如何从 xml <Any> 元素中获取值?

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

在我的 Biztalk Orchestration 设计器(表达式编辑器)中,我需要从名为

的元素中提取值。我创建了一个字符串变量并在该字段上执行了 xpath,但该变量结果为 null。

该元素在我的 xml 文件中被命名为“Base64Container”。


vMyVariable = xpath(mKithResult.mmpBody, "/*[local-name()='Message' and namespace-uri()='http://www.kith.no/xmlstds/labsvar/2012-02-15']/*[local-name()='ServReport']/*[local-name()='RefDoc']/*[local-name()='Content'][1]/*[local-name()='Base64Container']");



如何从我的 xml 中名为 Base64Container 的元素中提取值?

这是我的 xml 文件:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Answer report for pathology KiTH ver 1.4 created by Labvantage Medical Suite, SoftwarePoint AB
Source: samplereport_xml_kith14_pathology
<Message xmlns="http://www.kith.no/xmlstds/labsvar/2012-02-15" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.kith.no/xmlstds/labsvar/2012-02-15 svar-v1.4.xsd">
  <Type V="SVAR_LAB" DN="Svarrapport-Laboratoriemedisin"/>
  <MIGversion>v1.4 2012-02-15</MIGversion>
  <!-- GenDate: reportdatetime -->
  <GenDate V="2023-11-13T11:04:00"/>
    <!-- ServType_new: N - New report -->
    <ServType V="N" DN="Ny"/>
    <!-- IssueDate: sample.createdt -->
    <IssueDate V="2023-11-13T11:02:00"/>
    <Status V="F" DN="Enrt"/>
    <Ack V="J" DN="Avsereftelse"/>
    <MsgDescr V="HT" DN="Cygi"/>
    <!-- ServProvId: The same ID for all reports for a single request -->
      <MsgType V="A" DN="Vedlegg"/>
      <Description>Svarrapport - pdf</Description>
      <!-- IssueDate: request.createdt The time the request was created -->
      <IssueDate V="2023-11-13T09:28:00"/>
      <!-- ReceiptDate: sample.receiveddt - The date and time the sample was received -->
      <ReceiptDate V="2023-11-13T11:02:00" />
      <!-- IdByServProvider: sample.s_sampleid - The lab's ID -->
        <!-- TextResultValue: Request text in (ReasonAsText for Pathology, Comment for Chem/micro) -->
        <Heading V="OPPL" DN="Klinisk opplysning"/>
      <Sex V="2" DN="Kvinne"/>
      <!-- Name: samplepoint.w_lastname Patient name formatted as lastname, firstname -->
      <!-- OffId: samplepoint.w_code -->
      <TypeOffId V="FNR" DN="Fnummer"/>
          <!-- CollectedDate: sampleitems.collectiondt -->
          <CollectedDate V="2023-10-31T09:33:00"/>
        <!-- Type: sampleitems.materialdesc Material description or, if is empty, the id. In 1.2 always id -->
        <!-- IdByRequester: sampleitems.pid Requesters id for the sampleitem/analysed subject -->
        <!-- AnatomicalOrigin: sampleitems.collocid and attr concatenated as needed. The sample location -->
        <AnatomicalOrigin>hix glas</AnatomicalOrigin>
        <!-- Number: Always 1. Number of sample tubes for this sampleitem/analysed subject. -->
        <!-- IdByServProvider: sampleitems.w_sampleitemid Laboratory unique id for the sampleitem/analysed subject -->
          <!-- CollectedDate: sampleitems.collectiondt -->
          <CollectedDate V="2023-10-31T09:33:00"/>
        <!-- Type: sampleitems.materialdesc Material description or, if is empty, the id. In 1.2 always id -->
        <!-- IdByRequester: sampleitems.pid Requesters id for the sampleitem/analysed subject -->
        <!-- AnatomicalOrigin: sampleitems.collocid and attr concatenated as needed. The sample location -->
        <AnatomicalOrigin>h glas</AnatomicalOrigin>
        <!-- Number: Always 1. Number of sample tubes for this sampleitem/analysed subject. -->
        <!-- IdByServProvider: sampleitems.w_sampleitemid Laboratory unique id for the sampleitem/analysed subject -->
          <!-- CollectedDate: sampleitems.collectiondt -->
