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#define no_alias __restrict__

template <typename VecType, typename MatType>
void trans_mul( const VecType* const no_alias re_in,
                VecType* const no_alias re_out, 
                const VecType* const no_alias im_in,
                VecType* const no_alias im_out, 
                const VecType* const no_alias re_tin,
                VecType* const no_alias re_tout,
                const VecType* const no_alias im_tin,
                VecType* const no_alias im_tout,
                const MatType* no_alias mat, // the matrix block
                const int rows, 
                const int cols)
    for(int j = 0; j < cols; ++j) {
        for(int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
            const auto m = *mat++;        // this is mat[i, j]
            re_tout[j]  += m * re_tin[i]; // transposed
            im_tout[j]  += m * im_tin[i]; // transposed
            re_out[i]   -= m * re_in[j];
            im_out[i]   -= m * im_in[j];

典型的矩阵大小约为10 ^ 2。我使用带有-Ofast -march=native的GCC 9.2.1编译我的代码。从assembly output,我可以看到编译器正在自动向量化并使用SIMD指令。


c++ caching optimization vectorization matrix-multiplication

对于相当大的矩阵(例如> = 1k),可以使用寄存器分块来提高性能(与算术运算相比,减少了内存加载/存储的数量)。对于小型矩阵,很难做得比原始代码更好。


#define no_alias __restrict__
#define mini(a, b) (((a)<(b)) ? (a) : (b))

template <typename VecType, typename MatType>
void trans_mul_v2( const VecType* const no_alias re_in,
                VecType* const no_alias re_out, 
                const VecType* const no_alias im_in,
                VecType* const no_alias im_out, 
                const VecType* const no_alias re_tin,
                VecType* const no_alias re_tout,
                const VecType* const no_alias im_tin,
                VecType* const no_alias im_tout,
                const MatType* no_alias mat, // the matrix block
                const int rows, 
                const int cols)
    // Block size (tuned for Clang/GCC on Intel Skylake processors)
    const int si = 16;
    const int sj = 8;

    for(int bj = 0; bj < cols; bj+=sj) {
        for(int bi = 0; bi < rows; bi+=si) {
            if(bi+si <= rows && bj+sj <= cols)
                // The underlying loops are expected to be unrolled by the compiler
                for(int j = bj; j < bj+sj; ++j) {
                    for(int i = bi; i < bi+si; ++i) {
                        const auto m = mat[j*rows+i]; // Assume a column major ordering
                        re_tout[j]  += m * re_tin[i];
                        im_tout[j]  += m * im_tin[i];
                        re_out[i]   -= m * re_in[j];
                        im_out[i]   -= m * im_in[j];
                // General case (borders)
                for(int j = bj; j < mini(bj+sj,cols); ++j) {
                    for(int i = bi; i < mini(bi+si,rows); ++i) {
                        const auto m = mat[j*rows+i];
                        re_tout[j]  += m * re_tin[i];
                        im_tout[j]  += m * im_tin[i];
                        re_out[i]   -= m * re_in[j];
                        im_out[i]   -= m * im_in[j];


这里是结果(在GCC 9中使用双精度类型:]

With a row=100 and cols=100:
trans_mul_v1: 2.438 us
trans_mul_v2: 2.842 us

With a row=1k and cols=1k:
trans_mul_v1: 452 us
trans_mul_v2: 296 us

With a row=10k and cols=10k:
trans_mul_v1: 71.2 ms
trans_mul_v2: 35.9 ms
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