
问题描述 投票:1回答:1

我被一个可能很简单的问题卡住了,但在阅读了pyvista文档后,我仍然在寻找答案。我试图绘制一个网格,其中每个单元格将是一个定义为参数形状的网格,即supertorus。在 pyvista 的早期版本中,我定义了 "我自己的 "supertorus,如下所示。

def supertorus(yScale, xScale, Height, InternalRadius, Vertical, Horizontal,
           deltaX=0, deltaY=0, deltaZ=0):

#  initial range for values used in parametric equation
n = 100
u = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, n)
t = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, n)
u, t = np.meshgrid(u, t)

# a1: Y Scale <0, 2>
a1 = yScale
# a2: X Scale <0, 2>
a2 = xScale
# a3: Height <0, 5>
a3 = Height
# a4: Internal radius <0, 5>
a4 = InternalRadius
# e1: Vertical squareness <0.25, 1>
e1 = Vertical
# e2: Horizontal squareness <0.25, 1>
e2 = Horizontal

# Definition of parametric equation for supertorus
x = a1 * (a4 + np.sign(np.cos(u)) * np.abs(np.cos(u)) ** e1) *\
    np.sign(np.cos(t)) * np.abs(np.cos(t)) ** e2
y = a2 * (a4 + np.sign(np.cos(u)) * np.abs(np.cos(u)) ** e1) *\
    np.sign(np.sin(t)) * np.abs(np.sin(t)) ** e2
z = a3 * np.sign(np.sin(u)) * np.abs(np.sin(u)) ** e1

grid = pyvista.StructuredGrid(x + deltaX + 5, y + deltaY + 5, z + deltaZ)
return grid 

我可以用 deltaX, deltaYdeltaZ 不幸的是,这种方法并不有效,我正计划使用PyVista提供的supertoroidal网格(https:/docs.pyvista.orgexamples00-loadcreat-parametric-geometric-objects.html?highlight=supertoroid。). 我的问题是:如何将多个网格(如supertori)放置在坐标为 x, y, z?

python python-3.x vtk pyvista

我相信你要找的是 字形. 你可以将你自己的数据集作为一个字形几何体传递给它,然后它将在超级网格的每个点上绘制数据集。在此不赘述字形的方向、根据标量着色等细节,这里以一个简单的 "外星人入侵 "场景为例。

import numpy as np
import pyvista as pv

# get dataset for the glyphs: supertoroid in xy plane
saucer = pv.ParametricSuperToroid(ringradius=0.5, n2=1.5, zradius=0.5)
# saucer.plot()  #  <-- check how a single saucer looks like

# get dataset where to put glyphs
x,y,z = np.mgrid[-1:2, -1:2, :2]
mesh = pv.StructuredGrid(x, y, z)

# construct the glyphs on top of the mesh
glyphs = mesh.glyph(geom=saucer, factor=0.3)
# glyphs.plot()  #  <-- simplest way to plot it

# create Plotter and add our glyphs with some nontrivial lighting
plotter = pv.Plotter(window_size=(1000, 800))
plotter.add_mesh(glyphs, color=[0.2, 0.2, 0.2], specular=1, specular_power=15)


我加入了 一些强烈的镜面照明 以使飞碟看起来更有威胁性。

shiny dark grey saucers in two horizontal planes, in a regular grid

但是你的问题的关键点是通过传递你的超级网格来创建字形。geom 的关键词 mesh.glyph. 其他关键词如 orientscale 对于箭头状的字形很有用,你可以用字形来表示数据集的向量信息。

你在评论中问到是否可以沿着数据集改变字形。我确信这是不可能的,然而 VTK文档 清楚地提到可以定义一个要使用的字形集合。


事实证明 PyVista 还没有暴露这个功能,但基础的 vtk 包让我们可以动手了。这里是一个概念验证 基于 DataSetFilters.glyph我会让 PyVista 的开发人员看看是否有兴趣公开这个功能。

import numpy as np
import pyvista as pv
from pyvista.core.filters import _get_output  # just for this standalone example
import vtk
pyvista = pv  # just for this standalone example

