我想编辑我的脚本,以便它需要一个包含 31 组数据的单个输入文件,并返回 31 个唯一命名的输出 svg 文件

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我希望将所有数据组织在一个文件中,以避免有 31 个输入文件,同时生成 31 个单独的输出 svg 文件。此外,我需要输出文件名与输入文件中给出的名称相对应,即输出文件示例名称“1-1.svg”,其中数字可能会发生变化。输入文件的示例如下所示:

"0-3" #name of svg file
"Reaction Coordinate"  "0 V"   "0.79 V"
O_{2}                   0      -3.17
O@^*_{2}               -0.21   -3.39
OOH^*                  -1.01   -3.39
O^*                    -2.60   -4.19
OH^*                   -4.12   -4.92
H_{2}O                 -4.92   -4.92

"1-1"  #name of svg file 
"Reaction Coordinate"  "0 V"   "0.25 V"
O_{2}                   0      -3.17
O@^*_{2}               -0.21   -3.39
OOH^*                  -1.01   -3.39
O^*                    -2.60   -4.19
OH^*                   -4.12   -4.92
H_{2}O                 -4.92   -4.92

"2-5" #name of svg file 
"Reaction Coordinate"  "0 V"   "0.14 V"
O_{2}                   0      -3.17
O@^*_{2}               -0.21   -3.39
OOH^*                  -1.01   -3.39
O^*                    -2.60   -4.19
OH^*                   -4.12   -4.92
H_{2}O                 -4.92   -4.92

至于脚本本身,如下所示。根据我的想象,for 循环部分必须进行调整,并且

myFileIn(i)  = sprintf("%d.dat",i)
myFileIn = sprint("total.dat")
myFileOut(i) = sprintf("%d.svg",i)

myFileIn(i)  = sprintf("%d.dat",i)
myFileOut(i) = sprintf("%d.svg",i)

set term svg font "{/:Bold}Sans,25"
makebold(text) = sprintf("{/:Bold %s}", text)
set border 15 front lt black linewidth 3.000 dashtype solid
set xlabel "Reaction Coordinate"
set xrange [-0.2:5.2]
set xtics nomirror scale 0
set ylabel "Free Energy (eV)"
set ylabel offset character 1.3,0,0 font "{/:Bold},25"
set xlabel offset character 0,0.6,0 font "{/:Bold},25"
set yrange[-5:0.1]
set ytics in nomirror font "{/:Bold},25"
set key noautotitle samplen 2
set key enhanced
set errorbars 0
dx = 0.2

do for [i=1:4] {
    set output myFileOut(i)

    plot myFileIn(i) u 0:2:(dx):xtic(makebold(strcol(1))) w xerr lc "blue" lw 3 ps 0 ti columnheader(2), \
                  '' u 0:3:(dx)         w xerr lc "red"  lw 3 ps 0 ti columnheader(3), \
        x1=y1=NaN '' u (x0=x1,x1=$0,x0-1+dx):(y0=y1,y1=$2,y0):(1-2*dx):(y1-y0) w vec dt 4 lc "blue" nohead, \
        x1=y1=NaN '' u (x0=x1,x1=$0,x0-1+dx):(y0=y1,y1=$3,y0):(1-2*dx):(y1-y0) w vec dt 4 lc "red" nohead
set output   # close the last file
### end of script
bash svg gnuplot

您的脚本需要进行一些小的更改。 幸运的是,数据由两个空行分隔。这样,您可以简单地通过

help index
来提取一些数字或字符串而不绘制任何内容。您将提取限制为第 i 个块 (
index i
) 和该块的第一行 (
every ::::0
help every



"0-3" #name of svg file
"Reaction Coordinate"  "0 V"   "0.79 V"
O_{2}                   0      -3.17
O@^*_{2}               -0.21   -3.39
OOH^*                  -1.01   -3.39
O^*                    -2.60   -4.19
OH^*                   -4.12   -4.92
H_{2}O                 -4.92   -4.92

"1-1"  #name of svg file 
"Reaction Coordinate"  "0 V"   "0.25 V"
O_{2}                   0      -3.17
O@^*_{2}               -0.21   -3.39
OOH^*                  -1.01   -3.39
O^*                    -2.60   -4.19
OH^*                   -4.12   -4.92
H_{2}O                 -4.92   -4.92

"2-5" #name of svg file 
"Reaction Coordinate"  "0 V"   "0.14 V"
O_{2}                   0      -3.17
O@^*_{2}               -0.21   -3.39
OOH^*                  -1.01   -3.39
O^*                    -2.60   -4.19
OH^*                   -4.12   -4.92
H_{2}O                 -4.92   -4.92


### create multiple SVG files from multiple subblocks
reset session

FILE = "SO77565285.dat"

set term svg font "{/:Bold}Sans,25"
makebold(text) = sprintf("{/:Bold %s}", text)
set border 15 front lt black linewidth 3.000 dashtype solid
set xlabel "Reaction Coordinate"
set xrange [-0.2:5.2]
set xtics nomirror scale 0
set ylabel "Free Energy (eV)"
set ylabel offset character 1.3,0,0 font "{/:Bold},25"
set xlabel offset character 0,0.6,0 font "{/:Bold},25"
set yrange[-5:0.1]
set ytics in nomirror font "{/:Bold},25"
set key noautotitle samplen 2
set key enhanced
set errorbars 0
dx = 0.2

myFileOut(s) = sprintf("%s.svg",s)

do for [i=0:2] {
    stats FILE index i every ::::0 u (s=strcol(1),0) nooutput
    set output myFileOut(s)

    plot        FILE index i u 0:2:(dx):xtic(makebold(strcol(1))) w xerr lc "blue" lw 3 ps 0 ti columnheader(2), \
                  '' index i u 0:3:(dx)         w xerr lc "red"  lw 3 ps 0 ti columnheader(3), \
        x1=y1=NaN '' index i u (x0=x1,x1=$0,x0-1+dx):(y0=y1,y1=$2,y0):(1-2*dx):(y1-y0) w vec dt 4 lc "blue" nohead, \
        x1=y1=NaN '' index i u (x0=x1,x1=$0,x0-1+dx):(y0=y1,y1=$3,y0):(1-2*dx):(y1-y0) w vec dt 4 lc "red" nohead
set output   # close the last file
### end of script



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