
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


如下图所示,我想移动元素,使其刚好位于容器之外。我只想定义一个角度来实现它。 (忽略这里的度数范围,这只是为了说明我的情况)


Example movement of the element outside of its container

javascript math sin cos

我通过使用Find rectangle boundary point at an angle from point that is not in the middle of the rectangle的函数解决了它。


function getEdgePointBasedOnAngle(position: Position, elementSize: Size, angle: number): Position {
    angle = (angle) * (Math.PI / 180);
    const canvasSize: Size = { width: 1, height: 1 };
    const dx = Math.cos(angle);
    const dy = Math.sin(angle);

    // Left border
    if (dx < 1.0e-16) {
        const y = (position.x) * dy / dx + (canvasSize.height - position.y);
        if (y >= 0 && y <= canvasSize.height) {
            return {
            	x: -(elementSize.width / 2) , 
              y: canvasSize.height - y - elementSize.height * -(dy * 0.5);

    // Right border
    if (dx > 1.0e-16) {
        const y = (canvasSize.width - position.x) * dy / dx + position.y;
        if (y >= 0 && y <= canvasSize.height) {
            return {
            	x: canvasSize.width + (elementSize.width / 2),
              y: y + elementSize.height * (dy * 0.5)

    // Top border
    if (dy < 1.0e-16) {
        const x = (position.y) * dx / dy + (canvasSize.width - position.x);
        if (x >= 0 && x <= canvasSize.width) {
            return {
            	x: canvasSize.width - x - elementSize.width * -(dx * 0.5),
              y: -(elementSize.height / 2)

    // Bottom border
    if (dy > 1.0e-16) {
        const x = (canvasSize.height - position.y) * dx / dy + position.x;
        if (x >= 0 && x <= canvasSize.width) {
            return {
            	x: x + elementSize.width * (dx * 0.5), 
              y: canvasSize.height + (elementSize.height / 2)

    return position;
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