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我基本上是尝试使用 Golang 通过从以太坊帐户的种子短语派生路径来获取公钥和私钥。我有这个:

package generator

import (


type HDWallet struct{}

const BIP_PATH = "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0"

func (wallet *HDWallet) GenerateAddressAndPrivateKey(seedPhrase string) (string, string, error) {
    seed, err := bip39.NewSeedWithErrorChecking(seedPhrase, "")
    if err != nil {
        return "", "", err

    masterKey, err := bip32.NewMasterKey(seed)
    if err != nil {
        return "", "", err

    publicKey := masterKey.PublicKey()
    if err != nil {
        return "", "", err

    return ???, ???, nil


go ethereum go-ethereum

为了检索公钥和私钥作为其众所周知的十六进制字符串(帐户密钥),您需要将生成的主私钥和公钥转换为 ECDSA 十六进制字符串,如下所示。顺便说一句,通常您不会使用主私钥和公钥。

package main

import (


func main() {
    // Generate a mnemonic
    entropy, _ := bip39.NewEntropy(256)
    mnemonic, _ := bip39.NewMnemonic(entropy)
    fmt.Println("Mnemonic (gen): ", mnemonic)

    // Generate a Bip32 HD wallet for the mnemonic and a user supplied passphrase
    seed := bip39.NewSeed(mnemonic, "Secret Passphrase")

    masterPrivateKey, _ := bip32.NewMasterKey(seed)
    masterPublicKey := masterPrivateKey.PublicKey()
    fmt.Println("Master private key (gen): ", masterPrivateKey)
    fmt.Println("Master public key (gen): ", masterPublicKey)

    // Use Unsafe to suppress error, otherwise use crypto.ToECDSA
    ecdaPrivateKey := crypto.ToECDSAUnsafe(masterPrivateKey.Key)
    ecdaPublicKey := ecdaPrivateKey.Public().(*ecdsa.PublicKey)
    fmt.Println("ECDA Private key: ", ecdaPrivateKey.D)
    fmt.Println("ECDA Public key: ", ecdaPublicKey.X)

    privateKeyHex := fmt.Sprintf("%x", ecdaPrivateKey.D)
    publicKeyHex := fmt.Sprintf("%x", crypto.CompressPubkey(ecdaPublicKey)) // Encode a public key to the 33-byte compressed format
    fmt.Println("Private key (hex):", privateKeyHex)
    fmt.Println("Public key (hex):", publicKeyHex)


    // Decode the private key and public key from hex strings
    privateKey, err := crypto.HexToECDSA(privateKeyHex)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Invalid private key:", err)

    publicKeyBytes, err := hex.DecodeString(publicKeyHex)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Invalid public key:", err)

    // Use crypto.DecompressPubkey to decode the public key bytes
    givenPublicKey, err := crypto.DecompressPubkey(publicKeyBytes)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Invalid public key:", err)

    // Derive the public key from the private key
    derivedPublicKey := privateKey.Public().(*ecdsa.PublicKey)

    // Compare the derived public key with the given public key
    if derivedPublicKey.X.Cmp(givenPublicKey.X) == 0 && derivedPublicKey.Y.Cmp(givenPublicKey.Y) == 0 {
        fmt.Println("The private key matches the public key.")
    } else {
        fmt.Println("The private key does not match the public key.")



    // BIP44 derivation path format: m / purpose' / coin_type' / account' / change / address_index
    // Example: m/44'/0'/0'/0/0
    purposeKey, _ := masterKey.NewChildKey(bip32.FirstHardenedChild + 44)
    coinTypeKey, _ := purposeKey.NewChildKey(bip32.FirstHardenedChild)
    accountKey, _ := coinTypeKey.NewChildKey(bip32.FirstHardenedChild)
    changeKey, _ := accountKey.NewChildKey(0)
    addressKey, _ := changeKey.NewChildKey(0)


要使用 Golang 从助记词获取以太坊账户的公钥和私钥,您需要:

使用 Go 以太坊库,例如 go-ethereum。 将助记词转换为种子。 使用以太坊的适当派生路径派生密钥(对于第一个帐户,通常为 m/44'/60'/0'/0/0)。 从派生路径中提取私钥和公钥。 确保妥善保管钥匙。

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