# below: adapted from core/filters.py
def multiglyph(dataset, orient=True, scale=True, factor=1.0,
          tolerance=0.0, absolute=False, clamping=False, rng=None,
          geom_datasets=None, geom_values=None):
    """Copy a geometric representation (called a glyph) to every point in the input dataset.
    The glyphs may be oriented along the input vectors, and they may be scaled according to scalar
    data or vector magnitude.
    orient : bool
        Use the active vectors array to orient the glyphs
    scale : bool
        Use the active scalars to scale the glyphs
    factor : float
        Scale factor applied to sclaing array
    tolerance : float, optional
        Specify tolerance in terms of fraction of bounding box length.
        Float value is between 0 and 1. Default is 0.0. If ``absolute``
        is ``True`` then the tolerance can be an absolute distance.
    absolute : bool, optional
        Control if ``tolerance`` is an absolute distance or a fraction.
    clamping: bool
        Turn on/off clamping of "scalar" values to range.
    rng: tuple(float), optional
        Set the range of values to be considered by the filter when scalars
        values are provided.
    geom_datasets : tuple(vtk.vtkDataSet), optional
        The geometries to use for the glyphs in table mode
    geom_values : tuple(float), optional
        The value to assign to each geometry dataset, optional
    # Clean the points before glyphing
    small = pyvista.PolyData(dataset.points)
    dataset = small.clean(point_merging=True, merge_tol=tolerance,
                          lines_to_points=False, polys_to_lines=False,
                          strips_to_polys=False, inplace=False,
    # Make glyphing geometry
    if not geom_datasets:
        arrow = vtk.vtkArrowSource()
        geom_datasets = arrow.GetOutput(),
        geom_values = 0,
    # check if the geometry datasets are consistent
    if not len(geom_datasets) == len(geom_values):
        raise ValueError('geom_datasets and geom_values must have the same length!')
        # TODO: other kinds of sanitization, e.g. check for sequences etc.
    # Run the algorithm
    alg = vtk.vtkGlyph3D()
    if len(geom_values) == 1:
        # use a single glyph
        # TODO: index by vectors?
        # TODO: SetInputArrayToProcess for arbitrary arrays, maybe?
        alg.SetRange(min(geom_values), max(geom_values))
        # TODO: different Range?
        for val, geom in zip(geom_values, geom_datasets):
            alg.SetSourceData(val, geom)
    if isinstance(scale, str):
        dataset.active_scalars_name = scale
        scale = True
    if scale:
        if dataset.active_scalars is not None:
            if dataset.active_scalars.ndim > 1:
    if isinstance(orient, str):
        dataset.active_vectors_name = orient
        orient = True
    if rng is not None:
    return _get_output(alg)

def example():
    """Small glyph example"""

    rng = np.random.default_rng()

    # get dataset for the glyphs: supertoroid in xy plane
    # use N random kinds of toroids over a mesh with 27 points
    N = 5
    values = np.arange(N)  # values for scalars to look up glyphs by
    geoms = [pv.ParametricSuperToroid(n1=n1, n2=n2) for n1,n2 in rng.uniform(0.5, 2, size=(N, 2))]
    for geom in geoms:
        # make the disks horizontal for aesthetics

    # get dataset where to put glyphs
    x,y,z = np.mgrid[-1:2, -1:2, -1:2]
    mesh = pv.StructuredGrid(x, y, z)

    # add random scalars
    mesh.point_arrays['scalars'] = rng.integers(0, N, size=x.size)

    # construct the glyphs on top of the mesh; don't scale by scalars now
    glyphs = multiglyph(mesh, geom_datasets=geoms, geom_values=values, scale=False, factor=0.3)

    # create Plotter and add our glyphs with some nontrivial lighting
    plotter = pv.Plotter(window_size=(1000, 800))
    plotter.add_mesh(glyphs, specular=1, specular_power=15)


if __name__ == "__main__":

这个 multiglyph 在上面的函数中,大部分与 mesh.glyph但我已经更换了 geom 用两个关键词。geom_datasetsgeom_values. 这些定义了一个索引->几何映射,然后用来根据数组标量查找每个字形。

你问是否可以独立给字形上色:可以。在上面的概念证明中,字形的选择是与标量联系在一起的(选择向量也同样容易;我对任意数组不太确定)。然而你可以很容易地选择用什么数组来着色,当你调用 pv.Plotter.add_mesh因此,我的建议是使用适当的标量以外的东西来为你的字形着色。

这里是一个典型的输出。bunch of glyphs in 3 layers, they vary randomly among 5 kinds with 5 colours

我保留了用于着色的标量,以使其更容易看到字形之间的差异。你可以看到,有五种不同的字形是根据随机标量随机选择的。如果你设置非整数标量,它仍然会工作;我怀疑 vtk 选择最接近的标量或类似的东西进行查找。

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