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我想修改我的最短路径查找代码以使用多线程并提高其性能。该算法必须能够处理负权重,因此我们不能使用 Dijkstra 算法。相反,我们的方法结合了三种算法:Bellman-Ford、SPFA_Queue(最短路径快速算法,对使用队列的 Bellman-Ford 的改进,在某些情况下速度更快)和 SPFA_MinHeap(使用 minheap 的 SPFA 的第二种变体) .



我们对单线程代码本身非常满意,并且所有标头和使用的方法都在单独的文件中正确定义和测试(可根据要求提供)。 该请求涉及寻找在当前逻辑中实现多线程的最有效策略。


 * Computes the shortest path between a given source node and all other nodes in a weighted graph using either the Bellman-Ford or SPFA_SLF algorithm based on the density and number of nodes in the graph.
 * Arguments:
 *     links: A 2D array of integers representing the links between nodes. Each row represents a link and contains the indices of the two nodes and the cost of the link.
 *     links_size: The number of links in the links array.
 *     s: The index of the starting node.
 *     dist: An array of size nb_nodes to store the shortest distances from each node to s.
 *     path: An array of size nb_nodes to store the shortest paths from each node to s.
 *     nb_nodes: The total number of nodes in the graph.
 * Returns:
 *     0 if the computation succeeded, 1 if a negative cycle was detected in the graph.

int shortest_path(sint links[][3], uint links_size, uint s, lsint *dist, uint *path, uint nb_nodes)

    // Select algorithm based on graph density and number of nodes
    if (links_size <= 100 || nb_nodes <= 100)
        return bellman_ford(links, links_size, s, dist, path, nb_nodes);
    else if (((double)links_size / (double)(nb_nodes)) < 1)
        return SPFA_queue(links, links_size, s, dist, path, nb_nodes);
        return SPFA_minheap(links, links_size, s, dist, path, nb_nodes);

// Version 1: classical Bellman-Ford algorithm
int bellman_ford(sint links[][3], uint links_size, uint s, lsint *dist, uint *path, uint nb_nodes)
    int updates;
    uint i;
    uint j;
    uint k;

    // Initialize all elements of dist to INT64_MAX ("infinity").
    for (i = 0; i < nb_nodes; i++)
        dist[i] = INT64_MAX;

    // Initialise path
    memset(path, -1, nb_nodes * sizeof(sint));

    dist[s] = 0;

    // Perform nb_nodes - 1 iterations of Bellman-Ford algorithm
    for (i = 0; i < nb_nodes - 1; i++)
        updates = 0;
        // For each link in the links array, attempt to update shortest distances for each node.
        for (j = 0; j < links_size; j++)
            uint node_from = links[j][0];
            uint node_to = links[j][1];
            lsint cost = links[j][2];

            // If a shorter distance is found, store it in the dist array and update the path array
            if ((dist[node_from] != INT64_MAX) && (dist[node_from] + cost < dist[node_to]))
                dist[node_to] = dist[node_from] + cost;
                path[node_to] = node_from;

        // If no update was made during the previous iteration, exit the loop
        if (updates == 0)

    // Check for negative cycle in the graph
    for (k = 0; k < links_size; k++)
        uint node_from = links[k][0];
        uint node_to = links[k][1];
        lsint cost = links[k][2];

        // If a shorter distance is still found, there is a negative cycle
        if ((dist[node_from] != INT64_MAX) && (dist[node_from] + cost < dist[node_to]))
            // printf("Negative cycle detected\n");
            return 1;

    return 0;

// Version 2: SPFA using small label first method and a queue
int SPFA_queue(sint links[][3], uint links_size, uint s, lsint *dist, uint *path, uint nb_nodes)
    queue_t *queue = create_queue(); // Initialize the queue
    if (queue == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory for queue.\n");
        return 1;

    uint i;

    uint *length = calloc(nb_nodes, sizeof *length); // Array to store the number of nodes in the shortest path for each node in the graph.
    if (length == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory for length.\n");
        return 1;

    // Initialize all elements of dist to INT64_MAX ("infinity").
    for (i = 0; i < nb_nodes; i++)
        dist[i] = INT64_MAX;

    // Initialise path
    memset(path, -1, nb_nodes * sizeof(sint));

    dist[s] = 0;       // Set the distance of the source node to 0
    enqueue(queue, s); // Add the source node to the queue
    length[s] = 1;

    bool *in_queue = calloc(nb_nodes, sizeof(bool));
    in_queue[s] = true;

