在多次迭代运行中,ROC曲线的跳过平滑步骤,AUC = 1

问题描述 投票:0回答:2

我们有大约200个预测表,如下所示200次迭代,其中一些有AUC = 1,其余的AUC < 1

使用AUC = 1平滑roc曲线会产生误差,其中使用AUC < 1平滑ROC曲线不会产生误差。

题: 如何跳过使用AUC = 1的ROC曲线的平滑,并且当我们有200个预测表时,用R中的AUC < 1平滑剩余的剩余曲线。

尝试过的工作: 尝试过基于ifelse()AUC < 1,但它正确运行了几次迭代,但每次都失败了。请帮忙。

AUC <1的预测表


 roc_tab <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = "
 pred   A   B obs    Resample rowIndex
    A 1.0 0.0   A Fold01.Rep1        1
    A 0.9 0.1   B Fold01.Rep1       20
    B 0.4 0.6   B Fold01.Rep1       23
    A 0.6 0.4   A Fold02.Rep1        6
    B 0.3 0.7   B Fold02.Rep1       17
    A 0.7 0.3   B Fold02.Rep1       27
    A 0.9 0.1   A Fold03.Rep1        2
    B 0.1 0.9   A Fold03.Rep1        3
    B 0.2 0.8   B Fold03.Rep1       19
    A 0.9 0.1   B Fold03.Rep1       29

 train_roc <- roc(roc_tab$obs, roc_tab$A, positive = "A", na.rm = TRUE, 
 direction = ">", auc = TRUE)
 # Call:
 # roc.default(response = roc_tab$obs, predictor = roc_tab$A, na.rm = TRUE, direction = ">", auc = TRUE, positive = "A")
 # Data: roc_tab$A in 4 controls (roc_tab$obs A) > 6 cases (roc_tab$obs B).
 # Area under the curve: 0.5833

 train_roc_smooth <- roc(roc_tab$obs, roc_tab$A, positive = "A", smooth = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE, direction = ">", auc = TRUE)
 # Call:
 # roc.default(response = roc_tab$obs, predictor = roc_tab$A, na.rm = TRUE,     direction = ">", smooth = TRUE, auc = TRUE, positive = "A")
 # Data: roc_tab$A in 4 controls (roc_tab$obs A) > 6 cases (roc_tab$obs B).
 # Smoothing: binormal 
 # Area under the curve: 0.6093

AUC = 1的预测表


 # roc_tab1 <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = "
 #    pred   A   B obs    Resample rowIndex
 # 1     A 1.0 0.0   A Fold01.Rep1        1
 # 2     A 1.0 0.0   A Fold01.Rep1       20
 # 3     B 0.0 1.0   B Fold01.Rep1       23
 # 4     A 1.0 0.0   A Fold02.Rep1        6
 # 5     B 0.0 1.0   B Fold02.Rep1       17
 # 6     B 0.0 1.0   B Fold02.Rep1       27
 # 7     A 1.0 0.0   A Fold03.Rep1        2
 # 8     A 1.0 0.0   A Fold03.Rep1        3
 # 9     B 0.0 1.0   B Fold03.Rep1       19
 # 10    B 0.0 1.0   B Fold03.Rep1       29

 train_roc <- roc(roc_tab1$obs, roc_tab1$A, positive = "A", na.rm = TRUE, direction = ">", auc = TRUE)
 # Call:
 # roc.default(response = roc_tab1$obs, predictor = roc_tab1$A, na.rm = TRUE, direction = ">", auc = TRUE, positive = "A")
 # Data: roc_tab1$A in 5 controls (roc_tab1$obs A) > 5 cases (roc_tab1$obs B).
 # Area under the curve: 1

 train_roc_smooth <- roc(roc_tab1$obs, roc_tab1$A, positive = "A", smooth = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE, direction = ">", auc = TRUE)
 # Error in smooth.roc.binormal(roc, n) : 
 #   ROC curve not smoothable (not enough points).


r proc smoothing roc auc


get_auc <- function(df) {
  result <- roc(df$obs, df$A, positive = "A", na.rm = TRUE, direction = ">", auc = TRUE)
  # check if smoothing needed or not
  if(result$auc == 1) {
    return(1) # if you are only interested in AUC
    # return(result) # if you are intersted in the entire result list returned by roc
  } else {
    smoothed_result <- roc(df$obs, df$A, positive = "A", smooth = T, na.rm = TRUE, direction = ">", auc = TRUE)
    return(as.numeric(smoothed_result$auc)) # if you are only interested in AUC
    # return(smoothed_result) # if you are intersted in the entire result list returned by roc

# [1] 0.6093235
# [1] 1

## if you want to loop through 200 data frames that you have

# create a list of data frames
dfs <- list(roc_tab, roc_tab1)
# to store AUC values, form a variable with the same length of your list
n <- length(dfs)
AUC <- replicate(n, NA)

# loop throuh the list and extract respective AUC values
for(i in 1:n) {
  AUC[i] <- get_roc(dfs[[i]])

# list of AUC values
# [1] 0.6093235 1.0000000



train_roc <- roc(roc_tab$obs, roc_tab$A, positive = "A", na.rm = TRUE, 
                 direction = ">", auc = TRUE)
train_roc_smooth <- if(train_roc$auc < 1) smooth(train_roc) else train_roc
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