
问题描述 投票:0回答:1



version 4.4.6 ( updated 05-08-2020 )
- Improved logic to keep collapse/expand state consistent for Add/Clone/Delete/DnD actions in Layers panel.
- Updated Layers panel to allow selecting Goal and Winner for Split Testing from Layers panel.
- Improved the Visual Builder scroll performance.
- Added vmin and vmax to css allowed units in module settings.

version 4.4.5 ( updated 05-01-2020 )
- Improved logic to keep collapse/expand state consistent for Add/Clone/Delete/DnD actions in Layers panel.
- Updated Layers panel to allow selecting Goal and Winner for Split Testing from Layers panel.
- Improved the Visual Builder scroll performance.
- Added vmin and vmax to css allowed units in module settings.


    [0] => version 4.4.6 ( updated 05-08-2020 )
- Improved logic to keep collapse/expand state consistent for Add/Clone/Delete/DnD actions in Layers panel.
- Updated Layers panel to allow selecting Goal and Winner for Split Testing from Layers panel.
- Improved the Visual Builder scroll performance.
- Added vmin and vmax to css allowed units in module settings.
    [1] => version 4.4.5 ( updated 05-01-2020 )
- Improved logic to keep collapse/expand state consistent for Add/Clone/Delete/DnD actions in Layers panel.
- Updated Layers panel to allow selecting Goal and Winner for Split Testing from Layers panel.
- Improved the Visual Builder scroll performance.
- Added vmin and vmax to css allowed units in module settings.


php arrays regex preg-split

你可以使用 preg_split() 来制作一个数组。

$str = <<<EOD
version 4.4.6 ( updated 05-08-2020 )
- Improved logic to keep collapse/expand state consistent for Add/Clone/Delete/DnD actions in Layers panel.
- Updated Layers panel to allow selecting Goal and Winner for Split Testing from Layers panel.
- Improved the Visual Builder scroll performance.
- Added vmin and vmax to css allowed units in module settings.

version 4.4.5 ( updated 05-01-2020 )
- Improved logic to keep collapse/expand state consistent for Add/Clone/Delete/DnD actions in Layers panel.
- Updated Layers panel to allow selecting Goal and Winner for Split Testing from Layers panel.
- Improved the Visual Builder scroll performance.
- Added vmin and vmax to css allowed units in module settings.
$keywords = array_map('trim',preg_split("/^\s*$/m", $str));

工作演示。 https:/3v4l.org1mpZH

Regex 解释:


^ 表示行首的位置

\s* 匹配任何空格字符(等于 [\r\n\t\f\v ])

* 量子化器 - 在零和无限次之间匹配,尽可能多的次数,根据需要进行回馈(贪婪)

$ 断言在行尾的位置全局模式标志

m 修改器:多线。原因 ^$ 以匹配每行的开头(而不仅仅是字符串的开头)。


你可以使用 preg_replace_callback() 插入你自己的定界符,然后再使用 explode() 。

$oldString ='version 4.4.6 ( updated 05-08-2020 )
- Improved logic to keep collapse/expand state consistent for Add/Clone/Delete/DnD actions in Layers panel.
- Updated Layers panel to allow selecting Goal and Winner for Split Testing from Layers panel.
- Improved the Visual Builder scroll performance.
- Added vmin and vmax to css allowed units in module settings.

version 4.4.5 ( updated 05-01-2020 )
- Improved logic to keep collapse/expand state consistent for Add/Clone/Delete/DnD actions in Layers panel.
- Updated Layers panel to allow selecting Goal and Winner for Split Testing from Layers panel.
- Improved the Visual Builder scroll performance.
- Added vmin and vmax to css allowed units in module settings.';

$newString = preg_replace_callback('(version [0-9].[0-9].[0-9][0-9]?)', function($matches){return 'myUnlikelyDelimiter'.$matches[0];}, $oldString);

$array = explode('myUnlikelyDelimiter', $newString);


$input_lines = <<<EOD
version 4.4.6 ( updated 05-08-2020 )
- Improved logic to keep collapse/expand state consistent for Add/Clone/Delete/DnD         actions in Layers panel.
- Updated Layers panel to allow selecting Goal and Winner for Split Testing from Layers panel.
- Improved the Visual Builder scroll performance.
- Added vmin and vmax to css allowed units in module settings.

version 4.4.5 ( updated 05-01-2020 )
- Improved logic to keep collapse/expand state consistent for Add/Clone/Delete/DnD  actions in Layers panel.
- Updated Layers panel to allow selecting Goal and Winner for Split Testing from Layers panel.
- Improved the Visual Builder scroll performance.
- Added vmin and vmax to css allowed units in module settings.
preg_match_all('/(^[\s\S]*(?:\r*\n{2}))/U', $input_lines, $output_array);


    [0] => Array
            [0] => version 4.4.6 ( updated 05-08-2020 )
                - Improved logic to keep collapse/expand state consistent for  Add/Clone/Delete/DnD actions in Layers panel.
                - Updated Layers panel to allow selecting Goal and Winner for Split Testing from Layers panel.
                - Improved the Visual Builder scroll performance.
                - Added vmin and vmax to css allowed units in module settings.


    [1] => Array
            [0] => version 4.4.6 ( updated 05-08-2020 )
                - Improved logic to keep collapse/expand state consistent for Add/Clone/Delete/DnD actions in Layers panel.
                - Updated Layers panel to allow selecting Goal and Winner for Split Testing from Layers panel.
                - Improved the Visual Builder scroll performance.
                - Added vmin and vmax to css allowed units in module settings.


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