regexp "objclass Excel.Sheet" Module doorsModule = current Module; int subfileCount = 1; for obj in current Module do { if(progressCancelled()) { if( confirm(db, "Do you really want to abort the export?") ) { break; } } progressMessage("Object "progress"/"progressLimit""); getObjectText(obj, objtext) // ------------------- Handle Tables ------------------------------------ if( cell( obj )) { if( !lastObjWasTable ) { writeTableHeader(oss, obj, numCols); curCol = 1; lastObjWasTable = true; } else { curCol = nextCell(oss, curCol, numCols ); } oss << tempStringOf( objtext ); // "Standard" progressStep(progress); progress++; continue } // ------------------- After Table write Table Title ----------------- if( lastObjWasTable ) { writeTableFooter(oss, objtext); } // ------------------- After Figure write Figure Title --------------- if( lastObjWasFigure ) { writeFigureFooter(oss, objtext) } objNum = number( obj ) objheading = obj."Object Heading" escapeSpecialLaTeXCharacters(objheading) // ------------------- Handle End of Requirement ------------------------ lev = level( obj ) if( lev <= puidLevel ) { //oss << "End Requirement\n\n" puidLevel = 0 } if( withTitles && ( lastObjWasTable || lastObjWasFigure )) { lastObjWasTable = false lastObjWasFigure = false continue } // ------------------- Handle objheading with hierarchy -------------------- if( length( objheading ) > 0 ) { writeobjheading(oss, objNum, objheading, lev ) } if( length( objtext ) > 0 ) { // remember, if Title has to be written after this object if( containsOle( obj."Object Text")) { if( excel objtext ) { lastObjWasTable = true } else { lastObjWasFigure = true; writeFigureHeadAndExport(oss, obj, outputDir); } } // ------------------- Handle Requirements objects Text ----------- puid = obj."IE PUID" escapeSpecialLaTeXCharacters(puid) if( length( puid ) > 0 ) { puidLevel = lev writeRequirement(oss, doorsModule, obj, puid, objtext); } // ------------------- No PUID means normal text Object ----------- else { oss << tempStringOf( objtext ); oss << "\n";// "Standard" } } progressStep(progress); progress++; } oss << "\\printindex\n" oss << "\\end{document}\n"; close(oss); progressStop(); // ---------------------- show the result ---------------------------------- int endTime = intOf( today ) - startTime Buffer totalTime = create; timeString( endTime, totalTime ); infoBox( "Export successfully finished after " totalTime "\nThe result is located in\n" outputFilePath); delete objheading; delete objtext; delete objNum; delete puid; delete tempBuf; } DB db = create("LaTeX Export"); dbeOutputFolder = smartFolderBrowser(db, "Output Folder:", false); ok(db, doExport); show(db); 流程的查询,我们就会推出第三方工具,帮助您将已保存的.DXL多米诺骨牌文件移动或打印成PDF格式,而不会影响任何现有数据。


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