
问题描述 投票:0回答:2




import numpy 
import pulp
import time

# Work must me achieve before :
# Score of each work :
score = [10,30,20,50,20]
# Time to do the work :
# Just works index :
works = [0,1,2,3,4]

tMax = max(deadline)
nItem = len(deadline)

# Create (item, time) variables
s = [(i,j) for i in range(0,nItem) for j in range(0,tMax)]

prob = pulp.LpProblem("Job_Sequencing_Problem", pulp.LpMaximize)
wk = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("Works", s,lowBound=0, upBound=1, cat=pulp.LpInteger)

# We want to maximize the score 
prob+=pulp.lpSum([wk[(i,j)]*score[i] for i in range (0,nItem) for j in range(0,tMax)])

# Respect deadline constraints
for i in range (0,nItem):
    for j in range(0,tMax):
        # j represent time(or step) where we are
        # If we are at t=3 and the object takes 2 sec to compile
        # but the deadline is t=4 it's not good
        if j>(deadline[i]-time[i]):

for i in range(0,nItem):
    # Works can only be done once
    prob+=pulp.lpSum([wk[(i,j)] for j in range(0,tMax)]) <=1
    # We must add time to achieve work constraint
    for j in range(0,tMax):
        # If the sum of time to achive work of before jobs, are greater than the current time who we
        # are, it's not good, so we add this constraint
        timeToFinishPreviousWork = 0
        for x in range(0,tMax-1):
            for y in range(0,nItem):
                timeToFinishPreviousWork += wk[(y,x)]*time[y]
        # wk[(i,j)]*(j+1) = current t 
        prob+=pulp.lpSum(wk[(i,j)]*(j+1)) >= timeToFinishPreviousWork

for i in range(0,nItem):
    for j in range(0,tMax):
        print("%s = %f" % (wk[(i,j)], pulp.value(wk[(i,j)])))

python-3.x pulp



import numpy 
import pulp
import time

# Work must me achieve before :
# Score of each work :
score = [10,30,20,50,20]
# Time to do the work :
# Just worker index :
worker = [0,1,2,3,4]

tMax = max(deadline)
nItem = len(deadline)

# Create (item, time) variables
s = [(i,j) for i in range(0,nItem) for j in range(0,tMax)]

prob = pulp.LpProblem("Job_Sequencing_Problem", pulp.LpMaximize)
wk = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("Worker", s,lowBound=0, upBound=1, cat=pulp.LpInteger)

omega = [(i,j) for i in range(0,nItem) for j in range(0,tMax)]
c = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("Omega", s,lowBound=0, upBound=1, cat=pulp.LpInteger)

# We want to maximize the score 
prob+=pulp.lpSum([wk[(i,j)]*score[i] for i in range (0,nItem) for j in range(0,tMax)])

# Respect deadline constraints
for i in range (0,nItem):
    for j in range(0,tMax):
        # j represent time(or step) where we are
        # If we are at t=3 and the object takes 2 sec to compilate
        # but the deadline is t=4 it's note good
        if j>(deadline[i]-time[i]):

for j in range(0,tMax):
    prob+=pulp.lpSum([wk[(i,j)] for i in range (0,nItem)]) <=1

for i in range(0,nItem):
    # Works can only be done once
    prob+=pulp.lpSum([wk[(i,j)] for j in range(0,tMax)]) <=1
    # We must add time to achieve work constraint
    for j in range(0,tMax):
        # If the sum of time to achive work of before jobs, are greater than the current time who we
        # are, it's not good, so we add this constraint
        timeToFinishPreviousWork = 0
        # j=-1 to count only previous job(not current)
        for x in range(0,j-1):
            for y in range(0,nItem):
                timeToFinishPreviousWork += wk[(y,x)]*time[y]
        # wk[(i,j)]*(j+1) = current t 
        # if timeToFinishPreviousWork > wk[(i,j)]*j(represent current time)  then  wk[(i,j)]=0
        prob+=pulp.lpSum(timeToFinishPreviousWork) >=wk[(i,j)]*(j+1) -M*(1-c[(i,j)])
        prob+=pulp.lpSum(timeToFinishPreviousWork) <=wk[(i,j)]*(j+1) +M*(c[(i,j)])
        prob+=pulp.lpSum(0-M*(1-c[(i,j)])) <= wk[(i,j)]
        prob+=pulp.lpSum(0+M*(1-c[(i,j)])) >= wk[(i,j)]

for i in range(0,nItem):
    for j in range(0,tMax):
        print("%s = %d" % (wk[(i,j)], pulp.value(wk[(i,j)])))



Worker_(2,_0) = 1
Worker_(3,_2) = 1
Worker_(4,_9) = 1

注意:时间j不能最小化,因为必须将Worker_(4,_7) = 1代替

import numpy 
import pulp
import time

# Work must me achieve before :
# Score of each work :
score = [10,30,60,60,20]
# Time to do the work :
# Just worker index :
worker = [0,1,2,3,4]

tMax = max(deadline)
nItem = len(deadline)

# Create (item, time) variables
s = [(i,j) for i in range(0,nItem) for j in range(0,tMax)]

prob = pulp.LpProblem("Job_Sequencing_Problem", pulp.LpMaximize)
wk = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("Worker", s,lowBound=0, upBound=1, cat=pulp.LpInteger)

omega = [(i,j) for i in range(0,nItem) for j in range(0,tMax)]
c = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("Omega", s,lowBound=0, upBound=1, cat=pulp.LpInteger)

# We want to maximize the score 
prob+=pulp.lpSum([wk[(i,j)]*score[i] for i in range (0,nItem) for j in range(0,tMax)])

# Respect deadline constraints
for i in range (0,nItem):
    for j in range(0,tMax):
        # j represent time(or step) where we are
        # If we are at t=3 and the object takes 2 sec to compilate
        # but the deadline is t=4 it's note good
        if j>(deadline[i]-time[i]):

for j in range(0,tMax):
    prob+=pulp.lpSum([wk[(i,j)] for i in range (0,nItem)]) <=1

prob+=pulp.lpSum([wk[(i,0)] for i in range(0,nItem)]) ==1

for i in range(0,nItem):
    # Works can only be done once
    prob+=pulp.lpSum([wk[(i,j)] for j in range(0,tMax)]) <=1
    # We must add time to achieve work constraint
    for j in range(0,tMax):
        # If the sum of time to achive work of before jobs, are greater than the current time who we
        # are, it's not good, so we add this constraint
        timeToFinishPreviousWork = 0
        # j=-1 to count only previous job(not current)
        for x in range(0,j):
            for y in range(0,nItem):
                timeToFinishPreviousWork += wk[(y,x)]*time[y]
        # wk[(i,j)]*(j+1) = current t 
        # if timeToFinishPreviousWork > wk[(i,j)]*j(represent current time)  then  wk[(i,j)]=0
        prob+=pulp.lpSum(timeToFinishPreviousWork) >=wk[(i,j)]*(j) -M*(1-c[(i,j)])
        prob+=pulp.lpSum(timeToFinishPreviousWork) <=wk[(i,j)]*(j) +M*(c[(i,j)])
        prob+=pulp.lpSum(0-M*(1-c[(i,j)])) <= wk[(i,j)]
        prob+=pulp.lpSum(0+M*(1-c[(i,j)])) >= wk[(i,j)]

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