    // While the queue is not empty, perform iterations of the algorithm
    while (!is_empty(queue))
        uint current_node = dequeue(queue); // Dequeue the next node to process
        in_queue[current_node] = false;
        // If the length of the shortest path for any link reaches nb_nodes, there is a negative cycle in the graph
        if (length[current_node] >= nb_nodes)
            // printf("Negative cycle detected\n");
            return 1;

        int min_node = -1;
        lsint min_dist = INT64_MAX;

        // Iterate through all the links in the graph
        for (i = 0; i < links_size; i++)
            // If the current link starts from the dequeued node (current_node)
            if (links[i][0] == current_node)
                uint node_from = links[i][0];
                uint node_to = links[i][1];
                lsint cost = links[i][2];

                // If a shorter path is found, update the distances and paths
                if (dist[node_from] + cost < dist[node_to])
                    dist[node_to] = dist[node_from] + cost;
                    path[node_to] = node_from;
                    length[node_to] = length[node_from] + 1;

                    // If the destination node (node_to) is not in the queue, enqueue it
                    if (!in_queue[node_to])
                        enqueue(queue, node_to);
                        in_queue[node_to] = true;

                // Update the minimum distance and node for Small Label First (SLF)
                if (dist[node_to] < min_dist)
                    min_dist = dist[node_to];
                    min_node = node_to;
        if (min_node != -1)
            // Move the node with the minimum distance to the front of the queue
            move_to_front(queue, min_node);

    return 0;

// Version 3: SPFA using a min_heap
int SPFA_minheap(sint links[][3], uint links_size, uint s, lsint *dist, uint *path, uint nb_nodes)
    // Create a min heap to store the nodes and their distances.
    MinHeap *heap = create_minheap(nb_nodes);
    if (heap == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory for min heap.\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    uint i;

    // Allocate memory for an integer array to keep track of whether a node is already in the heap.
    uint *in_heap = calloc(nb_nodes, sizeof *in_heap);
    if (in_heap == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory for in_heap.\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    // Create an array to store the number of nodes in the shortest path for each node in the graph.
    uint *length = calloc(nb_nodes, sizeof *length); // Array to store the number of nodes in the shortest path for each node in the graph.
    if (length == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory for length.\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    // Initialize all elements of dist to INT64_MAX ("infinity").
    for (i = 0; i < nb_nodes; i++)
        dist[i] = INT64_MAX;

    // Initialize all elements of `path` to -1.
    memset(path, -1, nb_nodes * sizeof(sint));

    // Create an adjacency list to represent the graph.
    adjacency_node_t **adj_list = create_adjacency_list(nb_nodes, links, links_size);
    if (adj_list == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory for adj_list.\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    // Set the distance of the source node to 0.
    dist[s] = 0;

    // Add the source node to the heap.
    heap = insert_minheap(heap, s);
    in_heap[s] = 1;

    // Set the length of the shortest path for the source node to 1.
    length[s] = 1;

    // While the heap is not empty, perform iterations of the algorithm
    while (heap->size != 0)
        // Extract the node with the minimum distance from the heap.
        uint current_node = get_min(heap);
        heap = delete_minimum(heap);
        in_heap[current_node] = 0;

        // If the length of the shortest path for any link reaches nb_nodes, there is a negative cycle in the graph
        if (length[current_node] >= nb_nodes)
            // printf("Negative cycle detected\n");
            free_adjacency_list(adj_list, nb_nodes);
            return EXIT_FAILURE;

        adjacency_node_t *adj_node = adj_list[current_node];

        // Loop over all the edges that start from the current node
        while (adj_node != NULL)
            uint node_to = adj_node->node_to;
            lsint cost = adj_node->cost;

            // If a shorter path is found, update the distances and paths
            if (dist[current_node] + cost < dist[node_to])
                dist[node_to] = dist[current_node] + cost;
                path[node_to] = current_node;
                length[node_to] = length[current_node] + 1;

                // If the destination node (node_to) is not in the heap, insert it
                if (!in_heap[node_to])
                    insert_minheap(heap, node_to);
                    in_heap[node_to] = 1;
            adj_node = adj_node->next;

    free_adjacency_list(adj_list, nb_nodes);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
c multithreading performance shortest-path
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