如何在img src上改变转换CSS规则

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在创建我的React应用程序,我使用setInterval创建了一个图像轮播,每2秒更改一次img src。

现在我想使用转换动画img的变化。 (CSSTransitionGroup对我来说不清楚)。


到目前为止,我已经尝试将“不透明度:1”样式添加到设置为不透明度的图像:0,但不透明度:1每隔一次间隔保留beyonod,因此只有第一个图像获得过渡而新的图像具有“不透明度: 1“默认样式。

我在谈论“NavLink to =”/ about_us“>”部分


import React, {
} from 'react';
import {
} from "react-router-dom";

class Radzikowskiego_S2_Staff extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      spanText: 'Zabawy',
      text: ["Rozwoju", "Odpoczynku", "Śmiechu", "Zabawy"],
      staffImg: "Aleksandra_Brozyna",
      staff: ["Dominika_Serwa", "Dorota_Szastak", "Joanna_Wozniak", "Alicja_Kwasny", "Kinga_Kaczmarek", "Monika_Garula", "Maria_Kaczmarek", "Natalia_Kiczura", "Violetta_Wojas"],
      index: 0,
      indexStaff: 0,


  componentDidMount() {

  changeSpan = () => {

    this.interval = setInterval(() => {

        spanText: this.state.text[this.state.index],
        index: this.state.index >= this.state.text.length - 1 ? 0 : this.state.index + 1

    }, 2000);


  changeStaff = () => {

    this.interval = setInterval(() => {

        staffImg: this.state.staff[this.state.indexStaff],
        indexStaff: this.state.indexStaff >= this.state.staff.length - 1 ? 0 : this.state.indexStaff + 1,

    }, 2000);


  showImg = () => {

    // console.log(event.target.style.opacity='0.5');
    // console.log(this.refs.img_src.style.opacity='1')


  componentWillUpdate() {

  removeImg = () => {

    // console.log(event.target.style.opacity='0.5');
    // console.log(this.refs.img_src.style.opacity='1')
    // console.log(this.refs.img_src.classList)

  render() {

    return (

      div id = 'staff' >

      div className = 'row' >

      div className = 'col-12 text-center mb-3' >

      h3 > Krakowiaczek to miejsce do </h3> <
        h6 id = "staff_span"
      className = "animate_span" > {
      } < /h6> <
      h6 class = "mt-3" > W Przedszkolu Krakowiaczek nie ma czasu na nudę. < /h6>

      /div> <

      div class = 'row align-items-center ' >
      div className = 'col-md-2 col-md-offset-1  section_2_thumbnail' >
      NavLink to = "/our_philosophy" >
      img src = 'images/filozofia.svg'
      className = 'section_2_thumbnail_img' / >
      p class = "pt-2" > Nasza Filozofia < /p> <
      /NavLink> <
      /div> <
      div className = 'col-md-2 col-md-offset-1 section_2_thumbnail' >
      NavLink to = "/extended_offer" >
      img src = 'images/what_we_offer.svg'
      className = 'section_2_thumbnail_img' / >
      p className = "pt-2" > Co oferujemy < /p> <
      /NavLink> <
      /div> <
      div className = 'col-md-2 col-md-offset-1 section_2_thumbnail' >
      NavLink to = "/enrollment" >
      img src = 'images/zapisy.svg'
      className = 'section_2_thumbnail_img' / >
      p className = "pt-2" > Zapisy < /p> <
      /NavLink> <

      div className = 'col-md-3 col-md-offset-1 section_2_thumbnail' >
      NavLink to = "/about_us" >
      img src = {
      className = 'section_2_thumbnail_staff pb-2'
      id = 'staffIcon'
      onLoad = {
      ref = 'img_src' / >
      p className = "mt-2 mb-3" > Kadra < /p> <
      /NavLink> <
      /div> <



export default Radzikowskiego_S2_Staff;
css reactjs transition intervals

好的,我使用了交叉淡入淡出功能来完成问题。我使用map从数组渲染所有img srcs,然后使用动画生成图像移位。


 <div class="staff_img_wrapper">

                                this.state.staff.map(element => {

                                  return (
                                   <img src={`images/teachers/${element}.jpg`} className='section_2_thumbnail_staff pb-2' id='staffIcon' />



 .staff_img_wrapper {
     height: 20vh;

      img:nth-child(1) {
    position: absolute;
    opacity: 1;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    margin: 0 auto;
    animation: fadeOut 3s;
    animation-fill-mode: forwards;

  img:nth-child(2) {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    margin: 0 auto;
    opacity: 1;
    animation: fadeOut 3s;
    animation-delay: 3s;
    animation-fill-mode: forwards;
    z-index: 9;

  img:nth-child(3) {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    margin: 0 auto;
    opacity: 1;
    animation: fadeOut 3s;
    animation-delay: 6s;
    animation-fill-mode: forwards;
    z-index: 8;

  img:nth-child(4) {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    margin: 0 auto;
    opacity: 1;
    animation: fadeOut 3s;
    animation-delay: 9s;
    animation-fill-mode: forwards;
    z-index: 7;

  img:nth-child(5) {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    margin: 0 auto;
    opacity: 1;
    animation: fadeOut 3s;
    animation-delay: 12s;
    animation-fill-mode: forwards;
    z-index: 6;

  img:nth-child(5) {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    margin: 0 auto;
    opacity: 1;
    animation: fadeOut 3s;
    animation-delay: 15s;
    animation-fill-mode: forwards;
    z-index: 5;

  img:nth-child(6) {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    margin: 0 auto;
    opacity: 1;
    animation: fadeOut 3s;
    animation-delay: 18s;
    animation-fill-mode: forwards;
    z-index: 4;

  img:nth-child(7) {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    margin: 0 auto;
    opacity: 1;
    animation: fadeOut 3s;
    animation-delay: 21s;
    animation-fill-mode: forwards;
    z-index: 3;

  img:nth-child(8) {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    margin: 0 auto;
    opacity: 1;
    animation: fadeOut 3s;
    animation-delay: 24s;
    animation-fill-mode: forwards;
    z-index: 2;

  img:nth-child(9) {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    margin: 0 auto;
    opacity: 1;
    animation: fadeOut 3s;
    animation-delay: 27s;
    animation-fill-mode: forwards;
    z-index: 1;
  img:nth-child(10) {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    margin: 0 auto;
    opacity: 1;
    animation: fadeOut 3s;
    animation-delay: 30s;
    animation-fill-mode: forwards;
    z-index: 0;

@keyframes fadeOut {
  0% {
    opacity: 1;

  100% {
    opacity: 0
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