          <CollectedDate V="2023-10-31T09:33:00"/>
        <!-- Type: sampleitems.materialdesc Material description or, if is empty, the id. In 1.2 always id -->
        <!-- IdByRequester: sampleitems.pid Requesters id for the sampleitem/analysed subject -->
        <!-- AnatomicalOrigin: sampleitems.collocid and attr concatenated as needed. The sample location -->
        <AnatomicalOrigin>hyt, TP</AnatomicalOrigin>
        <!-- Number: Always 1. Number of sample tubes for this sampleitem/analysed subject. -->
        <!-- IdByServProvider: sampleitems.w_sampleitemid Laboratory unique id for the sampleitem/analysed subject -->
        <ServType V="N" DN="Ny"/>
          <!-- Id: default : Workitem externalcode -->
          <Id V="CY02" S="2.16.57" DN=""/>
          <!-- Id: Workitem local id -->
          <Id V="CAXILL" S="2.16212" OT="CBRÖSTAXILL"/>
          <!-- Spec: Workitem idbyrequester (orderid) -->
          <Spec V="540875" S="2.16" />
        <InvDate V="2023-11-13T11:04:00"/>
        <StatusInvestigation V="3" DN="Endelig"/>
          <Role V="RSP" DN="Tiyter"/>
          <Relation V="ALE" DN="Ans"/>
            <Heading V="DIAG" DN="Diagnose"/>
            <!-- Diagnosis text: text.concsummarytext -->
            <TextCode V="T00" DN="hudumör" S="2.16.578.1.10"/>
          <!-- Statement text: text.conclusiontext -->
            <Id V="MI" S="2.19" DN="Mikroskøkelse"/>
<!-- Inst:
Department (Dept) is the answerto for Requester element, the laboratory for ServProvider element.
Institution (Inst) is given by the field w_ediorganizationid for the answerto or laboratory in customer table.
If the department (answerto) points to itself in customer table (w_ediorganizationid = w_customerid), then the department element (Dept) is left out.
          <!-- Name: rpt_name - reportname, if empty the name, if empty w_customerid -->
          <!-- Id: rpt_edicode - edicode or if empty, w_customerid -->
          <TypeId V="" DN=""/>
          <!-- Dept: The answerto or laboratory -->
            <!-- Name: rpt_name - reportname, if empty the name, if empty w_customerid -->
            <!-- Id: rpt_edicode - edicode or if empty, w_customerid -->
            <TypeId V="" DN=""/>
      <Role V="REQ" DN="Rekvirent" />
      <ComMethod V="EDI" DN="EDI" />
<!-- Inst:
Department (Dept) is the answerto for Requester element, the laboratory for ServProvider element.
Institution (Inst) is given by the field w_ediorganizationid for the answerto or laboratory in customer table.
If the department (answerto) points to itself in customer table (w_ediorganizationid = w_customerid), then the department element (Dept) is left out.
          <!-- Name: rpt_name - reportname, if empty the name, if empty w_customerid -->
          <!-- Id: rpt_edicode - edicode or if empty, w_customerid -->
          <TypeId V="" DN=""/>
<!-- Inst:
Department (Dept) is the answerto for Requester element, the laboratory for ServProvider element.
Institution (Inst) is given by the field w_ediorganizationid for the answerto or laboratory in customer table.
If the department (answerto) points to itself in customer table (w_ediorganizationid = w_customerid), then the department element (Dept) is left out.
          <!-- Name: rpt_name - reportname, if empty the name, if empty w_customerid -->
          <!-- Id: rpt_edicode - edicode or if empty, w_customerid -->
          <TypeId V="" DN=""/>
xml xpath biztalk xmlanyelement

我没有“Biztalk Orchestration Designer”,所以像下面这样的替代方案可能会有所帮助。

当您有 Notepad++ 时,通过 XML 插件,您可以执行以下操作:

Xml 工具/评估 XPath 表达式,表达式为:




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