Discord.py app_commands.required 命令树无属性

问题描述 投票:0回答:1
        @client.tree.command(name='decide', description='Bing will now help you to decide what happens')        
        @app_commands.describe(choice1 = "What is your 1st choice?")
        @app_commands.describe(choice2 = "What is your 2nd choice?")
        @app_commands.describe(choice3 = "What is your 3rd choice?")
        @app_commands.required(choice3 = False)
        @app_commands.describe(choice4 = "What is your 4th choice?")
        @app_commands.requiredt(choice3 = False)
        @app_commands.describe(choice5 = "What is your 5th choice?")
        @app_commands.required(choice3 = False)
        async def decide(interaction: discord.Interaction, choice1: str, choice2: str, choice3: str, choice4: str, choice5: str):
            print(choice1, choice2, choice3, choice4, choice5)

Discord.py 文档声称有一个“必需”@app_commands 属性用于检查输入是否需要,返回一个错误说它不存在

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\relen\Downloads\BingChatAI.py", line 987, in <module>
    @app_commands.required(choice3 = False)
AttributeError: module 'discord.app_commands' has no attribute 'required'
python discord discord.py



import typing
@bot.tree.command(name='decide', description='Bing will now help you to decide what happens')        
@app_commands.describe(choice1 = "What is your 1st choice?")
@app_commands.describe(choice2 = "What is your 2nd choice?")
@app_commands.describe(choice3 = "What is your 3rd choice?")
@app_commands.describe(choice4 = "What is your 4th choice?")
@app_commands.describe(choice5 = "What is your 5th choice?")
async def decide(interaction: discord.Interaction, choice1: str, choice2: str, choice3:typing.Optional[str], choice4:str,choice5:str):


@bot.tree.command(name='decide2', description='Bing will now help you to decide what happens')        
@app_commands.describe(choice1 = "What is your 1st choice?")
@app_commands.describe(choice2 = "What is your 2nd choice?")
@app_commands.describe(choice3 = "What is your 3rd choice?")
@app_commands.describe(choice4 = "What is your 4th choice?")
@app_commands.describe(choice5 = "What is your 5th choice?")
async def decide2(interaction: discord.Interaction, choice1: str, choice2: str, choice4:str,choice5:str,choice3:str=None):
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